Apollo 12
Day 1, part 5: PTC and back over to the LM
Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright © 2004 - 2022 by W. David Woods, Johannes Kemppanen and Lennox J. Waugh. All rights reserved.
Last updated 2022-11-10
008:29:12 Gibson: Hello, Houston; 12.
008:29:16 Gibson: 12, Houston.
008:29:20 Gordon: Roger. It - I think it's about time I went to PTC, don't you?
008:29:29 Gibson: Roger. That's affirmative, Dick. And now that you're back in out of the LM and ready to pick up, why don't I give you some of the things we've been thinking about as far as the time line. You'll be back on that nominal time line when you take the Primary Evap and deactivate it after PTC. And also for PTC, we'd like you to disable Quads Alpha and Bravo.
008:30:05 Gordon: Roger. Understand disable Alpha and Bravo. [Long pause.]
PTC referred to their - Passive Thermal Control or the slow barbeque mode that the command and Service Module and Lunar Module go into in route to the Moon and from the Moon to stabilize the thermal conditions outside the spacecraft. We're at 8 hours, 30 minutes now into the flight. We show an altitude on Apollo 12 of 40,159 nautical miles, and a velocity of 9,294.5 feet per second. This is Apollo control, Houston, continuing to monitor.
008:31:06 Gibson: 12, Houston.
008:31:12 Gordon: Go ahead, Houston.
008:31:14 Gibson: Would you go ahead and turn off Hydrogen tank 1 heater to get us to do some Cryo balancing? And secondly, give us a readout of the Service Module RCS propellant quantity for all quads?
008:31:31 Conrad: Okay. Hydrogen tank 1 heater is Off, and 2 is remaining in Auto.
008:31:39 Gordon: Quad A propellant, Full Scale High and a percent. Quad B, Full Scale High; Quad C, Full Scale High; Quad D, Full Scale High.
008:31:50 Gibson: Roger. Copy all Full Scale High.
008:32:13 Gordon: Houston, we're going to go ahead and maneuver to 090 and set up PTC.
008:32:20 Gibson: Roger, Dick.
That was Dick Gordon reporting that they would maneuver to PTC attitude or Passive Thermal Control attitude. 8 hours, 32 minutes now into the flight. This is Apollo control, Houston.
008:34:13 Gordon: Hello, Houston. We have a Cryo Press, O
2 Tank 2 pressure's a little low. It's about 800.
008:34:21 Gibson: Dick, Roger. Copy 800.
008:34:25 Gordon: And is that normal for that particular Tank, or is that one we've - we expected to have trouble with? Like a warning coming on before the heater?
008:34:38 Gibson: Stand by on that, Dick.
008:35:07 Gibson: 12, Houston. Had you gone ahead and stirred both tanks? They both look low at the present time.
008:35:16 Gordon: We haven't done anything to them except leave the heaters on. We can give them both a fan cycle if you like.
008:35:24 Gibson: Stand by on that.
008:36:34 Gibson: 12, Houston. You can go ahead and turn the fans on and bring the pressure up.
008:36:42 Conrad: Roger. We're bringing them both on now, and understand you're going to watch them for us.
008:36:47 Gibson: Roger. We're looking.
008:38:02 Bean: Hello, Houston; 12.
008:38:06 Gibson: 12, Houston. Go ahead.
008:38:07 Bean: What's that tank doing? You give us a [garble] Tank 2 O
008:38:43 Gibson: 12, Houston. We are showing on Tank 1, 737; Tank 2, 755; and they appear to be holding.
008:38:51 Bean: Say that again, Houston.
008:38:57 Gibson: 12, we show on Tank 1, 737; Tank 2, 755.
008:39:05 Bean: Roger. We are trying to figure out ourselves why they [garble ] normal [garble] [Pause.]
008:39:28 Gibson: 12, give us Omni Alpha, Omni Alpha. [Pause.]
008:39:43 Gibson: 12, go to Omni Alpha, Omni Alpha. [Long pause.]
This is Apollo Control, Houston; 8 hours and 40 minutes into the flight of Apollo 12. That earlier report or exchange that power going into the LM was oscillating as before but showing 1 amp higher.
We are standing by for this.
008:40:29 Bean: Houston, 12.
008:40:34 Gibson: 12, Houston.
008:40:46 Gibson: 12, Houston. Go ahead.
008:40:53 Bean: Houston, this is 12. I just stated that I have quads Alpha and Bravo disabled with the Auto RCS.
008:41:00 Gibson: Roger. [Pause.]
008:41:11 Gibson: And, 12, would you go ahead and verify that the O
2 Heaters are in Auto?
008:41:17 Bean: Both O
2 Heaters are in Auto.
008:41:21 Gibson: Roger, Al. [Long pause.]
Retracing our earlier statement with regard to the 1 amp higher, this is not viewed with significance in the Mission Control Center at this time. It's possibly a change in calibration, but we can't really tell. At 8 hours, 41 minutes into t,he flight; we show Apollo 12 with an altitude of 41,129 nautical miles [76,171 km].
008:41:55 Gibson: 12, Houston. We're looking at the O
2 again and reading Tank 1, 758; and 777, Tank 2. It's coming up slow.
008:42:26 Bean: Okay. We're going to leave our H - I mean our O
2 fans on until you give us a call, then.
008:42:32 Gibson: Roger. That's a good idea. Looks as though you just have some stratification, and it's going to take a little while to mix it up.
008:47:38 Gibson: 12. Houston.
008:47:40 Conrad: Go ahead, Ed.
008:47:42 Gibson: Your pitch and yaw rates are - look low. You can go ahead and start the roll.
008:47:48 Conrad: You say our pitch and yaw looks pretty good, huh?
008:47:51 Gibson: That's affirmative.
008:48:00 Gordon: Hey, we've only been waiting about 10 minutes.
008:48:08 Gibson: Dick, looks good down here. We're ready to go.
008:48:11 Gordon: Oh, I'm with you. I was just saying that it only took 10 minutes.
008:52:35 Gordon: Hello, Houston; 12.
008:52:38 Gibson: 12, Houston. Go ahead.
008:52:41 Gordon: Roger. We are still venting this cabin overboard. We think we should have terminated that about 8 hours. Can we go ahead and terminate the cabin purge?
008:53:00 Gibson: Dick, we show that we ought to go on with that until about 12 hours.
008:53:07 Gordon: Okay [Garble.]
008:56:52 Gibson: 12, Houston.
008:56:55 Conrad: Go ahead, Houston.
008:56:58 Gibson: Pete, we'd like you to take the S-band antenna to the Omni and go to the Bravo position.
