Apollo 14
Day 8, part 2: Flashing Lights Experiment and Probe Stowage
Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright © 2020-2023 by W. David Woods, Ben Feist, Ronald Hansen and Johannes Kemppanen. All rights reserved.
Last updated 2023-09-20
191:09:25 McCandless: Apollo 14, this is Houston. Over.
191:09:30 Mitchell: Go ahead.
191:09:32 McCandless: Okay; back to our original question. Under the assumption that we are not yet ready to stow the probe, would you all be agreeable to trying some of this light-flash observation, at the present time or after you finish eating? Over.
191:10:02 Shepard: Okay. We'll go ahead and do it now, if you'd like.
191:10:07 McCandless: Okay.
191:10:29 Shepard: Houston. Do we want to use the - DSE, the voice loop, or how do you want us to record this info?
191:10:38 McCandless: I think we might as well use the voice loop. You can just send it down under the assumption that we're on good comm here.
191:10:53 McCandless: Okay. The objectives stated for this period of observations are, first off, to confirm that it is not necessary to be dark-adapted to see the flashes; secondly, to collect the real-time data on the times of occurrence of different types of flash; and, lastly, to determine if there's any other sensory effect associated with this phenomenon. Over.
191:11:23 McCandless: You're requested to - you're requested to become thoroughly light-adapted, that is, by looking at a flashlight. Then relax, start the dark-adaptation procedure, and report and describe flashes as they occur.
191:12:11 McCandless: 14, Houston. How do you read now?
191:12:16 Shepard: Okay, Bruce. We lost you right after you started talking about the procedure.
191:12:21 McCandless: Okay. You should configure the cabin so that you can, indeed, start the dark-adaptation procedure. And in starting the procedure, you are asked to become thoroughly light-adapted, as by looking at a flashlight or floodlight. Then relax, start the dark adaptation, and report and describe flashes as they occur. Marking the time of the occurrence of the flash takes priority over detailed description. One of you should continue observations, dark-adapted, as long as possible. The others should - expose themselves to light again after about 25 minutes, and we'll give you a cue on that. And repeat the experiment for another 10 minutes -as many cycles as you feel you have time for, in order to increase our probability of getting flash observations during the early portion of the dark-adaptation transients. We?d also like to hear from you commentary on any other unusual physical sensations , such as tingling or apparent sounds of unusual character - like ringing in the ears, and so forth. Over.
191:13:34 Shepard: How did all that get into it?
191:13:39 McCandless: Well, it's what our investigator has decided he's interested in. Over,
191:13:46 Shepard: I mean, these things aren't timebombs going off in your head, you know.
191:13:49 McCandless: Okay.
191:13:54 Shepard: Just being facetious, Bruce. We'll cooperate.
191:13:57 McCandless: Okay (laughter). And along those lines, he's looking for the following data on the flashes: the type of flash, i.e., star streak, nova, et cetera; brightness; the location in your visual field; color, if any; and whether it's possible to distinguish or not which eye the flash seems to occur in. Over.
191:14:25 Shepard: Okay. We understand.
191:14:27 McCandless: And let us know when you start dark-adapting each time, and we'll time it for you. Over.
191:14:34 Shepard: Okay. We have the - window shades in now.
191:14:45 McCandless: And, just for reference, we're playing back the video tapes of your last evening's - inflight demonstration TV show for about the fifth time down here. I think you're going to be a best seller.
191:15:00 Shepard: Oh, really. Glad to hear it.
191:17:07 Shepard: Okay, Houston, let's review what we intend to do here just a second. Okay, we have all three on now, and we're going to - we have the window shades in; the cabin lights are currently on. At T^, all three of us shine a flashlight in our eyes, turn out all the lights, and that's the start of the sequence. Stu and I'll recycle about once every 10 minutes, and Ed keeps going as long as he can stay awake. Is that correct?
191:17:47 McCandless: 14, Houston. That's correct, except that on the first batch we'd like to keep you all in the dark-adaptation procedure for about 25 minutes and then have two of you start recycling at 10-minute intervals . Over.
191:18:08 Shepard: Understand you want all three for 25 minutes.
191:18:09 McCandless: That's affirmative.
191:18:12 Shepard: And then all three recycling.
191:18:22 McCandless: Negative. One crewman, whom you can determine amongst you, should, when he starts the dark-adaptation procedure, continue in the dark-adapted condition until the termination of the experiment. The other two of you should do this light-adaptation again after 25 minutes and then recycle on a 10-minute basis. Over.
191:18:50 Shepard: Okay. Well, it looks to me like we'll probably have time for one 25-minute cycle. And that's probably about it. We have a P52 coming up here at 192:10.
191:19:07 McCandless: Roger. We see that in the Flight Plan.
191:19:13 Shepard: Okay. All right, all three of us will go for 25 minutes and Ed'll continue on; and we'll discuss how the other two will go from there.
191:19:20 McCandless: Roger.
191:19:23 Shepard: Give me long enough to get the flashlights ready. We'll give you a mark here in about 40 seconds.
191:19:53 Shepard: Okay, Tq will be 191:20:00, Here we go.
191:19:58 McCandless: Roger. Out. Minus 1 second and counting - -
191:20:01 Shepard: Okay -
191:20:18 Shepard: Okay. It's all dark.
191:36:03 McCandless: 14, this is Houston. Nothing heard for 16 minutes. Over.
191:36:10 Shepard: That's correct.
