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SIB Models & Tools

The Strategic Insights and Budget (SIB) provides models and tools to the entire NASA community. By providing estimators and analysts with the latest in modeling, SID strives to progress the entire field within NASA to better support current and future missions. Models and tools are often provided free-of-charge and may be developed entirely in-house by NASA employees, or licensed from commercial vendors. Below is a listing of the most commonly used and distributed models.

In-House Models & Tools 

ASCoT – Analogy Software Costing Tool
ASCoT is a web-based tool for estimating the lines-of-code, development cost, and development effort months for NASA robotic flight software.  ASCoT contains multiple methodologies to analyze uncrewed flight software and relies on high level technical and mission level inputs to produce estimates making it extremely useful for early concept and formulation phases.  The methodologies in ASCoT are based are more than 50 individual NASA missions.
Government POC: Victoria Nilsen, NASA HQ,
Technical POC:
NASA Access Instructions:  Online Web-application via ONCE 

COMPACT – CubeSat or MicroSat Probabilistic Analysis Costing Tool
COMPACT is a web-based tool for estimating the development cost of NASA CubeSats.  COMPACT is a new effort to develop a first-ever parametric estimating tool for CubeSats based on NASA historical data.  COMPACT utilizes multiple methodologies to provide development cost estimates and is based on more than 25 NASA CubeSat missions.
Government POC: Victoria Nilsen, NASA HQ,
Technical POC:
NASA Access Instructions:  Online Web-application via ONCE 

MOCET – Mission Operations Cost Estimating Tool
The Mission Operations Cost Estimation Tool (MOCET) is a model developed by the Aerospace Corporation in partnership with NASAs Science Office for Mission Assessment (SOMA). MOCET provides a new capability to generate cost estimates for the operational, or Phase E, portion of NASA science missions. The model implements new Cost Estimating Relationships (CERs) that were derived from historical data for various mission operation stages as applicable to the Planetary Science, Earth Science, and Astrophysics/Heliophysics Explorer missions.
NASA Access Instructions:  Available via NASA Software Catalog and Download via ONCE 

NICM – NASA Instrument Cost Model
NICM is a parametric estimating tool for instruments based on historical NASA projects.  NICM estimates cost and schedule for new developments utilizing key technical parameters such as mass.  NICM can provide system level and subsystem level cost estimates, development schedule duration estimates, and joint confidence level analysis for instruments. The methodologies in NICM are based are more than 260 historical instruments.
Government POC: Victoria Nilsen, NASA HQ,
Technical POC:
NASA Access Instructions:  Available via NASA Software Catalog and Download via ONCE

ONCE/CADRe – ONCE NASA Cost Estimating Database and the Cost Analysis Data Requirements
CADRe is a formal data collection process and is codified as a requirement in NPR 7120.5.  CADRe data is collected at multiple milestones during the Project lifecycle and includes a CADRe Part A, Part B, and Part C.  ONCE (One NASA Cost Engineering) is a database of the CADRe data, other useful information, and models/tools for the entire NASA community.
CADRe POC: Eric Plumer, NASA HQ 
ONCE POC: James K. Johnson, NASA HQ,
NASA Access Instructions:  How to request ONCE Access (PDF)

PCEC – Project Cost Estimating Capability
PCEC is a detailed library of estimating methodologies and a transparent framework for developing project cost estimates.  PCEC contains the most current NASA CERs across a wide variety of WBS elements.  PCEC is based on the CADRe data and includes a transparent normalization process for users. 
Government POC: Robbie Holcombe, MSFC, (Primary); and Victoria Nilsen, NASA HQ, (Secondary)
Technical POC:
NASA Access Instructions:  Available via NASA Software Catalog and Download via ONCE (NASA CS Only) 

SMART – Schedule Management and Relationship Tool
SMART combines analogy-based and parametric crosscheck methods to estimate the development schedule for unmanned spacecraft projects from Authority to Proceed (ATP) to Launch.  SMART incorporates existing Schedule Estimating Relationships (SERs) developed for NASA as a convenient cross-check.
Government POC: Victoria Nilsen, NASA HQ,
NASA Access Instructions:  Download via ONCE 

Commercial Models & Tools

ACEIT – Automated Cost Estimating Integrated Tools
: Tecolote Research, Inc.
Description: ACEIT is a family of applications that support program managers and cost/financial analysts during all phases of a program’s life-cycle.  ACE is the heart of the estimation suite and allows users to build customizable models with built-in risk analysis features for estimators and a high-performance calculation engine.  JACS is compatible with both MS Project and Primavera and supports schedule risk analysis and joint confidence level analysis. CO$TAT provides data analytics and statistical analysis capabilities such as multivariate regression.
NASA Access Instructions:  Download via ONCE 

: Booz Allen Hamilton
Description: ARGO generation of program analysis software. Polaris™ not only helps you fully integrate a program’s cost, schedule, and risk variables, but also runs simulations at the speed at which decisions are made, making your organization smarter.
NASA Access Instructions:  Free via GitHub or Download via ONCE

Company: Deltek

Description: Cobra is an Earned Value Management (EVM) engine that provides data to the EVM analysis tools, such as Empower.  Cobra stores time-phased budget data and is where project actuals are loaded. Cobra can also calculate different EAC models that can be easily customized.  It contains the WBS, control accounts, and work packages that make up a project.  It has options for customizable fields and files that can be used in what-if scenarios. 
POC: Patrick Jordan,
NASA Access Instructions:  Contact POC or visit NASA EVM website

Company: Encore Analytics

Description: Empower™ is a web based analytical tool that integrates earned value, schedule, work authorization, and other key performance data to enable proactive management of complex projects. Empower™ features an attractive and powerful user interface that provides immediate productivity gains for users. Integrated schedule Gantt view which integrates the cost and schedule data for traceability. Charts and reports that can be used on a total project or one element at a time.
POC:  Patrick Jordan,
NASA Access Instructions:  Contact POC or visit NASA EVM website

: Deltek
Description: Fuse is a metric analysis and visualization tool that assesses quality of schedules, accuracy of cost forecasts, realism of risk models, earned value and project performance, providing a unique insight into how to improve project plans and execution strategies
POC:  NASA Schedule Community of Practice (SCoPE),
NASA Access Instructions:  Download via NASA EUSO Software Center (NASA computers only)

Company: Galorath Inc.
Description: SEER by Galorath project management tools provide project planning, project estimating, project tracking, and project cost management software for Software, Hardware and Electronics Systems, Manufacturing, and Information Technology.
NASA Access Instructions:  Request via email to