Apollo 13
Day 6, part 6: Odyssey Resurrected
Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright ©2020 by W. David Woods, Johannes Kemppanen, Alexander Turhanov and Lennox J. Waugh. All rights reserved.
Last updated 2020-04-21
138:12:19 Lovell: Houston, Aquarius.
138:12:20 Kerwin: Go ahead, Aquarius.
138:12:23 Lovell: Okay. I've pitched up to about 180 degrees now, and do you want me to go to the LM Sep attitude for his alignment?
138:12:30 Kerwin: Stand by on that, Jim. [Long pause.]
138:12:46 Kerwin: Aquarius, Houston.
138:12:48 Lovell: Go ahead.
138:12:49 Kerwin: Roger. We want you to go to the Service Module Sep attitude.
138:12:58 Kerwin: And, Jim, when you have leisure to copy, I have your Noun 46 and Noun 47 DAP data load numbers.
138:13:08 Lovell: Okay. Go ahead.
138:13:10 Kerwin: Okay. Noun 46, 31021; Noun 47, plus 25248 and plus 09050. Over.
138:13:33 Lovell: Roger; 31021, plus 25248, plus 09050.
138:13:40 Kerwin: That's correct. [Long pause.]
138:14:27 Lovell: And now, Houston, do you still think that AGS is going to be less expensive than PGNS mode?
138:14:33 Kerwin: That's affirmative, Jim.
138:14:36 Lovell: Okay. I'm in AGS pulse right now. It's the pulse [Garble]
138:14:40 Kerwin: Okay. We concur. [Pause.]
138:14:48 Lovell: Going back to LM Sep attitude - or CSM Sep attitude.
138:14:53 Kerwin: Roger that.
This is Apollo Control, Houston; at 138 hours, 15 minutes now into the mission. Apollo 13 presently 34,350 nautical miles out from Earth, traveling at a speed of 10,607 feet per second. Meanwhile, in the Mission Control Center, the crowd is beginning to increase. Already here are Dr. Thomas Paine, NASA Administrator, Mr. George Low, a NASA Deputy Administrator, Representative George Miller from California, and Chairman of the House Space Committee, Representative Olin Teague of Texas.
138:16:09 Kerwin: Aquarius, Houston.
138:16:13 Lovell: Stand by. Jack's on the line and he says that he can't get the computer to go into standby.
138:16:20 Kerwin: Okay. Have him tell us what he's - what he looks at. And remind him that he won't see the light. He won't see the Standby light...
138:16:31 Swigert: Okay...
138:16:32 Kerwin: ...because it's not powered...
138:16:33 Swigert: ... Okay, Joe ...
138:16:34 Kerwin: Go ahead, Jack.
138:16:35 Swigert: Joe. Okay, I get a flashing 37, I am in Program 06. There is no Standby light, but when I Enter, I don't get the three balls 62 displayed like I'm supposed to. [Pause.]
138:16:52 Kerwin: Okay, Jack...
138:16:53 Swigert: And this...
138:16:54 Kerwin: Go ahead...
138:16:55 Swigert: ...and this occurs on both DSKYs.
138:16:58 Kerwin: Okay. Understand. We're - we're thinking about it. Stand by 1. [Pause.]
138:17:09 Kerwin: Okay, Jack; Houston. We'd like you to go Verb 37, Enter; 06, Enter again. Over.
138:17:17 Swigert: Okay. In work.
Continuing with those present at the Control Center, now, are Representative Jerry Pettis of California, General Phillips, who is previously the Apollo Program Director, George Mueller, also a NASA alumni and formerly Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight. Dave Scott, Rusty Schweickart are among the astronauts in the viewing room at the present time, along with Buzz Aldrin. Dr. Eberhard Rees, the Director of the Marshall Space Flight Center is in the viewing room, as is Dale Myers, Associated Administrator for Manned Space Flight at present. Mr. Walter Kapryan, Director of Launch Operations at Kennedy Space Center. Dr. Kurt Debus the Director of Kennedy Space Center is in the viewing room, as is Lew Evans, the President of Grumman.
138:18:54 Lovell: Okay, Houston. I'm back in the Service Module Sep attitude.
138:19:00 Kerwin: Okay. Copy that, Jim. Looks good. Do you know whether Jack got any pictures out of window 5? Was it still fogged up? Over.
138:19:09 Lovell: I don't think so. I think he came right down here, because I think he saw it first in the - in the LM.
138:19:15 Kerwin: Okay. Good deal. And whenever you get cleaned up, we got the entry PAD and the landing area summary for you. [Long pause.]
Needless to say, all of these gentlemen...
138:19:36 Swigert: Okay, Vance. This is Jack.
138:19:39 Kerwin: Go ahead.
138:19:41 Swigert: Okay. Doing a Verb 37, Enter; does bring up the three balls 62 display, but I can't Proceed on it on either DSKY and a Verb 33 doesn't work either.
138:19:56 Swigert: It's still just a flashing 50 25 with a code 00062.
138:20:03 Kerwin: Okay. Copy that, Jack. Stand by 1. [Long pause.]
Needless to say, all of the distinguished visitors in the Control Center were most interested in the report from Apollo 13 of the Service Module condition, as the 13 crew moved away following the jettison.
138:20:39 Kerwin: Jack, Houston. How long did you hold Proceed before you quit on it? [Pause.]
138:20:49 Swigert: Well, it was varying lengths. Is it supposed to be a long-time Proceed?