008:57:05 Conrad: Okay. S-band Omni to Bravo.
008:58:04 Gordon: Houston, 12.
008:58:07 Gibson: 12, Houston. Go ahead.
008:58:09 Gordon: Roger. Let us know when you think we can deactivate the evaporator.
008:58:15 Gibson: Roger, Dick. Will do.
008:58:17 Gordon: Thank you.
008:58:21 Gibson: Dick, you can go ahead and deactivate that now.
008:58:25 Gordon: Okay. [Long pause.]
008:59:16 Gordon: Hello, Houston. This is 12, and we're about to change Lithium Hydroxide canister number 1.
008:59:25 Gibson: Roger, Dick. We copy. [Long pause.]
008:59:54 Gordon: Okay, Houston. The evaporator's secured.
008:59:59 Gibson: Roger, 12. Copy the evaporator secured.
This is Apollo Control, Houston at 9 hours, 1 minute now into the flight of Apollo 12. We currently show an altitude of 42,763.7 nautical miles [79,198.4 km] and a velocity now reading 8,966 feet per second [2,733 m/s]. Since the conversational pace has slowed considerably in this phase of the mission, we do plan to take the live release line down and tape, if for a periodic playback. However, if conversation does pick up, we will bring the line back up again. At 9 hours, 2 minutes into the flight, as you heard reported from the spacecraft by Dick Gordon, the first canister change has been made and it's expected that the crew will take some time for an eat period. This is Apollo Control, Houston.
009:02:08 Gibson: 12, Houston.
009:02:11 Conrad: Go ahead, Houston.
009:02:13 Gibson: We have some folks back here interested in your comments about the vibration during the S-II burn. Could you quickly give us a few clarifying remarks on that?
009:02:24 Conrad: It just seemed to me it vibrated all the way through the whole S-II burn, that I could feel, and let me ask the other guys. Yes, it just...
009:02:37 Gordon: Had a small low amplitude.
009:02:39 Conrad: Yes, a very small low amplitude vibration, you know, just a little shaking, all the time through-out the whole burn.
009:02:54 Gibson: Roger, Pete. Do you have any feel for the direction and the frequency?
009:03:01 Conrad: Well, it wasn't longitudinal, and - I don't know, a couple of CPSs really, I guess, or less.
009:03:11 Gibson: Roger, Pete.
009:03:21 Conrad: Okay, can you see it on the records down there or anything?
009:03:31 Gibson: Pete, we don't have the - the folks here - the booster folks here are looking at the records right now.
009:03:40 Conrad: Okay. Understand.
This is Apollo Control, Houston; 9 hours and 6 minutes into the flight. You heard Pete Conrad reflecting on the powered phase of flight, specifically the second stage of part of the boost phase with Ed Gibson on the ground. At 9 hours and 6 minutes, continuing to stand by in Mission Control Center; this is Apollo Control, Houston.
009:17:51 Conrad: Hey, Houston. It might be interesting to note we haven't used the little separator on our water gun and we're working off the sip hydrogen separator; you know, the one that's down in the lower right-hand side of the LEB, and it's very good water so far. It's got a few bubbles in it.
009:18:17 Gibson: Real good, Pete. Nothing but the best for you.
009:22:17 Gibson: 12, Houston.
009:22:21 Gordon: Go ahead.
009:22:22 Conrad: Go ahead.
009:22:24 Gibson: The folks down here have been looking over the LM E-Mod, and it looks very good to us. See no problem, would you also take the O
2 fans and put them to Off. We're - look pretty high on the tank pressure. It's 883 and 893.
009:22:41 Conrad: Okay. They're both off. And thanks for the information on the LM.
This is Apollo Control Houston at 9 hours, 36 minutes now into the flight of Apollo 12. We've had no further conversations with the spacecraft since our last report; however, we thought we would provide you an update of our current altitude and velocity. Presently, we show the Apollo 12 spacecraft at 45,708 nautical miles [84,651 km] above the Earth; velocity now reads 8,623 feet per second [2,628 m/s]. At 9 hours, 37 minutes into the flight and continuing to monitor; this is Apollo Control, Houston.
009:50:37 Gibson: Apollo 12, Houston.
009:50:40 Bean: Go ahead.
009:50:43 Gibson: 12, if you'll go to P00 and Accept, we'll give you a new state vector. Negative on the P00; just Accept.
009:51:13 Gibson: Okay, 12. It's coming up. We're looking for a midcourse 2 tomorrow at 31 hours for about 61 feet per second, and also we have here an update to an erasable load in your alternate and contingency checklist on page 1-32 when you're ready to copy.
009:51:52 Bean: Go ahead, Ed. We'll get it on the Flight Plan and transfer it later. Is it T
009:51:58 Gibson: That's affirmative. And that update is just two lines. Column B, line 4, 14616; line 5, 13744.
009:52:27 Bean: Okay, Houston. What page was that? We got column B, line 4 as 14616 and line 5, 13744.
009:52:37 Gibson: Roger, Al. Numbers are good, and that's on page 1-32.
009:52:44 Gibson: It's in your alternate...
009:52:45 Bean: We got it.
009:52:46 Gibson: ...contingency checklist.
009:52:47 Bean: We got it. [Long pause.]
009:53:33 Gibson: 12, the uplink is complete. You can go back to Block.
009:53:36 Gordon: Roger. What did you give me?
009:53:39 Gibson: Gave you a good state vector.
009:53:44 Gordon: You mean I ruined it, huh?
009:53:54 Gordon: Ed, are you telling me that I ruined it with my P23?
009:54:03 Gibson: Dick, stand by on that and we'll see what your P23 did do. [Long pause.]
009:55:04 Gibson: Dick, it looks as though your P23 did improve your state vector. However, we had a little longer time to work on it, about 6 hours worth of MSFN, and so we gave you one a tad more accurate.
009:55:18 Gordon: Thank you.
This is Apollo Control, Houston at l0 hours Ground Elapsed Time now in the flight of Apollo 12. The Apollo 12 spacecraft now at 47,619 nautical miles [88,190 km] above the Earth. Currently traveling at a speed of 8,418 feet per second [2,566 m/s]...
This is Apollo Control, Houston. As you heard, Ed Gibson passed up our forecast Midcourse Correction 2. This is the midcourse correction that takes the spacecraft out of a free return and places it into it's - what is known as a hybrid trajectory. This time identified as 31 hours, which would be tomorrow, and Delta-V of sixty - a velocity change of 61 feet per second [19 m/s]. Chatting with Ed Gibson, during this conversational phase, were both Al Bean and Dick Gordon. The P23 referred to Program 23, is one of the computer programs which is cislunar navigation where Command Module Pilot Dick Gordon has been taking star sightings and updating his own state vector. So at 10 hours, 4 minutes into the flight; continuing to monitor, this is Apollo Control, Houston.