191:36:24 Mitchell: Not only correct, but unusual, Bruce.
191:36:29 McCandless: Run that one by again - -
191:36:30 Mitchell: It's almost unbelievable, Bruce.
191:36:36 McCandless: Run that one by again, please, Ed.
191:36:42 Mitchell: I say it's unusual; I think most of us see them long before now.
191:37:00 Shepard: Well, if we don't see anything by 20 minutes, I suggest we terminate - and try to give you some more qualitative information during tonight's sleep period.
191:37:14 Mitchell: Okay.
191:37:15 Mitchell: Mark. A faint star - left eye at - 10 o'clock.
191:37:26 McCandless: Roger. Faint star, left eye, at 10 o'clock.
191:37:47 Shepard: Mark. Vertical trace, right eye.
191:37:51 McCandless: Roger, Al.
191:37:53 Shepard: Nine o'clock. Nine o'clock.
191:38:29 Mitchell: High and left to lower right.
191:38:34 McCandless: Roger, Ed. You have a color on any of these?
191:38:38 Mitchell: Say again.
191:38:39 McCandless: Do you have a color on these?
191:38:45 Mitchell: These have both been white so far.
191:38:47 McCandless: Roger.
191:38:57 Shepard: Houston. We all have a consensus that we've never seen anything that's colored.
191:39:04 McCandless: Roger. Out.
191:39:39 Mitchell: Mark. It is a cloud at 12 o'clock, high, left eye.
191:39:43 McCandless: Roger, Ed.
191:39:47 Shepard: Mark. Right eye, 8 o'clock, low, single flash.
191:39:55 McCandless: Roger, Al.
191:40:00 McCandless: How's the redheaded cosmic ray detector doing?
191:40:05 Mitchell: He's asleep, I think.
191:40:06 Roosa: Not - must not be my time for starry
191:40:12 Mitchell: He's down in the LEB. He's shielded by the nav base.
191:41:12 Mitchell: Mark. 10 o'clock - about level; it was a - a double star.
191:41:23 McCandless: Roger, Ed.
191:41:26 Mitchell: And it was the left eye; and, believe it or not, it had kind of a bluish tint to it.
191:41:32 McCandless: Roger, Ed.
191:41:35 Mitchell: Yes. It was - it looked more like a blue diamond. You know, very white, but with a blue cast.
191:41:44 McCandless: Roger, Ed.
191:42:33 Shepard: Mark. Left eye, single flash, 9 o'clock.
191:42:36 McCandless: Roger, Al.
191:43:04 Mitchell: Mark. Streak, left eye, 12 o'clock, low; and it was going from the bottom toward the top.
191:43:33 McCandless: Apollo 14, this is Houston. Twenty-three minutes and 34 seconds into the test. And at 25 minutes, we would like Ed, and Ed only, to shine the flashlight in his eyes long enough to ruin his dark adaptation, and then start the dark-adaptation procedure again. We'd like to be sure that you don't shine the flashlight in anybody else's eyes.
191:44:01 Mitchell: Well, they'll just have to close their eyes then, I guess.
191:44:06 McCandless: Okay. I'll give you a hack at 25 minutes.
191:44:17 Mitchell: Only been seeing on my left eye. Should I just dark-adapt that one?
191:44:27 Shepard: Mark. Low at 6 o'clock, and it was a double flash, left eye.
191:44:36 McCandless: Roger. All right, Ed. Let's not - let's not go halfway. Let's do the whole job. You can - light up both your eyeballs. And - we're 24 minutes 50 seconds and counting.
191:44:56 Mitchell: Okay.
191:44:58 McCandless: Okay.
191:45:00 McCandless: Mark. Twenty-five minutes, and let us know when you turn the light back out.
191:45:20 Mitchell: Okay. The light's out.
191:45:24 McCandless: Roger, Ed.
191:45:35 Mitchell: I don't think I'll see anything for days after that one.
191:46:12 Mitchell: Mark. Right eye at - It'd be 3 o'clock, low, and it was a streak; went from right to left.
191:46:24 McCandless: Roger, Ed. That was about 51 seconds when you called mark.
191:46:29 Shepard: Mark. Left eye - Yes, I had a mark right in the middle of that conversation. Left eye, 12 o'clock high, single flash.
191:46:46 McCandless: Roger, Al.
191:48:13 Mitchell: Mark. Cloud, 12 o'clock, high, both eyes.
191:48:18 McCandless: Roger, Ed.
191:48:37 Shepard: Mark. Left eye, streaked from 6 o'clock to the center, going up.
191:48:42 McCandless: Roger, Al.
191:49:08 Mitchell: Mark. Streaked, left eye.
191:49:11 McCandless: Roger.
191:49:13 Mitchell: Going left to lower right.
191:49:31 Roosa: Mark. Right eye, 4 o'clock - pretty much on the periphery; it was a flash.
191:49:40 McCandless: Roger.
191:49:44 Mitchell: Mark. Right eye, nova, right in the middle.
This is Apollo Control. The crew has been observing light flashes for an experimental observation that began about 30 minutes ago and is scheduled to continue for about another 30 minutes reporting - observing of reporting observable light flashes which have been atributed to cosmic rays. As they give a mark, experimenters in the science support room here in the control center note the time of it and a few seconds later the crewman describes the observation of the type and location as it was viewed in the eye and so far we've heard from Shepard and Mitchell. I haven't detected any reports from Command Module Pilot, Stu Roosa.