138:20:56 Kerwin: We think it may be, Jack. We think it may be 15 to 20 seconds, and our recommendation is that you Pro and hold it down for a good period of time, probably half a minute or more, and see if the DSKY blanks.
138:21:11 Swigert: Okay. All right, I didn't hold it in that long. Maybe 2 or 3 seconds is the longest I held it.
138:21:15 Kerwin: Okay. [Long pause.]
138:21:54 Lovell: Okay, Jack just came down the tunnel again and said the computer's okay.
138:21:57 Kerwin: Okay. Good to hear it. And did you ever get that Bat C Main A reading for us?
138:22:05 Lovell: I guess in the heat of the battle, I forgot to - to give it to you, I guess. Stand by.
138:22:08 Kerwin: Okay. [Long pause.]
138:22:25 Lovell: Bat C current was 2 amps and Bat A voltage, 30.2.
138:22:30 Kerwin: Copy, 2 amps, 30.2. And that sounds good to us, Jim. [Long pause.]
138:23:26 Kerwin: Aquarius, Houston.
138:23:29 Lovell: Go ahead.
138:23:30 Kerwin: Okay. We'd like to have Jack verify that the Pyros in Logic are Safe, and we'd like to remind him to do no further power-up of the CSM until EI minus 2 plus 30.
138:23:44 Lovell: Roger. He reports that the Pyros are Safe, and we're standing by for 02:30.
138:23:48 Kerwin: Okay. Real good. [Long pause.]
138:24:06 Lovell: Well, I can't say that this week hasn't been filled with excitement.
138:24:12 Kerwin: Well, James, if you can't take any better care of a spacecraft than that, we might not give you another one. Hey, Jim; Houston. You might ask Jack, while he's down there, to take a peek through the telescope and tell us whether he can see any stars. Over.
That time earlier identified at 2 hours and 30 minutes, is the time in the Flight Plan that the Command Module batteries will be brought on the line. In a normal mission, the batteries would not be brought up until some 30 minutes prior to entry into the Earth's atmosphere. We show Apollo 13 presently 33,369 nautical miles away, velocity now reading 10,757 feet per second. This is Apollo Control, Houston.
138:26:20 Lovell: Joe, Jack tells me that there's still a lot of particles floating around and he's - he can't pick out any constellation that he recognizes so far. But it might clear here in a little while.
138:26:30 Kerwin: Okay, understand.
138:30:56 Kerwin: Aquarius, Houston. Over.
138:30:59 Lovell: Go ahead.
138:31:00 Kerwin: Okay. EECOM is looking at that battery amperage that you gave us a while ago. He'd like to see it about a half an amp to an amp lower. Like you to ask Jack to just check the circuit breakers and switches that he's pulled in so far and make sure he doesn't have any extra loads on Main A; specifically, the Floodlight configuration, and his Caution and Warning circuit breakers, and his Essential Instrumentation Power circuit breakers. Over.
138:31:37 Kerwin: Thanks.
138:34:39 Lovell: Okay. Jack reported that he turned out all the floodlights.
138:34:45 Mattingly: Okay. Okay, we copy that. Like to have him check the amperage on there; see what you have now, and give us a voltage reading, too.
138:35:05 Lovell: Okay, will do.
138:35:33 Swigert: Okay, Joe. This is Jack.
138:35:35 Mattingly: Go ahead.
138:35:37 Swigert: Okay. I've been not reading any voltage at all on Bat C, and the amperage looks like about 2 amps, but that could be kind of noise-level stuff. I've got all the floodlights off and I - Can you think of anything - I could power down to lower Main A.
138:35:53 Mattingly: Okay. How about reading the voltage off of Main A?
138:35:57 Swigert: Okay. Oh, this is Ken. Okay. Ken, it was 30.2.
138:36:03 Mattingly: Okay. We're checking out the floodlights we gave you. Actually, Jack, you ought to be able to go ahead and use the lights we gave you. There's no reason to sit in the dark. They're supposed to be coming off of Main B, and we're checking that now.
138:36:19 Swigert: Okay. It's not bad down there. We're in - got plenty of light. But should I be reading the voltage on Bat C? [Long pause.]
138:36:39 Mattingly: Jack, you should be reading Bat C voltage. That circuit breaker should be open.
138:36:46 Swigert: Okay. Okay, can you think of anything else you want to get turned off to lighten load on Main A?
138:37:01 Mattingly: Okay. We're perusing that subject right now, Jack. It's really not that big a thing, just something we wanted to dress up.
138:37:11 Swigert: Okay. [Long pause.]
Apollo Control, Houston; 138 hours, 38 minutes into the flight...
138:37:57 Mattingly: Okay, Aquarius; Houston.
138:38:00 Lovell: Go ahead.
138:38:02 Mattingly: Say, Jim, as something to try, you might have Jack turn off the Ring 1's Auto coils, which are probably on Main A. Have him turn those off and take a look at the readings.
138:38:13 Lovell: Okay. [Long pause.]
The Flight Dynamics Officer has just reported to Flight Director Gene Kranz that initial tracking following the mid-course burn shows that that burn was performed precisely as planned. We're at 138 hours, 39 minutes into the flight, Apollo 13 now 32,012 nautical miles away with a velocity of 10,982 feet per second. This is Apollo Control, Houston.
138:39:11 Lovell: Okay. Jack has turned off Ring 1 that was on Main A, and he's still reading 30.2 volts. [Pause.]
138:39:19 Kerwin: Roger that, Jim. What's his amperage? Did he read that off?