010:18:16 Conrad: Houston, 12.
010:18:18 Gibson: 12, Houston. Go ahead.
010:18:21 Conrad: You want that P52 at 10 - about 10:45?
010:18:28 Gibson: Stand by on that, Pete.
010:18:31 Conrad: Okay. [Long pause.]
010:19:09 Gibson: Pete, that P52 is really your option. We don't need it. You can go ahead and do it if you like. You have one coming up at around 15 hours and that would suffice.
010:19:21 Conrad: Okay. We'll wait.
010:26:19 Gibson: Apollo 12, Houston.
010:26:22 Conrad: Go ahead, Houston.
010:26:25 Gibson: 12, we're still looking at a current going over to the LM which is about 1 amp higher than before it was manned. It still fluctuates, but the mean is still about 1 amp higher. So we're faced with the question of whether we have it out of configuration in the LM, and we'd like to suggest that you go on back over to the LM and check the circuit-breaker configuration. The possibility here is that you've got a system on line which is not called out for and doesn't have proper cooling. I'd like to have your thoughts on that.
010:27:02 Conrad: Okay. We're going to go back over if you want. Now, we left those two panels, as far as I know, in the proper configuration, but we'll go back over. The other thought that I had, I noticed when I closed the Hatch that I tried to get the Hatch all the way up to the very corner, watch the lights go out - I know the light switch worked on the Hatch, because I tried that, but that would be about the only other thing that I can think of that didn't work.
010:27:33 Gibson: Okay. So those floodlights did go out when the hatch was closed.
010:27:37 Conrad: Well, no. I don't know that they went out. I'm saying that if you push the switch it went out.
010:27:44 Gibson: Okay. That indicates at least that you didn't have the switch out of position.
This is Apollo Control, Houston at 10 hours and 30 minutes into the flight of Apollo 12. We currently show the Apollo 12 spacecraft at 49,972 nautical miles [92,548 km] above the Earth. Its velocity now reads 8,175.7 feet per second [2,492.0 m/s]...
This is Apollo Control, Houston. As you heard that discussion between Capsule Communicator Ed Gibson in Mission Control and spacecraft commander Pete Conrad. There is a very distinct possibility the crew will make a second trip into the Lunar Module this evening, principally to explore or check the position of circuit breakers aboard the LM. The discussion dealt with a consistent number we been seeing, one in which there has been a reading of 1 amp higher since - 1 amp difference since the two crew members had gone over earlier, a reading higher than had been reflected previously. Because of this possibility that Conrad and Bean will return to the Lunar Module, we propose to leave the release circuit up and live at least for a while and at 10 hours and 34 minutes into the flight, continuing to monitor; this is Apollo Control, Houston.
010:35:02 Conrad: Houston, we're on our way back in now.
010:35:06 Gibson: Roger, Pete.
010:35:09 Conrad: We'll get the world's record for ingress/egressing out of this baby in a couple of more.
010:35:15 Gibson: Roger. Give us a mark. [Long pause.]
010:35:37 Gibson: Pete, we assume that you powered down the circuit breaker Panel as - on activation 3 and 4. Two circuit breakers there that should be out which are shown in: one is utility light which we discussed and the other under ECS panel 16, the cabin Repress, should also be out. That was closed in a previous step.
010:36:07 Conrad: We'll check them.
This is Apollo Control, Houston. We presently show Apollo 12 50,526 nautical miles [93,574 km] above the Earth. Velocity now is 8,122 feet per second [2,476 m/s]. Standing by; this is Apollo Control, Houston.
010:41:46 Conrad: Okay, Houston. You got any more bets? The utility circuit - utility light circuit breaker on Panel 11 is out and the cabin Repress circuit breaker on Panel 16 is out.
010:42:14 Gibson: Roger, Pete. We copy that. Stand by and we'll see if there's anything else we can do while we're in there.
010:42:21 Conrad: Okay. We're going to go through the whole phase 3 here again. [Long pause.]
010:43:24 Conrad: Okay, Houston. We've got a question for you. We - When we left last time, we put our exterior lighting switch from Dock to Off, since we'd already docked, and it may be that when it's in Off it doesn't turn out the cabin lights when you close the Hatch. Could you check that?
010:43:44 Gibson: Roger. We'll check that. We saw down here that when you opened the hatch, you didn't get any drop in the current, and we suspect that the problem was the floodlight, but stand by on that.
010:44:12 Gibson: Pete, would you go ahead and verify the position of the floodlight switch? Verify that it's off?
010:44:19 Conrad: Floodlights are off and exterior lighting in Off. We also punched the little button on the hatch and the floodlights went off.
010:44:32 Gibson: Roger. We copy.
This is Apollo Control, Houston. You hear Pete Conrad and Al Bean speaking from the Lunar Module. They are currently going through the circuit breaker configuration at this time. Receiving updates from Ed Gibson, our Capsule Communicator at Mission Control Center. Ten hours, 45 minutes...
010:45:40 Gibson: Pete, would you go ahead and open the Floodlight circuit breaker, Panel 16, and we'll troubleshoot. We'll be watching the current down here and see if we get a change.
010:46:16 Conrad: Houston, 12. When you pulled that circuit breaker [garble] the service testmeter dropped 0.4 of an amp - correction - 0.4 of a volt.
010:46:34 Gibson: Roger, 12. We confirm that. We show a drop in amps back to what looked to be the same before you went in. We'd like you to go ahead and leave that circuit breaker open, and you can leave it in that configuration when you leave the LM. When you go back in, of course, we'll just have to punch it in.
010:46:56 Conrad: Okay. We're getting back out of the LM, Houston. Must be that switch in the hatch is out of adjustment somehow.
010:47:04 Conrad: Yes. He can put - the switch works by me pushing my finger on it, but it may not cut it off - when it's closed any more.
010:47:18 Gibson: Roger, Pete. We concur with that.
Okay, you heard that last exchange. The amperage has been brought down and Ed Gibson did pass along the word to leave the floodlight circuit breaker Open when they depart the Lunar Module. When they made that switch...
010:47:52 Conrad: Hey, Houston. We're going to push the breaker hack in for just a second and go shut the hatch and watch our testmeter.
010:48:00 Gibson: Roger, Pete.