191:51:33 Shepard: Mark. Right eye, 11 o'clock, on the periphery, faint flash.
191:51:38 McCandless: Roger, Al.
191:51:39 Roosa: Mark. Right eye - Mark, right eye, about 5 o'clock halfway up, flash.
191:51:45 Mitchell: Simultaneous with Stu, in the left eye - cloud at 6 o'clock.
191:51:52 Roosa: Mark. Right eye, 3 o'clock with a flash on the periphery.
191:51:56 McCandless: Roger, Stu. Roger, Ed. Roger, Stu.
191:52:22 Mitchell: Mark. Flash, right eye, 2 o'clock, high.
191:52:45 Roosa: Mark. Seven o'clock, flash on the periphery.
191:52:53 Shepard: Simultaneous with Stu, Al had a - a lighting behind cloud, low, right eye.
191:53:16 Mitchell: Mark. Nova, right eye at 3 ...
191:54:34 Shepard: Mark. Right eye, 4 o'clock, in the periphery, a faint nova.
191:54:39 McCandless: Roger, Al.
191:54:53 Mitchell: Mark. Flash, right eye, ...
191:54:59 McCandless: Say again the last part of that, Ed. We - -
191:55:02 McCandless: - - You blurred it out.
191:55:05 Mitchell: Two o'clock, level.
191:55:10 Roosa: During that one, I had a cloud at 11 o'clock.
191:55:23 Shepard: Mark. Left eye, 9 o'clock, down at the bottom.
191:55:28 McCandless: Roger, Al.
191:56:01 McCandless: Ed, this is Houston. We?d like you to repeat the exposure of your li - eyeballs to light cycle and then start readapting again. We want Stu and Al to continue in the dark-adapted condition. Over.
191:56:17 Mitchell: Okay.
191:56:20 Shepard: How much longer do you project this to run, Bruce?
191:56:30 McCandless: Say again, Al.
191:56:34 Shepard: Mark. Right eye. I wonder if that was Ed's flashlight. How much longer you think you're going to be running this test?
191:56:44 McCandless: A total of about 10 minutes more. And then we'll come out, and Stu can start the P52 and we'll be back in business.
191:56:54 Shepard: Okay. Sounds good.
191:56:55 McCandless: Roger. Currently, I've got 191 plus 57, or 13 minutes , until the block in the Flight Plan for starting the P52. So I think we're still in good shape.
191:57:09 Mitchell: Okay.
191:57:10 Mitchell: Mark, Bruce. I'm starting my adaptation again.
191:57:13 McCandless: Roger, Ed.
191:57:59 Roosa: Mark. Right eye, streak; it's at the center going out, 3 o'clock.
191:58:04 McCandless: Roger, Stu.
191:58:08 Mitchell: -Mark. Nova, right eye, at 3 o'clock.
191:58:13 McCandless: Roger, Ed.
191:58:22 Roosa: Mark. Flash, at 5 o'clock, about half way out.
191:58:27 McCandless: Roger, Stu.
191:58:59 Mitchell: Mark. Left eye, 12 o'clock, high, a flash.
191:59:03 Mitchell: Mark. Nova, right eye, low - 12 o'clock, low..
191:59:08 McCandless: Okay. We got those, Ed.
191:59:25 Shepard: For your documentation on spacecraft orientation, Al is in the - left couch looking up; Ed is in the right couch looking up; and Stu's in the LEB facing Mecca.
191:59:40 McCandless: Understand. Stu is in the LEB facing the nav base?
191:59:49 Shepard: To each his own.
191:59:54 Roosa: No. I'm - I'm floating in LEB, Bruce. But it's - I'm looking toward plus-X.
192:00:01 McCandless: Roger. We couldn't find Mecca on the stowage list there.
192:00:38 Mitchell: Mark. Flash, right eye, at 12 o'clock, level.
192:00:43 McCandless: Roger, Ed.
192:01:25 Mitchell: Mark. Streak, right eye, from upper right to the center.
192:01:29 McCandless: Roger, Ed.
192:01:53 Shepard: Mark. Right eye, 8 o'clock, flash.
192:02:01 McCandless: Roger, Al.
192:02:22 Mitchell: Mark. Flash, right eye, 3 o'clock.
192:02:28 McCandless: Roger, Ed. And - 14, this is Houston. We have a - a query here, wondering how long, in terms of angular measurement, those streaks are? Over. I should say, apparent angular measurement.
192:02:49 Mitchell: Mine are abo - mine have been about half an eyeball diameter from - -
192:02:56 Shepard: Mark. Double shot in the right eye, at 10 o'clock and 7 o'clock.
192:03:04 McCandless: Roger, Ed. Roger, Al.
192:03:14 Shepard: Mark. Double shot in the right eye, 10 o'clock and center.
192:03:17 Roosa: Flash at the same time, right eye, at 2 o'clock.
192:03:23 McCandless: Roger.
192:03:49 Roosa: Mark. Streak, right on the periphery, at 3 o'clock, left eye, going vertical, bottom to top.
192:04:00 McCandless: Roger, Stu.
192:04:02 Mitchell: Mark. Flash, ... left eye, 2 o'clock.
192:04:18 Mitchell: Mark. Bright flash, right eye, at about 1 o'clock, high.
192:04:24 McCandless: Roger, Ed.
192:04:46 Roosa: Mark. Flash, at 4 o'clock, about halfway out, right eye.
192:04:55 McCandless: Roger, Stu.