138:39:29 Lovell: I guess. He says it's down in the mud; it's less than 2 amps.
138:39:32 Kerwin: Down in the mud. Okay, understand that. Request he turn them back on and - Okay, Jim, that's the Auto coils back on Ring 1, Main A, and when you get that done, I'd like you to copy the entry PAD. [Long pause.]
138:40:25 Lovell: Okay, Joe. Standing by to copy the entry PAD.
138:40:29 Kerwin: Okay, here we come. Entry pad: Mid-Pacific, 000,153; 000. The next two lines will be the GET of moonset and the Moon-check attitude; 142:38:17, 178; Noun 61, minus 21.66, minus 165.37; 06.7; 36211, 6.51; 1168.9, 36292; 142:40:40; 00:28. The next four are N/A; D subzero is 4.00, 02:04; 00:17, 03:22, 08:14; 33, 353.1, 29.9. Boresight star is Sigma Libra, down 08.8, left 0.4; lift vector up. Comments: GDC for entry alignment, stars 31 and 23. The roll align 041, pitch 245, yaw 024, use EMS nonexit pattern. Maintain Moon-check attitude until moonset; then go to entry attitude or track horizon with the 36-degree window mark. Last comment: constant g entry is roll right. Over. [Long pause.]
138:43:46 Lovell: Entry pad as follows: Mid-Pac, 000,153, 000; 142:38:17, 178; minus 21.66, minus 165.37; 06.7; 36211, 6.51; 1168.9, 36292; 142:40:40; 00:28. Next four columns are N/A; D subzero is 4.00, 02:04; 00:17, 03:22 08:14; 33, 353.1, 29.9. Zebra Libra, or something like that, Beta Libra is down 08.8, left 0.4; lift vector up; GDC entry alined, stars 31, 33. Roll 041, pitch, 045, yaw 024. EMS nonexit pattern to be used; maintain Moon check attitude until moonset, and if all else is lost, the constant g entry is right - Roll is right.
Page E/1-7 from the Entry Checklist with the PAD data filled in.
138:45:08 Kerwin: Okay. Roger that, Jim. I want to verify a couple of things I'm not sure I heard you read back. The first one was Zebra Libra (laughter) that's Sigma Libra. The set stars 31 and 23. Did you get that? Over.
138:45:27 Lovell: Okay. No, I had 31 and 33, and I got Sigma Libra now, and it'll be 31 and 23 for the set stars.
138:45:34 Kerwin: Okay. And your GDC pitch align, I wasn't sure whether that was - whether you read back 245 or 045. The correct number is 245. Over.
138:45:45 Lovell: Good show, because I have 045 down. 245.
138:45:48 Kerwin: Okay. And the Moon check here, unlike the horizon check, is on the 36-degree window mark all the way. Just wanted to repeat that. [Pause.]
138:46:08 Lovell: Moon check on 30-degree window mark.
138:46:11 Kerwin: That's 36-degree window mark, Jim.
138:46:14 Lovell: Three six. Roger.
Command Module window markings, useful for reentry orientation. They will be used to sight the Moon at the hatch window at a specific time and orientation, as a quick reference to them being at the proper position.
138:46:16 Kerwin: Okay. Readback correct. And, Aquarius; Houston. If you want me to read you the landing area summary, I'll do that.
138:46:31 Lovell: Sounds good.
138:46:33 Kerwin: Okay. In the mid-Pacific landing area, the weather is good. The cloud cover is 2000, scattered; visibility, 10; winds 060 at 10; wave heights are 4 feet, and the altimeter 2986, if you care. Scattered showers less than 10 per cent of the area. Recovery forces are as follows: the Iwo Jima will be at the touchdown point, the aircraft call sign will be Recovery 1, on station with swimmers on board. The - we have the constant g backup reentry area covered with the USS Hall, the Good Liberty Ship, and the other recovery aircraft whose call signs you may hear are Samoa Rescue C-130s.
Map of the Primary Recovery Area, with the gathered forces.
138:47:31 Lovell: Okay, fine. We have the Iwo Jima as the prime recovery ship.
138:47:34 Kerwin: That's correct.
138:47:37 Lovell: Joe, Jack tells me he is still having trouble looking through the optics. I'm just going to pitch up a little bit more here to see if he can get into the dark spot.
138:47:46 Kerwin: Okay, real fine. You might tell him when we get to that point, we have some - some stars with corresponding shaft and trunnion angles to pass to him as backups in case the computer doesn't happen to point him straight at one. And it's the Summer Triangle.
138:51:16 Lovell: And are you tracking us, and do you have any results on that last midcourse?
138:51:21 Kerwin: Stand by. It looks good. I'll try and get you numbers. [Long pause.]
138:52:14 Lovell: It feels nice to use the hand controller again.
138:52:19 Kerwin: Go ahead, Aquarius.
138:52:22 Lovell: I just said, Joe, it feels nice to use the hand controller again.
138:52:25 Kerwin: Oh. Roger that. FIDO says he's got you nailed within a half a foot per second; the midcourse looked real good.
138:52:35 Kerwin: And I've got two things we'd like Jack to do in the Command Module to ease the load on Main A. One of them is to verify or turn the CM/RCS Heater switch to Off. We're done with that, and even though the circuit breakers are pulled, the switches might be drawing a little current. And the second one is, we'd like him to turn SCS Logic Power 2/3 to Off; we don't need it now. It's called up in the checklist at the appropriate time, and we'd like him to turn that off. Over.