When they made that switch, Flight Director Pete Frank said "That did it, we're down where we were". We're at 10 hours, 48 minutes at the present time and we now show an altitude on Apollo 12 of 51,336 nautical miles [95,074 km]. Velocity now reads 8,044 feet per second [2,452 m/s]. This is Apollo Control, Houston.
010:49:11 Bean: Hello, Houston; 12.
010:49:13 Gibson: 12, go ahead.
010:49:15 Bean: Roger. I guess that's it. The - I left the service testmeter and he - Pete came back in and closed the hatch and locked it completely, and the testmeter didn't drop at all. So, we got back in and I'm going to pull the floodlight circuit breaker and now we're down to the bottom.
This is Apollo Control, Houston at 10 hours, 53 minutes now into the flight of Apollo 12. We're in the process of returning Pete Conrad and Al Bean to the Command Module at this time. Their return is in progress. The floodlight referred to, by the way, is much like a refrigerator light. It's the kind of device that you can punch it with your finger to turn it off apparently and the hatch did not adequately shut it down. And so the procedure that has been taken has been to leave that circuit breaker open. Our amperage readings are now the same as they were prior to the first manned excursion into the Lunar Module. We'll stand by and continue to monitor at 10 hours, 54 minutes. And this is Apollo Control, Houston.
011:08:47 Gibson: Apollo 12, Houston.
011:08:50 Conrad: Go ahead, Houston.
011:08:52 Gibson: 12, a while back you read to us some Service Module RCS propellant quantities, and they showed Off-Scale High. Also the TM from that gage is still reading Off-Scale High, and we suspect a problem with the gage. We'd like to do some troubleshooting on that and have you look at those four propellant quantity readings again and also look at the Service Module indicator to put that at Helium Tank Temperature and read the four quantities. For your information - for your information, our calculations down here show your RCS total is 86; A is 84; B, 88; C, 84; and D is 89.
011:09:42 Conrad: Okay. I just checked all A, B, C, and D, and they're all still reading Off-Scale High. And then the - in the tank in the Service Module RCS indicator H
e tank temp is reading 70 on A; it's reading 85 on B, 85 on C, and 65 on D.
011:10:19 Gibson: Roger, Pete. Copy 70, 85, 85, 65.
011:10:24 Conrad: Yes. And something I forgot to pass on, I guess, I think I did. When we Sepped from the S-IVB prior to turning around, I believe it was Helium 1, B, barber pole; and system A, secondary propellant, barber pole; and that was it. We turned them both on and away we went.
011:11:02 Gibson: Roger, Pete. We copy that.
011:11:09 Conrad: We also, Houston, think that our PCM gauge is out. It's been reading zero. We changed our canister at the proper time and we had - when was it? During powered flight, then?
011:11:20 Gordon: During launch.
011:11:22 Conrad: Yes, during launch we had a flashing CO
2 light along with a few others. This thing jumped all over the place and then all of a sudden it went to zero and then it moved off the peg, so I kind of got the suspicion that the PT CO
2 gauge was out.
011:11:54 Gibson: Roger, Pete. We confirm or suspect that down here.
This is Apollo Control, Houston. That's Pete Conrad now back in the Command Module doing this trouble shooting with Ed Gibson on the ground. We are now at 11 hours, 13 minutes into the flight of Apollo 12. Presently 53,187 nautical miles [98,502 km] above the Earth and now traveling at 7,870 feet per second [2,399 m/s]. This is Apollo Control, Houston; continuing to monitor.
011:18:16 Gibson: 12, Houston.
011:18:20 Conrad: Hello there, Houston. Go ahead.
011:18:24 Gibson: Say, since you got those two indications on the - two barber pole indications we'd like to have you barber pole indications we'd like to have you verify that you did complete the step of throwing the secondary propellant Service Module RCS to Close and then back to Off.
011:18:46 Conrad: That's affirmative.
This is Apollo Control, Houston at 11 hours, 25 minutes Ground Elapsed Time into the flight of Apollo 12. Now we have had no conversation with the crew of Apollo 12 for some minutes now; however, we thought we would pass along to you the current altitude and velocity reading. Our digital displays now show the Apollo 12 spacecraft at 54,092 nautical miles [100,178 km] above the Earth, velocity reading 7,786.9 feet per second [2,373.4 m/s]. We'll continue to monitor the air to ground loop and this is Apollo Control, Houston.
011:30:22 Gibson: Apollo 12, Houston.
011:30:27 Gibson: Flight Plan at this time calls for terminating the Battery B charge. Because of the exercise this morning and the fact that it drained down the batteries, we'd like you to continue charging Battery B, and we suspect that it'll probably go on to about 13 hours. We'll give you a call when we'd like you to go to Battery A. Also, you can perform your O
2 fuel cell purge as planned, and if you hold out - or take that waste water dump down to about 15 percent rather than the nominal 25, you won't have to have another dump until about midcourse 2.
011:31:09 Conrad: Understand.
This is Apollo Control, Houston at 11 hours, 35 minutes now in the flight of Apollo 12. Current altitude 54,812 nautical miles [101,512 km] for the Apollo spacecraft above the Earth. It is now traveling at 7,724 feet per second [2,354 m/s]. Because our conversational pace with the crew is spacing itself out once again, we will be taking the air-ground loop off the line and will play a tape of any conversations as they occur. If - and we will follow the same procedure as we did previously if the situation warrants to bring the line backup live, we will do so. So at 11 hours and 36 minutes and continuing to monitor; this is Apollo Control, Houston.
011:51:44 Conrad: Okay, Houston, we're going to turn off the dump now.
011:51:50 Gibson: Roger, 12.
011:53:10 Conrad: Say, Houston, how far out are we?
011:53:19 Gibson: Stand by, Pete. We'll give you a good figure.
011:53:24 Conrad: Thank you. [Long pause.]
011:53:58 Gibson: 12, you are about 56,000 [nautical] miles [104,000 km] out now, and you are smoking along at 7,600 feet per second [2,300 m/s].
011:54:07 Conrad: Okay. Thank you. [Long pause.]
011:54:21 Gibson: Al, are you still at the window?
011:54:26 Bean: That's affirmative.
This is Apollo Control, Houston, at 11 hours, 58 minutes now into the flight of Apollo 12...
011:58:34 Bean: Houston, Apollo 12.
011:58:38 Gibson: 12, Houston. Go ahead.
