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The NASA document Science Screening Report of the Apollo 7 Mission 70-Millimeter Photography (PDF document, 31.5 MB) is a useful companion reference to this listing and contains technical details of photographs listed here such as lenses used, film type, camera tilt and azimuth, orbital altitude, latitude and longitude, sun elevation, and image description.
NASA photos reproduced from this archive should include photo credit to NASA or National Aeronautics and Space Administration and should include scanning credit to the appropriate individuals or agencies as noted in the captions.
Magazine | Film Type |
Lenses (mm) |
Camera |
SO-368 - med speed Ektachrome |
80 |
Haselblad 500-C NASA modified |
SO-368 - med speed Ektachrome |
80 |
Haselblad 500-C NASA modified |
SO-121 - high res Aerial Ektakrome |
80 |
Haselblad 500-C NASA modified |
SO-121 - high res Aerial Ektakrome |
80 |
Haselblad 500-C NASA modified |
SO-121 - high res Aerial Ektakrome |
80 |
Haselblad 500-C NASA modified |
SO-121 - high res Aerial Ektakrome |
80 |
Haselblad 500-C NASA modified |
Kodak Type 3400 |
80 |
Haselblad 500-C NASA modified |
Kodak Type 3400 |
80 |
Haselblad 500-C NASA modified |
SO-121 - high res Aerial Ektakrome |
80 |
Haselblad 500-C NASA modified |
The Apollo 7prime and back-up crews hold a press conference at the North American plant. From left to right; Gene Cernan, John Young, Tom Stafford, Walt Cunningham, Donn Eisele, Wally Schirra. May 10, 1967. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.67-H-774
The flight and back-up crews for NASA's first manned Apollo Block II spaceflight at a press conference and design review meeting at the North American plant.. May 10, 1967. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
Two members of the first three-man Apollo crew scheduled to orbit the earth later this year, view unmanned lunar module launching (Apollo 5) at Cape Kennedy's Complex 37. Walter Schirra (l) and Walter Cunningham. January 22, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
The prime crew for NASA's first Apollo manned flight prepares for mission simulator tests at the North American Aviation plant. (l-r) Walter Cunningham, Pilot; Donn F. Eisele, Senior Pilot; and Walter M. Schirra, Command Pilot. January, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
Astronaut John W. Young, back-up Command Module pilot for the first manned Apollo mission moves from the center couch position to the equipment bay in the Command Module simulator in Building 5 at the Manned Spacecraft Center. March 15, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
The crew of Apollo 7 poses with a Saturn IB model. April 26, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Lunar Module Pilot Walter Cunningham. April 26, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Apollo 7 astronauts Donn F. Eisele, Walter M. Schirra, Jr. and Walter Cunningham. April 26, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
The crew of Apollo 7 pose during training.. May 1, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
The crew of Apollo 7. May 22, 1968. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
The crew of Apollo 7. May 22, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
The crew of Apollo 7. May 22, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
The crew of Apollo 7. May 22, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Technicians assist the crew of Apollo 7 during spacecraft egress training at the Kennedy Space Center. July 4, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Technicians assist the crew of Apollo 7 during spacecraft egress training at the Kennedy Space Center. July 4, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Walt Cunningham during altitude chamber training. July 8, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
The crew of Apollo 7. July 15, 1968.
68-H-675The crew of Apollo 7 pose outside the White Room. July, 1968. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
Astronaut Donn Eisele waits to have his space suit adjusted preparatory to entering the Apollo 7 spacecraft for manned simulate altitude runs in the Spaceport's altitude chamber. July 26, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
Apollo 7 commander Wally Schirra prepares to enter the altidude chamber during training. July 26, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Apollo 7 commander, Wally Schirra and the crew of Apollo 7 shown fully suited before an altitude chamber run. July 26, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Donn Eisele prepares to enter the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building altitude chamber during training. July 26, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.68-H-678
Wally Schirra is assisted into the altitude chamber's Command Module during training at the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building. July 26, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Donn Eisele seated in the altitude chamber's Command Module center couch during training. July 29, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Back-up command module pilot John Young prepares to enter the altitude chamber during training. July 29, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
The Apollo 7 crew prepares for water egress training. August 5, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
The prime crew for Apollo 7, the first manned Apollo flight, (l-r) Astronauts Donn F. Eisele, Command Module Pilot; Walter Cunningham, Lunar Module Pilot; and Walter M. Schirra, Jr., Commander, after completing egress training at Galveston Bay, TX. August 5, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
The prime crew for Apollo 7, Walter Cunningham, Donn F. Eisele, and Walter M. Schirra, Jr., after completing egress training at Galverston Bay, TX. August 5, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.68-H-730
The backup crew for Apollo 7 (l-r) Astronauts Eugene A. Cernan, John W. Young, and Thomas P. Stafford, after completing egress training at Calveston Bay, TX. August 6, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
The Apollo 7 crew poses for a photo. August, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Wally Schirra leads the crew of Apollo 7 from the transfer van at launch Complex 34 during a training exercise. September 9, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Wally Schirra leads the crew of Apollo 7 from the transfer van at launch Complex 34 during a training exercise. September 9, 1968.