138:53:20 Lovell: Okay. I'll tell Jack to check that the CM/RCS Heater switch is off, and, if not, we'll turn it off; and also to turn off the SCS Logic Power 2/3 switch, Off, since it comes up later in the checklist.
138:53:34 Kerwin: That's correct. [Long pause.]
138:54:14 Lovell: Houston, Aquarius. We're recording Main A voltage up to 31.0.
138:54:19 Kerwin: Roger. That's 31.0. We're smiling.
This is Apollo Control, Houston. You heard the entry PAD being passed up to Apollo 13; this PAD based on the last midcourse; let's quickly summarize the meaning of some of those numbers. We are presently looking at splash coordinates of 21.66 south latitude, 165.37 west latitude - or longitude, max g of 6.7, velocity at Entry Interface of 36,211 feet per second, and an entry angle of minus 6.51; time of Entry Interface at 142 hours, 40 minutes, 40 seconds Ground Elapsed Time; begin blackout 17 seconds following Entry Interface. End of blackout; 3 minutes, 22 seconds following Entry Interface. Deployment of the drogue chutes at 8 minutes, 14 seconds. Our digital display now shows Apollo 13 at a distance of 30,226 nautical miles away, with a velocity of 11,290 feet per second. We are 138 hours, 56 minutes into the flight; and this is Apollo Control, Houston.
138:59:10 Lovell: Houston, Aquarius.
138:59:11 Kerwin: Go, Aquarius.
138:59:14 Lovell: Okay. How about if I hold a pitch attitude of about 115 instead of about 91. I think Jack can use the optics a little bit better at that angle.
138:59:28 Kerwin: Jim, that's perfectly okay with us, if it looks good for stars.
138:59:35 Lovell: He just looked at them briefly; I'll go down and look at them a little bit better here.
138:59:41 Kerwin: Okay. With the new attitude, our shaft and trunnion angles we were going to pass him don't mean anything, but it's more important to have a good star field.
139:09:45 Kerwin: Aquarius, Houston.
139:09:48 Lovell: Go ahead.
139:09:49 Kerwin: Okay, Jim. We - We've been talking about your going to a different attitude than the PAD attitude for better star field vision out the Command Module, and what we'd like to have you do is this. If you can predict now or sometime soon, what attitude it is that you would like to hold at that time, and go to that attitude now, we'd like to be able to compute the coarse align gimbal angles for the CSM, and we can do that if you go to the selected attitude, hold it, call up a Verb 06 Noun 20, and read us your LM gimbal angles, we can take those and compute CSM coarse align gimbal angles on the assumption that, when we get back into the CSM coarse align, you will return to that selected attitude. Does that sound okay? Over.
139:10:46 Lovell: Yes. I'll try to hold the attitude we select directly, while you're giving us the coarse align attitude. We're not too sure what - what's the best attitude. I'm going to ask Jack again if 115 is sufficient for him.
139:11:02 Kerwin: Okay. You can take some time figuring out the best attitude, and then you won't have to hold it all the way from now until then, if you just get back to it.
139:12:58 Lovell: Houston, Jack would like to know what constellations are in his sextant, or scanning telescope, field of view at an attitude of about 105 pitch, zero roll, zero yaw. Can you give that to us?
139:13:15 Kerwin: Okay. We'll sure give it a go. As I said, we - We have some stars. They're not - They're not centered with the shaft and trunnion zero. Let us take a quick look at 105 pitch, shaft and trunnion zero, and see if we can get you an answer. [Long pause.]
139:13:52 Kerwin: Aquarius, Houston.
139:13:55 Lovell: Go ahead.
139:13:56 Kerwin: Roger. These - None of these stars will be exactly centered, but, at a pitch attitude of 115, we had computed that Vega, Altair, Rasalhague, and Deneb would all be in the telescope field of view, and the first three were also in view at the 91-degree pitch, so he should be able to see one or more of those four stars. Over.
139:14:30 Lovell: Okay. Thank you, very much.
139:14:33 Kerwin: Okay. And, Jim, I can give shaft and trunnions if - if he's interested.
139:14:42 Lovell: Okay. Why don't you give us the shaft and trunion for - say, Altair at 115, and I'll go up there, and I'll see if he can pick it up.
139:14:52 Kerwin: Okay. Real fine, At 115 degrees of pitch, Altair, shaft 274, trunnion 22.2. Over.
139:15:08 Lovell: Roger. Shaft is 274, trunnion 22.2.
139:15:11 Kerwin: That's affirm. [Long pause.]
139:15:44 Kerwin: Aquarius, Houston.
139:15:47 Lovell: Go ahead, Joe.
139:15:48 Kerwin: Okay, Jim. In the LM, there we have - We show battery 3 only drawing about an amp, and we think it's probably time to get it off the line; battery 3 to Off/Reset. Over. [Long pause.]
139:16:10 Lovell: Battery 3 is Off/Reset.
139:16:12 Kerwin: Okay. [Pause.]
139:16:19 Lovell: Just how's our power consumption, Houston, just out of curiosity?
139:16:25 Kerwin: I'll verify it, Jim. I'm sure it's okay. [Long pause.]
139:16:47 Kerwin: Okay, Aquarius; Houston. With the present amount of power you've got in the LM, which is over 500 amp-hours, and the rate you're using them, we figure you've got almost 12 hours of power left.
139:17:04 Lovell: Twelve hours, huh? We could reenter with it.