011:58:41 Bean: The Earth doesn't seem to be getting smaller too fast right now, but it is sort of funny. It just seems to hang out there. It doesn't - You can't see it rotate, you can't see it move or anything. It just sort of hangs out there in this black space, and the Moon just doesn't seem to be any bigger than it was when we left, but it looks more like a sphere also. It sort of looks like a ball that is being hung out there somehow. It's really crazy.
011:59:17 Gibson: Al, which way does it look like it is hanging from?
011:59:24 Bean: North Pole, naturally. Otherwise the string would get all tangled up.
011:59:35 Gordon: Just scientists are supposed to know that.
011:59:40 Gibson: You need some experimental proof.
011:59:58 Bean: That sub-solar point is over the water now, and it glints on the surface of the Earth just like a light on a billiard ball or something. There is a little spot there that gives you a little specular reflection, and then it's got a bright halo, or just a bright area, around it.
012:00:20 Gibson: Roger. How...
012:00:24 Bean: It looks like we can see the coast of China and Japan now. It's kind of hard to tell. You can see red Earth pretty well, but if there's greens or grays, it is very difficult to discern them from the blues.
012:00:40 Gibson: Roger, Al. That glint, is that about a quarter of the way off the - about half-way between the terminator and the edge?
012:00:50 Bean: That's about right. [Music: 'San Antonio Rose']
This is Apollo Control, Houston. Presently the Apollo 12 spacecraft is 56,766 nautical miles [105,131 km] above the Earth, now traveling at a speed of 7,555 feet per second [2,303 m/s].
Commander Pete Conrad ask how far out they were. They have progressed some 795 [nautical] miles [1,472 km] since he asked that question. That was Al Bean vividly describing the Earth as they viewed it from in excess of 56,000 nautical miles [104,000 km]. At 12 hours and 3 minutes into the flight of Apollo 12, this is Apollo Control, Houston.
012:04:27 Conrad: Al's getting homesick up here; we're just trying to keep him happy.
012:04:36 Gibson: Pete, is that you singing?
012:04:39 Conrad: No. Unfortunately, it's not.
012:04:59 Gibson: Pete, let's hear a little of that good music. [Music: 'San Antonio Rose'.]
012:05:15 Gibson: Okay, that's enough. Pete, I asked for a little of the good music.
012:05:26 Gordon: Roger-Roger.
012:05:30 Conrad: Just a minute. I'll go see if I can find it. [Music - 'Louisiana Man' by Rusty and Doug.]
012:08:02 Gibson: Pete, all the folks down here feel that isn't half bad.
012:08:07 Gibson: All bad.
012:08:14 Conrad: Well, I'll tell you what it's done. It's precipitated a big search for the rest of the tapes. Al and Dick are scurrying all over the spacecraft.
012:08:25 Gibson: Can we help?
012:10:45 Gordon: Houston, 12.
012:10:48 Gibson: 12, Houston. Go ahead.
012:10:50 Gordon: Okay. What about the waste stowage vent?
012:11:00 Gibson: 12, you can go ahead and close it now.
012:11:03 Gordon: Okay. And we'll hold off until we finish charging Battery B, before we dump the battery compartment.
012:11:14 Gibson: Roger, Dick. That sounds good. [Long pause.]
012:11:34 Bean: Ed, I guess you might as well start logging this leak rate now for the LM. It's - Delta-P is plus 0.2 right at this time, and I don't think we'll be [garble] for a day or so now so we can start logging, and Zero on our gage is 0.1 plus 0.1.
012:11:55 Gibson: Roger. Copy Delta-P 0.2, and Zero is 0.1.
012:12:00 Bean: That's affirmative. [Long pause.]
012:12:24 Conrad: Houston, this is 12. We went ahead and vented that Battery right now and it's on its way down to zero. It was up to 3 volts when we started.
012:12:36 Gibson: Roger, 12. [Long pause.]
012:13:19 Conrad: Okay, Houston. At 12:24 it says here in our Flight Plan that we'll be full frame for a 500 millimeter and we have it out, and I presume that that time is still pretty good.
012:13:39 Gibson: Stand by on that, Pete. [Long pause.]
012:13:59 Gibson: Pete, was that a recent write-in to the Flight Plan?
012:14:04 Conrad: No, it's on our photo card.
012:14:07 Gordon: We just found that out before we left.
012:14:11 Gibson: Roger. [Music: 'Chattanooga Choo-Choo'.]
012:18:48 Gibson: Pete, those values of the F-Stops you just questioned look good. That's F:11 for the Earth, F:8 for the Moon.
012:18:57 Conrad: Okay. Thank you.
This is Apollo Control, Houston at 12 hours, 21 minutes now into the flight of Apollo 12. The Apollo 12 spacecraft at the present time 58,160 nautical miles [107,712 km] away from Earth. It is now traveling at 7,439 feet per second [2,267 m/s]. Since our last report, we've had several conversation exchanges with the Apollo 12 crew. Interestingly enough, you will note that in these conversations, the conversations are interspersed with bits of music. And in most instances, the country and western style prevails. Commander Pete Conrad is an acknowledged country and western music fan.
This is Apollo Control of Houston. The country and western style of music which predominated at least a goodly segment of that played down by the crew is courtesy of commander Pete Conrad, commander Conrad being an acknowledged country and western music fan. The music came to us from their tape cassettes aboard the spacecraft. At 12 hours, 27 minutes; our digital displays now show Apollo 12 at 58,586 nautical miles [108,501 km] above the Earth. It's velocity continuing at a steady decrease, now reading 7,404 feet per second [2,257 m/s]. This is Apollo Control, Houston.
012:42:31 Gordon: ...is that any better?
012:42:35 Gibson: Well, we suggest, Dick, that maybe you continue scurrying around there.
012:42:40 Gordon: Oh, you're really hard at it today, aren't you? Okay.
This is Apollo Control, Houston at 12 hours, 51 minutes now into the flight. Our displays currently show the Apollo 12 spacecraft at 60,257 nautical miles [111,596 km] in altitude, current velocity reading of 7,269 feet per second [2,216 m/s]...
012:52:17 Bean: That Earth view is really going to be something weird coming back, Houston, when you only got about a - just a little bitty sliver of the Earth, because, like I said earlier, you just can't see anything in the black. And when we had that eclipse at about 5 hours, I guess the Earth's going to completely disappear.
012:52:38 Gibson: Roger, Al, copy. You see Australia coming up over the - over by the edge?
012:52:46 Bean: I sort of do. It's difficult to tell, unless the ground is - has a pretty good contrast to the -to the water. And I can see some red over there, and I'm not really sure whether that's Australia or exactly what it is. Makes you wish you had studied your geology harder in high school, or something- geography, that is.