192:05:07 Shepard: Mark. Dim flash, right eye, center.
192:05:11 McCandless: Roger, Al.
192:06:25 Roosa: Mark. Flash, 2 o'clock, on the periphery , right eye.
192:06:33 McCandless: Roger.
192:07:21 McCandless: Apollo 14, this is Houston. We're going to terminate the light-flash investigation at this time. We would like to convey our appreciation to all three of you for cooperating in the investigation. The investigators are very happy with the data that you have given them, and I think they will be able to get something significant out of it. Over.
192:07:44 Roosa: Mark. Flash, at 1 o'clock, on the periphery.
192:07:49 McCandless: Roger, 14. We can terminate the experiment and proceed with the P52, Stu.
192:07:56 Roosa: Okay. And, Bruce, I'd just like to make a comment. I don't know whether it's my position down in LEB or why, but even with those up in the couches, that's not near as many flashes as I've seen at other times.
192:08:11 Mitchell: Yes. And I was going to remark, Bruce, that most of the times when I've observed them have been after sleep. Generally, I guess I fall asleep so fast when we turn in that there's not time to observe them. But they always seem very bright, much brighter than right now - than they were this pass. I don't know whether more numerous - perhaps more numerous - but always brighter than they were today.
192:08:39 McCandless: Roger. We copy that, Ed. Thank you.
192:08:44 Mitchell: Did you get Stu? He concurs on that, he said.
192:08:46 Roosa: Yes. I said on the intercom that I agree to that, also, Bruce. Like last night - I was laying there and there were just, you know, big bright ones all over the place. And these, seemed like, were a little subdued compared to that.
192:09:06 McCandless: Roger.
192:09:09 Shepard: Well, let's see, that should put us at about 104 percent completion of the flight-plan items.
192:09:19 McCandless: I'll run that one by the FAO, and see what he's got to say.
192:10:34 McCandless: 14, a brief update on things. We have canceled midcourse correction number 6 at this time. Based on our tracking, the preliminary estimates are that midcourse 7 will not be required. However, we won't be able to make that decision with certainty until tomorrow. Based on MSFN tracking, your gamma at entry interface is minus 6.35 degrees. Based on your onboard navigated state vector, it's minus 6.68. So we're showing very good agreement there.
192:11:20 Roosa: Say the MSFN angle again, Bruce.
192:11:23 McCandless: Roger, Stu. The MSFN angle is minus 6.35- The angle derived from your onboard navigated state vector is minus 6.68. Over.
192:11:36 Roosa: Okay. These should come together as the marks continue, shouldn't they?
192:11:44 McCandless: That's our expectation, Stu.
192:14:00 McCandless: Okay, Stu, we've got them. And they look good.
192:14:23 Roosa: Okay, Bruce, and we'll torque at 192:14:25.
192:14:29 McCandless: Roger, Stu. Run that time by again, please.
192:14:37 Roosa: 192:14:25.
192:14:40 McCandless: Roger.
This is Apollo Control at 192 hours 18 minutes. Apollo 14 now 112,226 nautical miles from Earth traveling at a speed of 5180 feet per second or just a little bit under 1 mile per second. At 3 pm today in the news center auditorium, there will be an Apollo 14 science briefing. Those participating will be Lee R. Scherer, NASA's Director of Apollo Lunar Exploration; Dr. Gene M. Simmons, the Manned Spacecraft Center's Chief Scientist; Dr. Paul W. Gast, Chief of the Manned Spacecraft Center's Lunar Planetary Sciences Division; Dr. Robin Brett, Chief of the Geochemistry Branch at the Manned Spacecraft Center; Dr. Gordon Swann of the U.S. Geological Survey, who is a principal investigator on Apollo 14 for lunar field geology experiment. This briefing, again, at 3 pm in the MSC auditorium - the main auditorium in building 1.
This is Apollo Control at 192 hours 46 minutes. A press conference on Apollo 14 Lunar Science is scheduled to begin at this time in the MSC building number 1 main auditorium. We'll switch to that press conference now and record Apollo 14 air to ground for play back following the press conference.
193:24:43 McCandless: Apollo 14, this is Houston.
193:24:52 McCandless: Stand by.
193:24:58 Mitchell: Say again, Bruce.
193:25:33 Roosa: Hey, Bruce - -
193:25:34 Mitchell: 14. Did you call?
193:25:38 McCandless: Roger, 14. This is Houston. We would like you to go to an attitude for thermal control, not PTC, and maintain that attitude until beginning of the TV coverage for the press conference; and that attitude is roll, 262; pitch, 090; yaw, 000. Over.
193:26:09 Mitchell: Roger. 262, 090, 000.
193:26:13 McCandless: Roger.
193:26:16 Mitchell: And we'll do it.
193:36:56 McCandless: 14, this is Houston. Request you terminate the waste water dump now in progress. Over.
193:39:10 McCandless: Apollo 14 - -
193:39:12 McCandless: - - This is Houston. Over.
193:39:17 Mitchell: Yes, Bruce; we've turned it off now.
193:39:19 McCandless: Roger.
193:40:41 McCandless: 14, this is Houston. When you can give us P00 and Accept, we have a state vector and a clock update for you. Over. - Or uplink.
193:40:53 Roosa: Okay, Bruce; you've got it.
193:40:55 McCandless: Roger, Stu. You?re very weak.
193:41:02 Roosa: Well, how now? Maybe it works better if I talk into the mike. We're P00 and Accept.