139:17:06 Kerwin: That's affirm. [Pause.]
139:17:15 Kerwin: That's enough for two touch-and-goes and a full stop, Jim. [Pause.]
139:17:24 Lovell: That's right, Joe; if you could dig a crater like Cone Crater, I could might hit it.
139:17:30 Kerwin: [Laughter.] Okay.
139:17:33 Lovell: Jack reports that he thinks he can see Altair.
139:17:36 Kerwin: Very good.
139:17:40 Lovell: He says, he thinks he can see Altair.
139:17:44 Kerwin: Okay. I'll take back the "very," but I'll leave the "good".
This is Apollo Control, Houston. We're now at 139 hours, 19 minutes into the flight. Our digital displays show the Apollo 13 spacecraft at a distance of 27,698 nautical miles away from Earth. Velocity increasing, now reading 11,779 feet per second. As you heard the discussion earlier about LM descent battery number 3 has been taken off the line. Five batteries, including 2 in the ascent stage are now on the line. This gives almost 12 hours of flight time remaining. To quickly recap what has transpired earlier, the midcourse burn number 7 was performed as scheduled at 137 hours, 39 minutes, 48 seconds into the flight. This was a burn of 23 seconds in duration with a Delta-V of 3 feet per second. Our flight dynamics tracking confirms that the burn was performed precisely as planned. Command Module Pilot Jack Swigert is now in the Command Module. Earlier he powered up the Main Bus B, and powered up some of the equipment in his checkout process. The Command Module Computer was verified as looking good. Service Module separation occurred a little earlier than planned. Of course, this is not a time critical event. Jim Lovell decided to separate from the Service Module some 8 minutes in advance of that time previously considered. We copied a separation time...
139:21:22 Lovell: Houston, Aquarius.
139:21:25 Kerwin: Aquarius, Houston. Go.
139:21:30 Lovell: I ran back there to take a look and see what I could see in the - in the scanning telescope. It looks pretty grim back there right now. It might be that we have to go with the coarse align, and maybe computation of some fine align docking angles, if we have time.
The optical path inside the Scanning Telescope.
139:21:46 Kerwin: Okay. We'd like to do that, too. Wait a minute; stand by, Jim.
We copied Service Module separation 138 hours, 2 minutes, 8 seconds Ground Elapsed Time. Jim Lovell vividly described the condition of the Service Module as Apollo 13 moved away from it as having one whole side missing. Fred Haise then reported that the Service Propulsion System engine bell appeared damaged. Looking ahead, we plan to bring up the Command Module batteries 2½ hours prior to Entry Interface, some considerably in advance of what would transpire if we had a normal mission. The batteries are normally brought on the line about 30 minutes prior to Entry Interface. Right now our clock is counting down to Lunar Module jettison. And we show a time of 2 hours, 17 minutes from this time. We're at 139 hours, 23 minutes; and this is Apollo Control, Houston.
139:23:28 Mattingly: Aquarius, Houston. How do you read?
139:23:31 Lovell: I read you loud and clear.
139:23:32 Mattingly: Okay. What we'd like to do, Jim, is - We'll go ahead and get the coarse align to the gimbal angles that - that you're going to be holding for us; and we'll get the platform up, and then when you call P52 and you use PICAPAR, it probably won't be close enough to put the star in the sextant, but if you can see any kind of a bright star in the general vicinity, - and like general vicinity, I mean 2 to 3 degrees from the center of the telescope, so that you have some clue as to which way to go, then the identification problem shouldn't present much of a - of a difficulty. And once you get the thing in the sextant, then you can go ahead and treat it like any other PICAPAR.
139:24:18 Lovell: That sounds great, Ken. One little problem: there's all sorts of bright objects floating around us, and also that just staring at part of Aquarius; it's just reflecting light like mad. We can give it a try. There's no problem there; if we can see it, we'll get it.
139:24:38 Mattingly: Okay. And in - in the event that that doesn't work, we're standing by with the original scheme, a set of LM FDAI angles to fly to that'll point the Command Module optics at the Moon and the Sun; so we can always go back to that.
139:24:53 Lovell: Okay. [Long pause.]
139:25:10 Kerwin: And, Aquarius, Houston. We'd like you to verify the Suit Relief valve to closed. Over.
139:25:18 Lovell: Stand by. It's closed.
139:31:05 Lovell: Okay, Houston; Aquarius.
139:31:07 Kerwin: Aquarius, Houston. Go.
139:31:09 Lovell: We'll go with your original 91-degree angle, if you have the stars figured out, and the coarse align angle for it.
139:31:18 Kerwin: Okay. Roger that, Jim. Then at - at your convenience here, we'd like you to go to that attitude, as close as you can get, and call up a Noun 20 for us.
139:31:31 Lovell: Okay. In work now.
139:34:58 Lovell: Houston, Aquarius.
139:35:02 Kerwin: Go ahead, Aquarius.
139:35:05 Lovell: Okay. I take it that, if - if Jack cannot see stars at this attitude after you give him the coarse align angles, we're just not going to read down to you our gimbal angles and have you figure out a target angle for Jack, but you want him to do sighting on the Moon and the Sun. Is that correct?
139:35:26 Kerwin: That's roughly correct, Jim. Jack will coarse align at that attitude. This is what we're having you maneuver to the - to that attitude for. We're going to compute coarse align gimbal angles and pass them up to him, and the first thing he'll do when he gets there, per his checklist, is to coarse align his platform. Then he'll go into the P52, and, if he can't see stars, we will quickly pass up to you the - your FDAI angles to put him in the Moon-view attitude, and he'll do his P52 on the Moon, and then have you maneuver on the Sun and complete the P52 of the Sun.
