NASA HBCU/MSI Technology Infusion Road Tour
The NASA HBCU/MSI Technology Infusion Road Tour (NASA Road Tour) is a gathering designed to inform presidents/chancellors, administrators, staff and students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and other Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) about opportunities that exist within NASA, with NASA partners and other external government agencies. HBCU/MSI representatives also share their research capabilities through presentations to the broad audience of attendees.
The NASA Road Tour is a collaboration between the Office of STEM Engagement (OSTEM), the Office of Small Business (OSBP), Office of Procurement (OP) and the Small Business Innovative Research/Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) Office within the Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD). NASA’s Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) with OSTEM provides an overview of opportunities for HBCU/MSI collaboration and OSBP presents information on becoming a protégé in its Mentor/Protégé Partnerships (MPP) program. In addition to the collaboration partners, other speakers include representatives from all NASA mission directorates, NASA prime contractors (i.e. Boeing and Lockheed Martin), small businesses, other federal agencies (i.e. – Department of Transportation and Department of Defense) and non-profit partners.
Goals and Objectives:
The NASA Road Tour has an ultimate mission of building capacity at HBCU/MSI partners by increasing awareness and response to NASA’s funding opportunities as well as advancing relationships that are often an outage for this community. NASA desires to significantly increase HBCU/MSI participation in grants, cooperative agreements, internships, and fellowships. NASA also desires to meet the agency’s mandated one percent (1%) federal contracting goal with HBCU/MSI partners, the only one of its kind within the federal government.
The event is open to all designated HBCUs and MSIs.
How to Apply:
Event dates and registration information will be added upon availability.
MUREP Contact:
Name: Roderick Chappell
Title: Pillar Lead, Partnerships & Sustainability
NASA Center: Langley
Email: roderick.d.chappell@nasa.gov