193:41:07 McCandless: That comes through a lot better.
193:41:20 McCandless: And, for your information, Stu, based On your last set of P23s, your navigated state vector has a gamma at entry interface of minus 6.74; MSFN solution of minus 6.35 remains unchanged. Over.
193:41:42 Roosa: Well, didn't sound like it helped us much.
193:41:48 McCandless: Well, you might be right; who knows?
193:41:55 Mitchell: Say, Bruce. Observe the High Gain starting to oscillate. What would you like to do with it?
193:42:05 McCandless: Yes; they tell me you're on Omni Delta right now. We'll get you something to do with the High Gain.
193:42:13 Mitchell: If we're on Omni Delta, It's news to me.
193:42:23 McCandless: Stand by, please.
193:43:10 McCandless: 14, this is Houston. We've uplink commanded you to Omni Delta. We'd like you to park the High Gain Antenna at Pitch, minus 52; Yaw, 270. Over.
193:43:25 Mitchell: Wilco.
193:43:27 McCandless: And I have a brief flight-plan update for you, when you're ready to copy.
193:43:36 Mitchell: Go ahead.
193:43:41 McCandless: Okay. Do not go into PTC until a GET of 198 plus 45. Over,
193:44:07 Mitchell: Okay. Do not go to PTC until 198 plus 45. Understand.
193:44:11 McCandless: Okay. At 194 plus 50, a Verb 49 maneuver to the TV attitude, which is roll, 325, 090, 000. In that attitude, High Gain Antenna, Pitch, plus 32; Yaw, 270. Over.
193:44:50 Mitchell: Okay. At - 194 plus 50: Verb 49 to TV attitude; pitch is 325, 090, 000, with High Gain - angles of 32 and 270.
193:45:07 McCandless: Roger. And - TV pass is scheduled from 195 plus 07 through 195 plus 37- Over.
193:45:42 Mitchell: Understand; TV, 195:07 to 195:37.
193:45:49 McCandless: Readback correct. That completes the flight-plan update, and the computer's yours. Over.
193:45:58 Roosa: Okay, Bruce. The computer's mine, and how about me going to Wide Deadband here - while we're setting here and until after the TV show.
This is Apollo Control at 193 hours, 46 minutes. During the press conference we accumulated about 3 to 4 minutes of taped conversation. We'll be prepared to play that back. The primary activity aboard the spacecraft during the press conference involved Program 23, mid-course navigational sightings using the spacecraft sextant and we'll play back the tape at this time before continuing to stand by live.
193:46:13 McCandless: Roger, Stu. We concur. And I'll have a - -
193:46:20 McCandless: - - an entry pad here for you shortly. And then we'll be ready to start in on the great probe stowage exercise.
193:46:30 Roosa: All right.
193:50:15 McCandless: Apollo 14, this is Houston. I have an entry PAD and a CSM state vector PAD for you. Over.
193:50:24 Mitchell: Okay. Stand by.
193:51:10 Mitchell: We're ready to copy the entry PAD, Bruce.
193:51:13 McCandless: Roger, Ed. Mid-Pacific entry PAD: roll, 000, 154, 000; 216:10:47, 267; minus 27.02, minus 172.64; max g 06.1; 36170, 6.35; 1135.0, 36251; RRT 216:27:47; 00:29; Noun 69 is NA; D
0, 4.00, 02:10; 00:l8, 03:36, 08:03; sextant star 30, 354.3, 30.7; boresight star, good ol' Nu Hydra, up 21.1, left 2.8; up lift vector. Comment 1: use nonexit EMS pattern; 2: Moon check attitude, Moon at left of window; roll, 000; pitch, 182; yaw, 000; number 3: Moonset GET, 216 plus 25 plus 15; number 4: RET of 90,000 feet, 6 plus 25; main deploy, 8 plus 51; landing, 13 plus 48; number 5: constant g entry is roll right - right; 6: GDC Align, Sirius and Rigel, 322, 325, 018; number 7: the attitude at .05g and the GDC Align angles assume a P52 nominal alignment, option 2, using the RRT time of 216 plus 27 plus 47. Read back. Over.
193:55:46 Mitchell: Okay, Bruce. Think the only thing I missed was the - the boresight star angles. I have a up 21.1, and a left - something.
193:55:52 McCandless: Okay, left 2.8. Over.
193:57:04 Mitchell: Okay, MidPac 000, 154, 000; 216:10:47, 267; minus 27.02, minus 172.64; 061; 36170, 6.35; 1135.0, 36251; 216:27:47; 00:29; NA DQ is 4.00, 02:10; 00:18, 03:36, 08:03; 30, 354.3, 30.7; Nu Hydra, up 21.1, left 2.8; lift vector, up. And use nonexit EMS pattern; Moon check attitude is roll, 000; pitch, 182; yaw, 000; Moon will be to the left window; the Moonset is at 216:25:15; the RET of 90 K is 6 plus 25. The mains is 8 plus 51, and landing is 13 plus 48; for the constant g reentry, it's roll right; GDC Align stars are Sirius and Rigel at angles of 332, 325, 018; and the Moonset and Moon check times, I believe you said, are for a P52, using option 3 - option 2, and RRT time of 216:27:47.
193:58:25 McCandless: 14, this is Houston. Your readback is correct. The attitudes that I was referencing you were the .05g attitude and the GDC Align angles. Your statements regarding Moonset and all that, however, are also correct. Over.