Apollo 7 Prime Crew Members (l-r) Donn F. Eisele, Walter M. Schirra, Jr., and Walter Cunningham relax after today's successful Space Vehicle Emergency Egress tests conducted at Cape Kennedy's Launch Complex 34. September 9, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.68-H-818
Apollo 7 astronauts, Walter Cunningham, Donn F. Eisele and Walter Schirra, line up in front of Cape Kennedy's Launch Complex 34 following today's successful Space Vehicle Emergency Egress Test. September 9, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
The crew of Apollo 7 poses for photos. September 9, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Apollo 7 astronaut line up in front of Cape Kennedy's Launch Complex 34 following a successful emergency egress test. September 9, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
The Apollo 7 astronauts answer questions following an emergency egress training session. September 9, 1968. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
Tom Stafford, back-up crew commander is shown at NASA's Langley Research Center. September,1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Donald (Deke) Slayton, Director, Flight Crew Operations (l) at the Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, briefs Apollo 7 Astronauts from left: Donn Eisele, Walter Schirra, and Walter Cunningham. October 9, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
Wally schirra shakes the hand of Wernher van Braun at a pre-launch conference. October 10, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Astronauts and mission officials hold prelaunch conference. October 10, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.68-H-924
Apollo 7 astronauts breakfast with NASA officials. Walter Cunningham, second from left; Donn F. Eisele, second from left across table and Walter M. Schirra, Jr., next to Eisele. Kenneth Kleinknecht, Manager, Apollo S Spacecraft Office. October 11, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
Apollo 7 Command Module Pilot Donn F. Eisele reads about his upcoming earth orbital mission with flight's commander, Walter M. Schirra, Jr. October 11, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
Apollo 7 lunar module pilot Walter Cunningham pauses during prelaunch breakfast with his two crew members Walter M. Schirra, Jr., commander and Donn F. Eisele, command module pilot. October 11, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
Apollo 7 astronauts breakfast with NASA officials prior to their launch into earth orbit atop a Saturn IB space vehicle. Joining the trio at breakfast was James Webb, left foreground, former NASA Administrator. October 11, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
Astronaut Walter M. Schirra, Jr., enjoys breakfast before boarding the Apollo 7 spacecraft. October 11, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
Apollo 7 Astronauts Donn F. Eisele, foreground, and Walter Cunningham, rear, undergo spacesuit checks. October 11, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
Astronaut Donn F. Eisele adjusts communications carrier. October 11, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
Suit technicians assist Donn Eisele on launch morning. October 11, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
68-H-936Walt Cunninghamadjusts his pressure siit with the help of a suit technician on launch morning. October 11, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Spacesuit technician Clyde Teague prepares to place communications carries on head of Apollo 7 Commander Walter M. Schirra, Jr. October 11, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
Astronaut Walter Cunningham takes a break during suiting up activities - Apollo 7. October 11, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
Astronaut Walter M. Schirra, Jr. relaxes prior to boarding the Apollo 7 spacecraft. October 11, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
68-H-940Apollo 7 crew goes through suiting up operations in the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building at KSC during prelaunch countdown. Front to rear are Schirra, Eisele and Cunningham. October 11, 1968. SCan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
Astronaut Donn F. Eisele confers with Donald Slayton, director of flight crew operations during suiting up activities prior to boarding the Apollo 7 spacecraft. On chair at right is astronaut Walter Cunningham. October 11, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
Apollo 7 astronauts suit up prior to beginning an 11 day mission in earth orbit. October 11, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
Astronaut Wally Schirra with helmet in place on launch morning. October 11, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Apollo 7 Commander Walter M. Schirra, Jr prepares to enter the crew transfer van on the morning of launch. October 11, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.68-H-927
The Apollo 7 crew enters the crew transfer van. October 11, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Astronaut Donn Eisele leaves the Suiting facility in the Manned Spacecraft OperationsBuilding on his way to the altitude chamber. July 26, 1968. Scan by Kipp Teague/Ed Hengeveld.