139:36:11 Lovell: Okay. But I'm going to have to maneuver to the Moon to help him out.
139:36:15 Kerwin: Oh. That's - That's affirmative. If he can't see stars at the - at the Sep attitude that - that you'll be holding, you'll have to maneuver to the Moon attitude and then to the Sun attitude for him.
139:37:26 Kerwin: Aquarius, Houston.
139:37:29 Lovell: Go ahead.
139:37:30 Kerwin: Just like to mention that, even if, for some reason, we run out of time or something and don't complete the Moon-Sun P52, Jack will have a platform coarse align to the entry REFSMMAT, which we feel will be plenty good enough.
139:37:46 Lovell: Roger. That's my feelings, too.
This is Apollo Control, Houston; 139 hours, 42 minutes now into the flight. Apollo 13 is presently 25,227 nautical miles out from Earth, traveling at a velocity of about 12,307 feet per second. As you heard the earlier discussion, Jack Swigert having some difficulty seeing stars through the Command Module optics. These sightings are used as a reference in platform alignment - that's the computer platform. The problem is caused by sunlight reflecting off the surface of the Lunar Module and this reflection getting into the optics and washing out the view of the stars. If Command Module Pilot Swigert is unsuccessful in his star sighting efforts, Jim Lovell will maneuver with the Lunar Module to give him the opportunity to sight off the Sun and Moon. We're at 139 hours, 42 minutes and continuing to monitor; this is Apollo Control, Houston.
139:50:45 Kerwin: Aquarius, Houston.
139:50:49 Lovell: Hello there, Houston.
139:50:50 Kerwin: Hi! Jim, we - We've gone ahead and computed the CSM coarse align gimbal angles based on your being at the Service Module Sep attitude at the time that Jack cranks up the computer and - and coarse aligns the IMU. That is, we assume that you're going to be at roll, 0; pitch, 091; yaw, 0; and, if you concur on that, I'd like to pass up the angles for - for Jack to have.
139:51:27 Lovell: Okay. I'll be there to the best of my ability.
139:51:30 Kerwin: Good show. You ready to copy? [Pause.]
139:51:38 Lovell: Go ahead.
139:51:40 Kerwin: Okay. CSM coarse align angles: Roll, plus 298.95; Pitch, plus 271.30; Yaw, plus 000.20. [Pause.]
139:52:11 Lovell: Okay. The Command Module angles will be: Roll, 298.95, Pitch, 271.30; and Yaw, 000.20.
139:52:21 Kerwin: That's affirmative, and that's for his Verb 41 Noun 20 when he gets there.
This is Apollo Control, Houston; 139 hours, 53 minutes now into the flight of Apollo 13. Our display shows this 13 spacecraft at 23,873 nautical miles now out from Earth. Less than 20 minutes from this time, Jack Swigert aboard the Command Module will start drawing power from the three Command Module entry batteries. With this event forthcoming, Flight Director Gene Kranz advised his flight control team on the loop to review all checklist procedures for power transfer. You may recall that yesterday the entry batteries A and B were recharged from the LM. Presently there are 118 amp-hours showing for the three entry batteries on the Command Module, this is within 2 amp-hours of the lift-off number. We're at 139 hours, 55 minutes into the flight and this is Apollo Control, Houston.
This is Apollo Control, Houston; at 139 hours, 59 minutes now into the flight of Apollo 13. We presently show Apollo 13 at 23,196 nautical miles away from Earth and with a speed of 12,798 feet per second. The Retrofire Officer advised the Flight Director Gene Kranz that our entry times are holding quite firm. There's only a one second change in Ground Elapsed Time for Entry Interface. We're now looking at 142 hours, 40 minutes, 39 seconds for time of entry into the Earth's atmosphere and at a velocity of 36,211 feet per second, at an entry angle of 6.5 - minus 6.5 degrees. We're at 140 hours now into the flight and this is Apollo Control, Houston.
140:00:50 Kerwin: Aquarius, Houston. Over.
140:00:53 Lovell: Go ahead, Houston; Aquarius here.
140:00:55 Kerwin: Okay, Jim. We're getting about 9 minutes from the commencement of Command Module power-up, and we wanted to just mention to you for Jack's benefit that, although the batteries are looking real good, in case they're cool and have a little difficulty hacking the load just at first, we'd like him to monitor main bus voltage to 24 volts or above during the power-up procedure and, if it falls below, we'll have a couple of circuit breakers for him that - that will solve the problem. [Pause.]
140:01:33 Lovell: Okay. And I take it you're also monitoring main bus voltage.
140:01:38 Kerwin: Negative. Not in the Command Module at this time, because we don't call up telemetry until a little bit later on.
140:01:44 Lovell: Ah so. That's right; I forgot. Okay. I will tell him.
140:01:47 Kerwin: Thank you.
140:09:48 Kerwin: Aquarius, Houston.
140:09:51 Lovell: Go ahead.
140:09:52 Kerwin: Okay. You're Go to start powering up the Command Module.
140:09:56 Lovell: Right-o. We're starting now.
140:09:58 Kerwin: Okay. [Long pause.]
140:10:32 Haise: Okay. We have LM power breakers. [Long pause.]
140:11:20 Haise: Okay. Houston, you're looking at it.