This is Apollo Control, Houston. More music from the Apollo 12 spacecraft. We heard from both Dick Gordon and Al Bean during this transmission. That was Al talking about the Earth once again in referring to an earlier conversation. We've picked up the crew again and we will switch to that transmission, live.
012:54:37 Bean: Okay, Houston. We've got Australia. [Long pause.]
012:54:53 Gibson: 12, Houston. Say again.
012:55:01 Bean: Roger, we got Australia in sight now at the - oh, it's about the 8 o'clock position, with respect to the terminator.
012:56:19 Gibson: Al, are you able to pick out any small islands out there in the Pacific?
012:56:25 Bean: Pete's using the monocular right now and - what do you say, Pete?
012:56:40 Conrad: There's a lot of clouds out there, Houston. I can see a lot of fairly small clouds, but there is so darn much cloud cover out in the Pacific, except right off the Northeast coast of Australia, that I really haven't found any islands yet, but I am sort of scanning for them now.
This Apollo Control, Houston; 12 hours, 58 minutes now into the flight. We'll take the line down at this time and pick back up as the mission progresses. We currently show an altitude reading of 60,684 nautical miles [112,387 km] above the Earth. The velocity now shows 7,236 feet per second [2,206 m/s]. This is Apollo Control, Houston.
012:58:42 Gordon: Hey, Houston, 12.
012:58:46 Gibson: Houston. Go ahead.
012:58:48 Gordon: Roger. Have you been plotting this PTC on the ball? How's it looking?
012:58:54 Gibson: Roger, Dick. We've been watching it; stand by. [Long pause.]
013:00:48 Gibson: Dick, we've been looking at your trace here, and it looks as though you're up to around 27 degrees now; you're just sort of pig-tailing out. What gave you a large excursion was the waste-water dump. It looks as though you'll be heading back in; you won't really significantly improve -that is, you won't really get the alignment rate right down close to zero at the rate you're going, but you'll probably stay within 30 degrees, so just hold what you've got.
013:01:19 Gordon: Okay, Ed. Thank you.
013:07:12 Gibson: Apollo 12, Houston. We have a - some P37 PADs for lift-off, 25, 35, 45, and 60, when you're ready to copy.
013:07:23 Conrad: Okay. Mr. Bean is busying himself finding the PAD at this time, and he'll be ready to copy in just a minute.
013:07:36 Gibson: P37 Block Data: 025:00, 4227, minus 169, 074:12; 035:00, 6327, minus 166, 073:39; 045:00, 4917, minus 168, 097:58; 060:00, 4496, minus 168, 122:01.
013:08:44 Gibson: That's it, Al. Read back.
013:08:48 Bean: Okay, the last one I got before we lost S-band there with you was the 122, and I didn't copy the last part GET 400K.
013:08:59 Gibson: Okay. GET at 400K was 122:01.
013:09:08 Bean: Okay, read-back follows: 025:00, 4227 [garble]; 035:00, 6327, minus 166, 073:39; [garble] 0 [garble] 045:00, 4917, minus 168, 097:5 [garble]...
013:09:42 Gibson: Al, hold up; your transmissions are all broken.
013:10:03 Bean: I'll see if I can get a little closer to the Mike; do you want me to start over again?
013:10:08 Gibson: Stand by, Al. We still have a lot of static on the line.
013:10:12 Bean: Okay. [long pause.]
013:10:47 Gibson: Okay, Al. Go ahead with your read-back. After 025:00 we pretty much lost all of it.
013:10:55 Bean: Okay. I'll start anew. 025:00, 4227, minus 169, 074:12; 035:00, 6327, minus 166, 073:39; 045:00, 4917, minus 168, 097:58; 060:00, 4496, minus 168, 122:01.
013:11:41 Gibson: Read-back correct, Al.
013:13:08 Gordon: Hello, Houston, 12.
013:13:12 Gibson: 12, Houston. Go ahead.
013:13:15 Gordon: Roger. It looks like - get another calibration point for our Service Test-Meter. Looks like the Battery compartment is vented when it reads 0.4 of a volt. It's been on for about - well, 30 minutes and going [garble.] Can you take a look at that ?
013:13:33 Gibson: Roger. Copy. Voltage for vented is 0.4.
013:13:44 Gordon: Roger. You confirm us closing that - at this time, starting on a Battery B charge, over -or a Battery Alpha charge.
013:13:59 Gibson: Dick, we'd like to go ahead and close the battery manifold, but continue charging Battery B.
013:14:06 Gordon: Okay. [Long pause.]
013:14:28 Gibson: Dick, we estimate another 30 to 45 minutes for charging Battery Bravo.
This is Apollo Control, Houston at 13 hours, 22 minutes now into the flight of Apollo 12. Apollo 12 now 62,373 nautical miles [115,515 km] above the Earth. Our display currently shows the velocity reading 7,107 feet per second [2,166 m/s] as the spacecraft steadily slows down. For the past several minutes we've had, in the Mission Control center, had a replay of the Translunar Injection burn, those viewing the television monitors may have noted the world map was briefly taken down. This was done at the request of the guidance officer who was analyzing the data which had been received only a short while ago from Hawaii...
This is Apollo Control, Houston. Of the long listing of numbers exchanged between CapCom Ed Gibson, and Alan Bean aboard the spacecraft, were the representative P37 PAD. P37 is a return to Earth computer program. The numbers identified at 25, 35, 45, and 60 are plus times and hours from lift-off. At 13 hours, 31 minutes into the flight, we now show Apollo 12 with an altitude of 62,957 nautical miles [116,596 km]. Its velocity now reads 7,064 feet per second [2,153 m/s]. This is Apollo Control, Houston.
013:35:32 Gibson: Apollo 12, Houston.
013:35:36 Gordon: Go ahead, Houston.
013:35:39 Gibson: Dick, you can go ahead and stop charging Battery Bravo and start on battery Alpha. If you go ahead and charge that until you hit the sleep period, you'll be able to get 60 percent of the charge back in.
013:35:56 Gordon: Okay. We're going to go off Bat B and start charging Bat A.
013:36:02 Gibson: Roger. [Long pause.]
013:36:20 Gordon: Okay. We're charging Bat A at this time.
013:36:27 Gibson: Roger, 12.
This is Apollo Control, Houston at 14 hours, 2 minutes now into the flight of Apollo 12. Our displays currently show Apollo 12 at 65,043 nautical miles [120,460 km] above the Earth. Velocity now reads 6,911 feet per second [2,106 m/s]. Here in the Mission Control Center, we're in the process of having a pass over between shifts. Cliff Charlesworth, the Flight Director of the Green Shift is now in the Control Center and going over the status of Pete Frank's shift with Flight Director Pete Frank. They will be coming on shortly...