Donn Eisele waits to enter the Command Module as the pad crew assists. October 11, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Apollo 7 astronauts (l-r) Walter Cunningham, Donn F. Eisele, and Walter M. Schirra, Jr., compare notes at a mission debriefing conducted today at the Kennedy SpaceCenter. October 23, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
The second stage (S-IVB) of the Saturn 205 vehicle, to be used in the first manned Apollo flight, arrived aboard the Super Guppy. April 7, 1968. Caption by Kipp Teague.
The first stage of the Saturn 205 launch vehicle is erected at Launch Complex 34 on Cape Kennedy. April 16, 1968. Caption by Kipp Teague.
KSC Pad 34 showing erection of first stage of Saturn 205 launch vehicle. April 22,1968. Caption by Kipp Teague.
Command Module 101 for NASA's Apollo-Saturn 205 mission is being moved to the workstand at the Vehicle Assembly Building. June 6, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld. Caption by Kipp Teague.
Apollo 7 Saturn IB at Complex 34 prior to CSM mating. June 27, 1968
The Apollo 7 CSM. August 5, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Mating of Apollo 7 CSM to S-IVB adapter. August 5, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Apollo/Saturn 205 command service module is being moved from the altitude chamber in preparation for Apollo 7, NASA's first manned Apollo mission. August 8, 1968. Caption by Kipp Teague.
The CSM and S-IVB adapter are lifted for mating at LC34. August 9, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
The Command/Service Module and Lunar Module Adapter are erected for mating to the Saturn booster at Complex 34. August 19, 1968. Caption by Kipp Teague.
Apollo 7 during a countdown demonstration test at Complex 34. September 23, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Apollo 7 during a countdown demonstration test at Complex 34. September 23, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Apollo 7 at Complex 34 during countdown demonstration test. September 16, 1968. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
Apollo 7 at Complex 34 during a countdown demonstration test. September 16, 1968. Scan by J.L. Pickering..
At Complex 34, Apollo 7 undergoes preflight checkout in preparation for NASA's first Manned Apollo Flight. September, 1968. Caption by Kipp Teague.
Apollo 7 shown at LC34. 1968. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
Apollo 7 shown at LC34. 1968. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
Apollo 7 on the pad at night.. October, 1968, Scan by J.L. Pickering.
The Saturn 205 rocket with the Apollo 7 spacecraft is highlighted against the night skies during a pre-launch alert at Launch Complex 34. October 11, 1968. Caption by Kipp Teague.
Apollo 7 lifts off from LC34. October 11, 1968.
The 224-foot-high Saturn IB space vehicle carrying Apollo 7 Astronauts Walter M. Schirra, Jr., Commander; Donn F. Eisele, command module pilot; and Walter Cunningham, lunar module pilot, lifts off from LC34. October 11, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Apollo 7 lifts off from LC34. October 11, 1968.
Apollo 7 lifts off from LC34. October 11, 1968. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
Apollo 7 lifts off from LC34. October 11, 1968. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
Apollo 7 lifts off from LC34. October 11, 1968. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
Apollo 7 lifts off from LC34. October 11, 1968.
Apollo 7 lifts off from LC34. October 11, 1968. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
Apollo 7 lifts off from LC34. October 11, 1968.
Apollo 7 lifts off from LC34. October 11, 1968. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
Spectetors look on as Apollo 7 lifts off. October 11, 1968. Scan by Ed Hengeveld.
Saturn IB photographed from C-135 aircraft using Airborne Lightweight Optical Tracking System just after lift-off. October 11, 1968. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
A C-135 aircraft, flying at more than 35,000 feet, photographed the launch of the Apollo 7 space vehicle. The image, taken from the ocean side and at such a high altitude, gave the appearance that the launch was from beside the VAB. October 11, 1968. Caption by Kipp Teague
Saturn IB photographed more than 35,000 ft. above Atlantic Ocean from C-135 aircraft using Airborne Lightweight Optical Tracking System. October 11, 1968. Scan by J.L. Pickering.
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