140:11:24 Kerwin: Okay. Roger. Stand by. [Pause.]
140:11:34 Kerwin: Okay. Press on, Fred.
140:11:39 Haise: Okay. [Long pause.]
140:12:10 Haise: Okay. That's - That's it, Joe. [Pause.]
140:12:17 Kerwin: Okay. Real good.
Apollo Control, Houston; 140 hours, 16 minutes down in the flight - the network...
140:16:23 Kerwin: Aquarius, Huston.
140:16:26 Lovell: Go ahead.
140:16:27 Kerwin: Roger. We have Command Module AOS. Request Omni Charlie in the CM. Over.
140:16:33 Lovell: Omni Charlie. Okay. Standby. [Pause.]
That call off from Joe Kerwin confirming that Honeysuckle has Acquisition Of Signal of the Command Module S-band. We're at 140 hours; 16 minutes. Apollo 13 now 21,092 nautical miles away.
140:16:45 Lovell: Coming up.
140:16:46 Kerwin: Okay. [Pause.]
140:16:54 Lovell: That was sent through a new onboard communication system known as yelling through the tunnel.
140:17:00 Kerwin: [Laughter.] The one MC. [Pause.]
140:17:08 Lovell: I've got Fred up there with Jack now helping to power up the CM, and I'm staying down in good old Aquarius.
140:17:16 Kerwin: Understand, Jim.
Apollo Control, Houston; we're 140 hours, 18 minutes now into the flight. That last report from spacecraft commander Jim Lovell reporting that Fred Haise, now in the Command Module, helping Jack Swigert power up the systems. The nominal timeline called for Lovell and Haise is to transfer into the Lunar Module at about minus 1 hour, 30 minutes from time of Entry Interface. So Lunar Module Pilot Haise has stepped ahead slightly in that timeline. We now show that we're 1 hour, 22 minutes away from time of jettison of the Lunar Module. With 140 hours, 19 minutes into the flight; this is Apollo Control, Houston.
Apollo Control, Houston at 140 hours, 21 minutes now into the flight. We're receiving the Command Module tracking data now and the data is looking good.
140:21:13 Kerwin: Aquarius, Houston.
140:21:16 Lovell: Go ahead.
140:21:17 Kerwin: Just to inform you. We've got data from the - from Odyssey, and it looks good.
140:21:22 Lovell: Hey, great.
However, in looking over some of the Command Module displays it appears...
140:21:33 Lovell: Houston, Aquarius. Odyssey is trying to call. Can you read them?
140:21:36 Kerwin: Negative. Don't read Odyssey yet; has he got his intercom panel configured?
140:21:41 Lovell: I'll double check. They're hearing you.
140:21:49 Kerwin: Okay. Good deal. I don't hear them, yet. [Pause.]
It appears to be a little chilly inside the Command Module cabin at the present time. We have a reading of 38 degrees.
140:22:01 Lovell: Are you ready for an E-Memory dump, Verb 74?
140:22:07 Kerwin: Stand by for just 1 minute, Jim. [Long pause.]
140:22:42 Lovell: We've got a lot of things to do, Houston.
140:22:45 Kerwin: I know it. Okay, Aquarius; Houston. Recommend in Odyssey that he switch the Power Amplifier to Low. Over.
140:22:54 Lovell: Power Amplifier to Low. [Pause.]
140:23:02 Lovell: It's been switched to Low, Houston.
140:23:05 Kerwin: Roger. Okay. Verify the Power AMP talkback is gray, Jim.
140:23:13 Lovell: Okay. That's verified.
140:23:24 Kerwin: Okay. [Long pause.]
We're at 140 hours, 23 minutes now into the flight. We presently show Apollo 13 at 20,257 nautical miles away and having a velocity of 13,622 feet per second. This is Apollo Control, Houston.
140:24:13 Kerwin: Aquarius, Houston.
140:24:15 Lovell: Go ahead.
140:24:16 Kerwin: We have high bit rate; we are standing by for the Verb 74 Enter and the E-Mod dump.
140:24:22 Lovell: Roger. Thank you.
140:24:25 Swigert: Joe, how do you read?
140:24:26 Kerwin: Okay. Read you, babe.
140:24:29 Swigert: Okay, Loud and clear. Verb 74 coming down.
140:24:39 Kerwin: Okay. Copy that, Jack.
140:24:43 Swigert: And I'll be ready for your P27 update. And P00 and Accept.
140:24:51 Swigert: And I'm in Accept,
140:24:54 Kerwin: Okay. Understand you are in P00 and Accept. Verify Omni Charlie. [Pause.]
140:25:04 Swigert: Okay. Joe, we are Omni Charlie. We have little bit better signal strength on another Omni.
140:25:10 Kerwin: Okay. Stand by. [Long pause.]
140:25:23 Kerwin: Okay, Odyssey; Houston. Select your own best Omni and then repeat Verb 74 Enter. Over.
140:26:50 Kerwin: Okay, Odyssey; Houston. We are locked on solid high bit rate now; repeat the Verb 74 Enter. Over. Delay that; hold the Verb 74 1 minute. Wait.
140:27:02 Swigert: You're too late, Joe; it's coming down. [Long pause.]
140:27:31 Kerwin: Okay, Odyssey, Houston.
140:27:36 Swigert: Go ahead.
140:27:37 Kerwin: Okay. We are going to skip the E-Mod dump for right now and get the uplink in.
140:27:43 Swigert: Okay. P00 and Accept.