193:58:45 Mitchell: Okay.
193:58:47 McCandless: And for Stuart, I've got a CSM state vector PAD, if you're ready to copy.
193:58:58 McCandless: Stand by, please.
194:01:32 McCandless: 14, this is Houston. I'm ready with the P27 state vector PAD, now.
194:01:39 Roosa: Okay. Standing by to copy.
194:01:42 McCandless: Okay. It's a Verb 71, the index is 21. And here we go on line 02, 01501, 00001, 74563, 62354, 10577, 10424; line 10, 03452, 14667, 00467, 37210, 73721; line 15, 60164, 75626, 44713, 10452, 21000. Read back. Over.
194:03:00 Roosa: Okay, Bruce. Before I start, give me a time on this.
194:03:11 McCandless: Roger, Stu. It's GET of 200 hours even; that's 200 plus 00 plus 00. Over.
194:03:22 Roosa: Okay. State vector, Verb 71. 2 - 200 hours on the money; index 21, 01501. How do you read, Bruce?
194:03:40 McCandless: Okay. I was reading you before, and I have my volume all the way turned up here. Now, I really read you, Stu.
194:03:48 Roosa: Oh, okay. I just realized that my mike had -wasn't right. I'll start on 02: 01501, 00001, 74563; 62354, 10577, 10424; 03452, 14667, 00467; 37210, 73721; 60164, 75626, 44713; 10452, 21000.
194:04:32 McCandless: Roger, 14. Readback is correct.
194:04:37 Roosa: Okay. Thank you, Bruce.
194:06:14 McCandless: 14, this is Houston. We're ready to go on the probe stowage at the present time. However, it was our intent to give you about a half an hour of free time prior to commencing the TV pass for the press conference to let you get configured in whatever mode you want up there. So, we've got a couple of breakpoints in this procedure; and, if you concur, we could start into this and give it about 30-minutes' worth and then knock it off for the TV show. Over.
194:06:24 Mitchell: Roger. Reading you.
194:06:26 Shepard: Yes. About all we have to do to configure for the TV show is to get the camera set up. And, actually, Stu and I will be stowing the probe, and Ed could be setting up the camera, so we can work simultaneously.
194:06:38 McCandless: Roger.
194:07:50 McCandless: 14, this is Houston, As a preliminary to the probe stowage proper, we'd like to review a few stowage items for entry with you. Over.
194:08:05 Roosa: Okay, go ahead.
194:08:06 McCandless: Okay, you might get up a little closer - -
194:08:08 Shepard: ... do all this - Can do all this in real time, now. We don't have to write anything down. Is that right?
194:08:16 McCandless: That's correct. The first few steps will be probably informational rather than anything else; and then, we'll get into the real-time stuff.
194:08:46 McCandless: 14, Houston.
194:08:50 Roosa: Go ahead.
194:08:52 McCandless: It's our understanding that you have two decontamination bags at the present time, one weighing about 20 pounds and one weighing about 30 pounds. The 30-pound decontamination bag and contents should be stowed on top of locker Alpha-13 for entry, using the existing tiedown rings. Over.
194:09:19 Roosa: Stand by 1, a minute, Bruce.
194:09:21 McCandless: Roger.
194:09:43 Shepard: Give us about 5 minutes, Bruce, and we'll have the A-10 in shape for you here. Stand by.
194:09:49 McCandless: Okay, now. Before you do too much with the A-10 situation, it's our understanding that you currently have a 20-pound bag on top of A-10; and we're going to ask you to move that over to the top of A?8 for entry. And, of course, once you lash this down on top of A-8, which is not necessary to do right now, you're locking your inflight demo, the composite casting, into place there; and you want to be sure and get as far through that as it is your intention to do prior to lashing down A-8. Over.
194:10:27 Shepard: Okay. We understand that.
194:12:18 Roosa: Okay, Bruce. Now, let's go back to the bag that you want on A-13. Make sure I've got that one.
194:12:24 McCandless: Okay, Stu. We want the 30-pound decontamination bag on top of A-13 for entry. It is not necessary to lash this down at the present time unless you so desire. Over.
194:12:43 Roosa: Okay. We'll put the 30-pounder on top of A-13, and we?ll lash it down at our convenience.
194:12:50 McCandless: Roger.
194:12:51 Roosa: And I guess we're ready to press when you are, Bruce.
194:12:54 McCandless: Okay, Stu. Then, we're going to have the 20-pound decontamination bag on top of A-8 for entry; and again, it's not necessary to lash this down yet. Over.
194:14:11 Roosa: Okay. Twenty pounder on A-8.
194:14:14 McCandless: Next, it's intended to stow the IV pressure garment assembly, that is, yours, with its helmet in a sleeping bag on top of the 28 - on top of the 20-pound bag on A-8. Use LM webbing and the D-rings on the container for tiedowns. Once again this can be delayed. Over.
194:14:57 Roosa: Okay. And we'll put my suit, with helmet, gloves in a sleeping bag and tie them on top of the 20-pounder on A-8.