This is Apollo Control, Houston at 14 hours, 4 minutes now into the flight of Apollo 12."
014:17:42 Lind: Apollo 12, Houston.
014:17:46 Conrad: Go ahead, Houston.
014:17:48 Lind: Roger. We're sort of suggesting here that, when you terminate your PTC, you go directly to your P23 attitude as listed in the Flight Plan to do your P52. There should be good stars there and it will save one attitude maneuver later.
014:18:11 Lind: And at the P23 Optics Cal, the Roll is 204, Pitch 262, and Yaw 0.
014:18:18 Conrad: Okay. [Long pause.]
014:18:44 Conrad: Welcome aboard, Don. [Pause.]
014:18:55 Lind: You certainly had an exciting one this morning.
014:19:01 Conrad: Yes. It keeps recurring in our conversation [laughter] throughout the day today.
014:19:14 Gordon: Anybody see anything from the ground in all that business?
014:19:23 Lind: That's affirmative. We saw lightning coming right down your plume, right to the ground.
014:19:32 Gordon: Are you kidding me, or not?
014:19:34 Lind: That's some of the reports we've been getting back.
014:19:39 Conrad: I believe it.
014:19:44 Lind: I keep telling you, you don't fly through thunder storms.
014:19:49 Conrad: I keep wondering why they write that in all the handbooks. They can write that in the Saturn V handbook now.
014:45:43 Conrad: Houston, Apollo 12.
014:45:52 Lind: Houston, go.
014:45:56 Gordon: You know these marks are going to be good. Dick Gordon even used his eye patch this trip.
014:46:13 Gordon: I was looking at the Earth a few moments ago. You can see the entire top of Australia. Sure is pretty, and hardly any clouds at all over it. And looks to me like it's to be about one and a half to two times the size of a golf ball at arm's length.
014:46:31 Lind: Should be a pretty impressive view from that altitude. [Long pause]
014:47:00 Lind: Apollo 12, would you select Omni Alpha, please?
014:47:10 Gordon: Roger. Didn't seem to change anything.
014:47:17 Lind: Houston, say again.
014:47:20 Gordon: Roger. We were watching the signal strength, and it didn't seem to affect it much.
014:47:24 Lind: We're anticipating.
014:53:12 Gordon: Say, Houston, 12.
014:53:18 Gordon: Our PICAPAR has put the star in the LM. Have you got a couple of stars to this attitude that would not have blockage by the LM?
014:53:29 Lind: Stand by.
014:56:10 Lind: Apollo 12. It looks like you beat the computer down here. Procyon and Rigel are the ones that we're recommending, that's 16, Procyon, and 12, Rigel.
014:56:24 Gordon: Okay. And here's Noun 05 for you, and here's the torquing angles coming down.
014:56:41 Gordon: Okay. Houston. Are you copying those torquing angles?
014:56:44 Lind: That's affirmative.
014:56:51 Gordon: Have you got them, Houston?
014:56:54 Lind: That's affirmative.
014:59:11 Lind: Apollo 12, Houston.
014:59:16 Gordon: Go ahead, Houston.
014:59:18 Lind: It looks like you've got a pretty good platform up there, since the last P52 you had - you show about 1.4 in negative drift in Z, and the other two axes are better than that, so we're quite pleased with that down here. Also, we would like you to confirm the position of your SCE power push.
014:59:41 Gordon: SCE power is in Normal.
014:59:44 Lind: In Normal. Roger.
This is Apollo Control; 15 hours, 8 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Apollo 12 presently 69,010 nautical miles [127,807 km] out from Earth, traveling at a velocity of 6,639 feet per second [2,024 m/s]. The crew of Apollo 12 at this time are running what they call Program 23 exercises, says Lunar Navigation, in which the included angle between the star and either the near Earth horizon or the far Earth's horizon is measured. The onboard computer has stored data on the stars and part of the 35 navigational stars used in the Apollo program. The techniques used are actually extensions, more sophisticated versions of the celestial navigation techniques, which for centuries mariners have been using to locate their position on Earth. In this case there is a third dimension added, space or depth...
This is Apollo Control. We're now at 15 hours, 15 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Still a little over 2 hours until the scheduled rest period begins for the crew of Apollo 12, however, it's likely they will sack out a bit earlier than that. They still have an evening meal before they go into the 10-hour rest period and resume the Passive Thermal Control mode, which also is known as the barbeque mode, in which they revolve at about 3 revolutions an hour to stabilize the thermal response of the spacecraft to the alternate heating of the Sun. At 15 hours, 16 minutes Ground Elapsed Time, this is Apollo Control.
015:28:21 Bean: Hello, Houston, Apollo 9. Correction, 12.
015:28:34 Lind: Go ahead. Houston, 12.
015:28:37 Bean: Roger, Houston. What state vectors do you have in the LM slot? [Long pause.]
015:28:56 Lind: It's the CSM prior to the P23.
015:29:03 Bean: Thank you.
015:52:30 Lind: Apollo 12, Houston. [Long pause.]
015:52:52 Lind: Apollo 12, Houston.
015:52:56 Gordon: Go ahead, Houston.
015:52:58 Lind: Roger. It looks like we're ready for PTC now, and when you start the maneuver we would suggest Omni Bravo.
015:53:08 Gordon: Roger, Omni Bravo.
015:54:58 Gordon: Hey, Houston, how do those P23s look to the guys in the back?
015:55:03 Lind: They look great.
015:55:07 Gordon: They're real happy, huh?
015:55:09 Lind: They sure are.
015:55:12 Gordon: Okay. If they're happy, I'm happy. [Pause.]
015:55:24 Lind: 12, we've got an uplink to the gyro drift whenever you can give us the computer.
015:55:33 Bean: Okay. It's all yours.
015:55:35 Lind: Thank you.
015:57:12 Lind: Apollo 12, the computer's yours again. Thank you. [Long pause.]
015:57:42 Lind: Apollo 12, Houston. We're finished with the computer. It's yours again.
015:57:47 Conrad: Okay. Thank you.
015:57:49 Lind: Thank you. [Long pause.]
015:58:21 Lind: This is Houston, 12. Did you call?
015:58:27 Conrad: That's negative, Houston. Some other spacecraft must have called in.
015:58:31 Lind: Roger. [Laughter] I was hearing you occasionally weak, and we're not sure whether it's you or the others.
