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ICE-Box Publications

Explore and download a collection of publications to learn more about the Integrated Cryogenically-Cooled Experiment Box (ICE-Box) testing capabilities.

Static Measurements on HTS Coils of Fully Superconducting AC Electric Machines for Aircraft Electric Propulsion SystemChoi, Hunker, Hartwig, and Brown10 July, 2017
A New Liquid Hydrogen Based Superconducting Test Rig to Measure AC LossesHartwig, Fraser, Brown, Koci, Hunker, Bowman, Kohlman, Schrum, and MattenJuly, 2018
DC Performance Testing of MgB2 Superconducting Straight Wire SamplesHartwig, Brown, Choi, Vankeuls, Llanes, and HallJuly, 2022
A New Test Rig to Measure AC Losses of Both Low and High-Tc SuperconductorsHartwig, Fraser, Brown, Koci, Hunker, Bowman, Kohlman, Schrum, and Matten1 June, 2019
Assessment of Gaseous Helium Cooling in a Superconducting Coil Test RigBrown, Choi, Duffy, Hartwig, Hervol, Passe, and Vankeuls31 August, 2023