This is Apollo Control at 194 hours 15 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. The crew of Apollo 14 now swiveling the high gain antenna around for a lock on with the Earth. In this case it'll be the Goldstone station Just coming into acquisition at this time. Fairly low elevation angle. Preparing for the television pass to begin in about 7 minutes. This particular television pass will be a Space Press Conference. Fourteen questions have been submitted by newsmen covering the Apollo 14 Mission. They will be read up to the crew by Spacecraft Communicator Gordon Fullerton, who is Just at this moment taking over the Capcom console. As a matter of fact, the TV pass starts right at the shift handover when Gerry Griffin's team of Flight Controllers, the Gold Team, takes over from the outgoing maroon team headed up by Milt Windler. Still a lot of noise on the circuit as we wait for the high gain antenna to acquire and get a solid lock on. We'll leave the circuit up live at this time and follow the communications and the subsequent television.
194:15:07 McCandless: Roger. Then, after that's all through, you need to verify a minimal 4-inch clearance to the couch. Over.
194:15:15 Roosa: Okay. Four-inch clearance to the couch.
194:15:18 McCandless: Okay. Now then, we need you in real time here to go through locker Alpha-10 and remove anything that may be needed later on in the flight - prior to entry, such as 70-millimeter magazines, Reseau camera, or whatever you feel you'll require. Over
194:15:44 Roosa: Okay. Stand by 1.
194:15:52 McCandless: And, Stu, one item that we'd like you to remove from A-10 at this time is the bag that contains the hoses for the liquid-transfer demonstration. Over. And that's - that's just the bag because we're going to place the bag over the probe head later on and tape it in place; so, you'd want to leave the hoses in A-10.
194:16:20 Roosa: Okay. That clarifies that.
194:20:58 Roosa: Okay, Bruce. A-10 is secured to our satisfaction.
194:21:04 McCandless: Roger, Stu. And now, in locker Alpha-5, we'd like you to remove the headrest pads and install them on the couches. Over.
194:21:15 Roosa: Okay, in work.
194:21:18 McCandless: Also, the heel clips and five ropes, while you're down there temporarily.
194:23:01 Roosa: Okay, Bruce. That's accomplished.
194:23:05 McCandless: Okay. You've got the heel clips and the ropes and the headrest pads out and installed on the couch. Okay.
194:23:14 Roosa: 21 Nancy.
194:23:16 McCandless: Roger. And we want everything else removed from the right-hand side of A-5, that is, the cushion and added equipment that's in there and stow that in Bravo-1, the main food locker there. Over.
194:23:32 Roosa: In work.
194:25:48 Roosa: Okay, Bruce. A-5 is all clean.
194:25:55 McCandless: Roger, Stu. Now, we'd like you to remove the two lithium hydroxide canisters from Alpha-6 and place them in the left-hand side of Alpha-5. Over.
194:26:08 Roosa: In work.
194:26:12 McCandless: And while you're over there in Alpha-6, you might as well get all the rest of the stuff, the TV equipment, out of it.
194:27:33 Roosa: Houston, 14.
194:27:36 McCandless: Go ahead, 14.
194:27:39 Roosa: Okay. Now, you want the cushion out of the right side of A-6. Is that affirmative? Or just the TV gear?
194:27:48 McCandless: Okay, Stu. It's not required that you take the cushion out of the right-hand side of - or out of A-6. We do want the TV gear out. Ultimately, we're going to stow the TV equipment from Alpha-6 in the Bravo-1 food locker with the monitor wrapped in a constant wear garment; but since we're coining up on the press conference, you want to keep it out for operation at the present time. Over.
194:28:29 Roosa: Okay. So, we now have A-6 completely empty, except for the cushion in the right side.
194:28:35 McCandless: That's affirmative. And Alpha-5 ought to have two lithium hydroxide canisters in the left-hand side of it, and the right-hand side of it ought to be completely empty. Over.
194:28:47 Roosa: Okay. We are in that configuration.
194:28:53 McCandless: Roger. Now, we need somebody that is qualified to tie knots.
194:28:59 Roosa: Okay. As I said before, we've got two sailors.
194:29:04 McCandless: Okay. We want you to double one of the sleep-restraint ropes and to tie it to the plus-Y, plus-Z footpad on the aft bulkhead belonging to locker Alpha-6. As a preliminary, you should remove the urine bag from under Alpha-6 to allow you to get under there with one hand. You can put a hand underneath and a hand around the side toward panel 250, and this is the plus-Y, plus-Z-ward footpad of Alpha-6, and it's the one that's closest to panel 250 down there in the corner. Over.
194:29:49 Roosa: Okay. So we should take the bag completely out from underneath, right?
194:29:53 McCandless: Roger. You can restow that back in there after you get the rope tied on, but it makes access a lot easier if it's out for this step.
194:30:07 McCandless: And you want to - to tie the knot, using as little of the line as is convenient, probably a bowline or something like that to - the thing going to come up and tie around part of the probe.
194:30:24 Roosa: In work.
194:30:25 McCandless: Roger.
194:30:59 Shepard: Okay. Do you want this thing outside the footpad or inside the footpad?
194:31:07 McCandless: Okay. We would like it trending through the space between the Alpha-6 locker and the waste management panel, so I guess it - that would probably be outside.
194:33:34 Shepard: On the loose end of this line, do you want a bight or do you want just the bitter ends?
194:33:40 McCandless: On the loose end of it, Al, which is really a double end as I assume you're tying it on, there is no particular requirement. You're Just going to tie the - the doubled-up piece of line around a part of the probe later on. Over.
194:34:36 Roosa: Okay, Bruce. That step is completed.
194:34:40 McCandless: Roger, Stu. Then, we want you to take the three ropes that you've removed from A-5 there and tie one end of all three, either collectively or one at a time, to the A-6 aft bulkhead footpad; that's in the plus-Y, minus-Z direction. That's the one on the box there that's farther - It's closer to the side hatch than the one you Just tied the one doubled-up rope around. Over.