015:58:40 Conrad: Roger-Roger.
016:06:33 Lind: Apollo 12, Houston. [Long pause.]
016:06:51 Lind: Apollo 12, Houston.
016:06:55 Conrad: Go ahead, Houston.
016:06:57 Lind: Roger. We wanted to make a couple of suggestion: for you before you settle down for the night, and we wanted to leave that up to your option, when you want to go to sleep after you eat. And a couple of items before - we wanted to remind you of - that you'll have to include before you settle down for the night. First one is that the H
2 tanks, both 1 and 2, should be in Auto. You would terminate the battery charge, and you'd change the lithium hydroxide canister, and then we wanted to leave it up to you when you wanted to terminate your activity today.
016:07:40 Conrad: Okay. We understand about the battery charge, and we intend to change the canister on time; and more than likely we'll try to go to bed about the proper time although we may go a little bit earlier. We're all pretty tired.
016:07:59 Lind: Roger. That's fine with us, and we can understand that you might want a little extra sleep.
016:08:23 Lind: 12, in case I was not clear on that, we suggest that you go with the heaters to Auto after you finish the pre-sleep checklist.
016:08:34 Bean: Okay. H
2 heaters to Auto after pre-sleep checklist. Roger-Roger.
This is Apollo Control; 16 hours, 8 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Apollo 12 now 72,989 nautical miles [135,176 km] out from Earth. Velocity, 6,383 feet per second [1,946 m/s]. We have some tape accumulated and at the present time, spacecraft communicator Don Lind is discussing an earlier start of the sleep period after they complete the pre-sleep checklist and their last meal of the day. We'll roll the tape and then join any live conversation if it's still taking place at that time when the tape is completed. Let's hear the tape.
This is Apollo Control. That completes the most recent exchange between the spacecraft communicator and the crew of Apollo 12 who at this time are settling in for the night and likely will be in their sleep periods somewhat early. At 16 hours, 14 minutes Ground Elapsed Time; this is Apollo Control.
016:22:26 Conrad: You guys calling, Houston?
016:22:30 Lind: Not us. You must be talking to somebody strange now.
016:25:40 Lind: Apollo 12, Houston. [Long pause.]
016:26:25 Lind: Apollo 12, Houston.
016:26:29 Conrad: Go ahead, Houston.
016:26:31 Lind: Listen, those transmissions you thought you heard a couple of minutes ago were us running some keying checks. We didn't think they were getting out, but apparently a couple of them did; so apparently, nobody is up there flying with you.
016:26:43 Conrad: Okay. Very good.
016:46:08 Lind: Apollo 12, Houston.
016:46:12 Conrad: Go ahead, Houston.
016:46:14 Lind: Roger. We liked your PTC maneuver down here. Looks pretty good. And just a reminder to - you can turn off the Auto RCS select switches now.
016:53:36 Conrad: Houston, Apollo 12.
016:53:42 Conrad: How about a E-memory dump?
016:53:46 Lind: We're all ready.
016:53:51 Conrad: Coming at you.
016:57:28 Lind: Apollo 12, Houston.
016:57:35 Conrad: Go ahead, Houston.
016:57:36 Lind: Could you give us that dump again? We switched bit rate on you in the middle and fouled ourselves up.
016:57:46 Conrad: Coming at you, Houston.
016:57:49 Lind: Thank you. [Long pause.]
016:58:08 Conrad: Hey, Houston, seeing we don't have any Service Module RCS propellants gauge that's working, could you give us our - what you think our present A, B, C, and D quads are, please?
017:03:02 Conrad: Houston, Apollo 12.
017:03:38 Conrad: Roger. Did you get my last request?
017:03:41 Lind: Yes. We're trying to work those up, the RCS consumables.
017:03:47 Conrad: Oh, okay. Thank you.
017:03:48 Lind: Yes. We're working on it.
017:06:32 Lind: Apollo 12, Houston.
017:06:35 Conrad: Go ahead.
017:06:37 Lind: Okay. I've got your RCS propellants for you. The total is 83.2 percent; Alpha is 80.5; Bravo is 85.3; Charlie is 81.4; Delta is 85.4. That's the status as of about 2 minutes ago and also, we got your E-dump successfully.
017:07:13 Conrad: That's lovely.
This is Apollo Control 17 hours, 08 minutes, Ground Elapsed Time. Apollo 12 is presently 76,579 nautical miles [141,824 km] up from Earth. The velocity now 6,166 feet per second [1,879 m/s], continuing to decelerate as we approach the midpoint in the gravispheres between the Moon and the Earth...
This is Apollo 12 Control - Apollo 12 now some 76,872 nautical miles [142,367 km] and while we watch the display it jumped to 76,884 nautical miles [142,389 km] out from Earth. Velocity continuing to decelerate, now 6,148.5 feet per second [1,874.1 m/s]. Total vehicle weight in Earth pounds, 96,440 [43,744 kg]. Extending a line outward from the Earth to the position of Apollo 12, it is presently directly over the equator, just north of the island of New Guinea, more specifically north of West Irian at 76,000 miles out. At 17 hours, 14 minutes Ground Elapsed Time; this is Apollo Control.
017:18:40 Conrad: Houston, 12.
017:18:47 Conrad: Okay. The pre-sleep checklist is complete. We have no medical crew status report, and - the - we're going to the normal Lunar comm mode except S-Band Normal, so forth and so on.
017:19:02 Lind: Roger. Have pleasant dreams. We see you in the morning.
017:19:11 Conrad: Okay. The battery charge is going off at this time.
017:23:18 Lind: Apollo 12, Houston. [Long pause.]
017:23:48 Lind: Apollo 12, Houston.
017:23:49 Conrad: Go ahead, Houston.
017:23:51 Lind: Sorry to bother you again, Pete. We need pyro Bat readouts from you if we could. We'd also like to get a LM/Command Module Delta-P reading and a confirmation that the heaters are on Auto - the cryo heaters.
017:24:07 Conrad: 0kay. The heaters are on Auto; Bat C's, 37.1; pryo Bat A, 37.2; pryo Bat B, 37.2; and the LM/CS Delta-P is plus 0.4.
017:24:24 Lind: Roger. We've got it all. Thanks very much and have a pleasant night's sleep.
This is Apollo Control. That completes the wrap up of the last few moments of conversation prior to the crew sacking out for the night. Apollo 12 now 78,503 nautical miles [145,388 km] out from Earth traveling at a velocity of 6,055 feet per second [1,846 m/s]. And at 17 hours, 41 minutes Ground Elapsed Time; this is Apollo Control.