140:27:44 Kerwin: Okay. P00 and Accept. And, Jack, you can go ahead with the IMU and optics powerup. Over.
140:27:54 Swigert: Roger. It's in work.
Apollo Control, Houston; 140 hours, 34 minutes now into the flight. We're presently in the process of updating the Command Module Computer, the CMC now in program 27. We show 1 hour, 7 minutes away from scheduled time of jettison of the Lunar Module. This is Apollo Control, Houston.
140:35:13 Haise: We [Garble] unable to read any Bat B voltage. We do have current, though, on Bat B. [Pause.]
140:35:25 Kerwin: Okay. Copy that, Fred.
140:35:28 Haise: Why don't you check? [Pause.]
140:35:38 Kerwin: You're looking good on the ground, Odyssey.
140:35:45 Kerwin: And I think the reason you don't read voltage is that it's a circuit breaker that we have called as being out.
140:35:53 Swigert: All right. Real fine.
This is Apollo Control, Houston; now 140 hours, 37 minutes now into the flight. We presently show Apollo 13 at 18,623 nautical miles from Earth and with a velocity of 14,144 feet per second. This is Apollo Control.
140:36:56 Kerwin: Odyssey, Houston. The uplink is going well. We have one more load to get in.
140:37:02 Haise: Okay. Real fine.
140:39:09 Swigert: Is the computer mine now, Joe?
140:39:13 Kerwin:Aah - stand by 1 second. [Long pause.]
140:40:02 Kerwin: Okay, Jack. We'd like the Verb 74 Enter, and it'll take less than a minute for E-Mod dump.
140:40:10 Swigert: Coming down. [Pause.]
140:40:20 Kerwin: And, aah, Jack, Houston. It'll be 100 seconds on that.
140:40:26 Swigert: Okay. Can I go to Block on the Up Telemetry?
140:40:29 Kerwin: Aah - not - not just yet, Jack. [Long pause.]
140:40:55 Kerwin: Odyssey, Houston. You can go to UpTel Block. Over.
140:41:01 Swigert: UpTel Block and the computer is mine.
140:41:03 Kerwin: Not yet, Jack. We're still in the E-Mod dump. And, Aquarius, Houston...
140:41:04 Swigert: Okay. [Pause.]
140:41:14 Lovell: Go ahead, Houston.
140:41:16 Kerwin: Okay. We're coming up on time for the coarse align, Jim, so you can hold your attitude real good.
140:41:25 Kerwin: And, Odyssey, Houston. The computer is yours. You can press on.
140:43:13 Lovell: Houston, Aquarius.
140:43:17 Kerwin: Aquarius, Houston. Go ahead.
140:43:18 Lovell: Roger. He just did the coarse align. I'm going to the jettison attitude.
140:43:23 Kerwin: Copy that. [Long pause.]
140:43:37 Kerwin: Aquarius, Houston. I copied that you - that he's completed the coarse align; he's going into the P52 now? Is that right?
140:43:54 Lovell: Let me check. I think he is.
140:43:56 Kerwin: Okay. You're staying at your present attitude, aren't you?
140:44:03 Lovell: Yeah. We'll - I'll stay in the present attitude.
140:44:05 Kerwin: Roger that. [Long pause.]
140:44:26 Swigert: Okay, Houston. I got a 220 alarm here. [Garble] [Pause.]
140:44:34 Kerwin: Roger that.
140:44:37 Swigert: [Garble] [Long pause.]
140:44:55 Kerwin: Odyssey, Houston. Have you set the drift flag and the REFSMMAT flag Over. [Pause.]
140:45:07 Kerwin: Odyssey, Houston.
140:45:12 Swigert: [Garble] flag.
140:45:15 Kerwin: You were noisy; I didn't copy. Have you set the drift and REFSMMAT flag?
Jack Swigert reported a 220 alarm, this indicating that the IMU is not aligned. We're at 140 hours, 45 minutes into the flight. We show Apollo 13 at 17,461 nautical miles away at the present, now traveling at a speed of 14,552 feet per second.
Apollo 13 now 54 minutes away from the time of Lunar Module jettison. To dispose of Aquarius, the crew inside the Command Module, after installing the hatch, will vent the Lunar Module tunnel to 1½ or 2 pounds giving a Delta pressure of 3 psi across the docking tunnel hatch. This to ensure a proper sealing. To jettison the Lunar Module the pyros are fired aboard the Command Module and pressure in the tunnel gives a separation velocity of some 2 feet per second. The Command Module will do most of the moving at this point because it will be the lighter of the 2 spacecraft. Separation could be likened to the releasing of a balloon and having air propel it along. We're at 140 hours, 47 minutes now into the flight and Apollo 13 now at a distance of 17,225 nautical miles from Earth traveling at a speed of 14,629 feet per second. This is Apollo Control, Houston.
140:48:04 Swigert: Okay, Joe. I don't have a star in the sextant. I'm going to hunt for it in a minute.
140:48:09 Kerwin: Roger that, Jack.
140:49:23 Swigert: Okay, Joe. Can you give me any stars that I might try here?
140:49:28 Kerwin: That's affirmative. Vega and Altair should be good. Vega is 36, Altair is 40.
140:49:36 Swigert: Okay. We'll give that a try
140:49:38 Kerwin: Okay. And you might look for them in the telescope if they're not in the sextant right off. They should be close to the crosshairs.
140:49:45 Swigert: Okay. I got all that material that's venting from the bottom of the Command Module.
140:49:53 Kerwin: Roger that.