194:35:18 Roosa: Okay. You want three ropes, the ends tied around that one. That's four.
194:35:24 McCandless: That's correct. You're going to come off of there with effectively a triple strand of line, the full length. Over.
194:36:57 Roosa: Okay, Bruce. We've got three more snakes on the loose. So you can - -
194:37:03 McCandless: Okay. Now that you've got the additional snakes tied to Alpha-6, you can put the urine bag back underneath it, unless you anticipate needing this assembly prior to entry.
194:37:17 Roosa: Okay. We'll put it back underneath it.
194:37:19 McCandless: Roger.
194:37:46 Roosa: Okay. Let's press.
194:37:51 McCandless: Okay, Stu. All right, now, we'd like to move over to the probe and ensure that the probe - umbilical power connectors are connected to the shorting plugs and that the probe is fully folded. Over.
194:38:09 Roosa: Okay. I'll verify that.
194:38:14 McCandless: Is that an in work or an accomplished?
194:38:18 Roosa: Well, I verified those - those steps, but we're going to have to stand by right now, here. We're going to have to get the probe down out of the tunnel.
194:38:26 McCandless: Okay.
194:39:49 Roosa: Okay. We have the probe.
194:39:53 McCandless: Okay. Ask ole 21 Nancy there if he'll verify that the probe connectors are connected to the shorting plugs and that the probe is fully folded.
194:40:04 Roosa: Well, the umbilicals are connected to the shorting plugs, and I don't know if there's something in there that's fully folded; you know, the probe's folded up as you bring it out of the - out of the tunnel.
194:40:23 McCandless: Okay, and Stu...
194:40:24 Roosa: I haven't done anything other than just - just a normal probe removal.
194:40:28 McCandless: Yes, you might check to make sure that the old Teflon block there on the side is against the ratchet housing in - on the arm there that engages in the tunnel.
194:41:53 Roosa: Bruce, are you waiting on us?
194:41:58 McCandless: Affirmative.
194:42:01 Roosa: Okay. We're - we're ready to go. The probe's folded.
194:42:04 McCandless: Okay. We'd like you to take two of the nominal 8-and-a-half-by-ll-size Flight Data File Books and tape them to the base or the capture latch release handle under the probe. We've got tape in R-6, and it's your option as to which pubs you use; probably, the CSM Rescue Book and the CMP Solo Book or the Lunar Landmark Maps would be good candidates.
194:42:53 McCandless: And, just by way of information, when we get this stowed, these pubs are going to come to rest against the right-hand equipment bay panel, down there to the - to the right of 251.
194:43:28 Shepard: Okay. We have the CSM Lunar Landmark Map Book, which is about five-eighths of an inch thick. Is that satisfactory?
194:43:36 McCandless: Roger. That should be satisfactory by itself.
194:44:34 Roosa: Okay, Bruce. We have a book in hand and ready to go.
194:44:38 McCandless: Okay. You want to place that across the base end of the - the probe assembly there, across the capture latch release handle; and this is going to be the padding that distributes the load a little bit from the base end of the probe assembly onto the paneling down there in the right-hand equipment bay, hatchwise from panel 252; so, you just want to tape it across the base there, so that it'll be sure and stay in position. Over.
194:47:50 Roosa: Okay, Bruce. The book is taped to the base of the probe.
194:47:55 McCandless: Roger, Stu. And what we'd like you to do next is to place a bag over the probe head, and the latest information shows that that liquid transfer demo hose bag probably will not fit; and, therefore, you can stow that either in Bravo-1 or - or back in Alpha-10; your option. And we're recommending that you take an unused temporary stowage bag, that is, one that's not currently in use, and cut the mechanism off the top of the temporary stowage bag, place that over the probe head, and tape it in place. Over.
194:48:52 McCandless: What we're trying to do here is protect the mechanism in the probe head against possible salt water or salt spray splashing in during the recovery. Over.
194:49:05 Shepard: Okay. We're just looking around; the temporary stowage bags are all filled at the moment. Hold on.
194:49:22 McCandless: And, 14; Houston. Since you don't have anything else to do right now, why, we'd like you to press on to the TV attitude, 325, 090, and 000, and acquire on the High Gain when we get there. Over.
194:49:38 Shepard: Okay. 325, 090, 0 - 090.
194:49:44 McCandless: 325, 090, and 000.
194:49:50 Shepard: Okay. We're on the way.
This is Apollo Control. 195:42 Ground Elapsed Time. Very little conversation coming down from the spacecraft at the present time. The crew is involved in the Earth darkside dimlight photography. 95 019 miles out from the Earth approaching at a velocity of 5816 feet per second. Live and listening on air-to-ground. This is Apollo Control.
195:51:30 Roosa: Houston, 14.
195:51:31 McCandless: Go ahead, 14.
195:51:35 Roosa: Okay. Bruce. We've got this bag that the - hatch -the hatch - window bracket for the camera, you know, they used on the zero phase, and we had as a stand by - 70-millimeter-camera hatch window adapter bag, and it's big enough to go over the - the probe head. We just sweat it a little bit.
195:52:04 McCandless: Beautiful, Stu. If you can get that over and tape her down so that you have a water - salt water spray protection on the probe head, that's all we need. Over.
195:52:15 Roosa: Okay. We'll do that.