Apollo 7
Day 4 (preliminary)
Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright © 2018-2023 by W. David Woods and Alexandr Turhanov. All rights reserved.
Last updated 2023-10-07
072:00:40 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Canary. [Pause]
072:00:44 Schirra: Roger. Go.
072:00:47 Swigert: Roger. I read you five-by. [Pause]
072:00:51 Cunningham: Jack, would you say again the burn time for burn3?
072:00:54 Swigert: Roger. 75:48. We're going to be sending you up some NAV loads, and I'll be passing you up a maneuver PAD here. [Pause]
072:01:04 Cunningham: Fine. [Pause]
072:01:14 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. If you will go to ACCEPT, we'll send you up a NAV load. [Pause]
072:01:20 Cunningham: Roger. ACCEPT.
072:01:21 Swigert: Okay. Walt, you might let me know when you're ready to copy your maneuver PAD. [Pause]
072:01:26 Cunningham: Copy.
072:01:28 Swigert: Roger. SPS 3, 075 47 5860 minus 00550 plus 02000 plus 00410 1601 plus 0903 02007 30584 minus 086 minus 046 0 plus 0930 3484, 323 075 05 all balls plus 1330 minus 05642 1256 000 000 and 000. Remarks: SCS control 20 seconds two-jet ullage using quads B and D. You will be out of plane to the south, slightly retrograde, slightly pitch down; the sextant star will not be visible after 075 plus 35 plus 00.
072:03:36 Cunningham: Roger. I'll hit the remarks first. We won't be doing a two-jet ullage on SCS burn, Jack, and burn 3, 075 47 5860 minus 00550 plus 02000 plus 00410 1601 plus 0903 02007 30584 minus 086 minus 046 009 30 3484 323 075 05 0000 plus 1330 minus 05642 1256; all ball on the roll, pitch, and yaw. It's SCS burns for 20 seconds, and you called two-Jet ullage. That's a negative on the two-Jet ullage. Out-of-plane south slightly retrograde and sextant star before 75 hours 35 minuutes.
072:04:41 Swigert: Roger. The reason we are doing a two-jet ullage, Walt, is to even up the RCS fuel. When we do this, all the quads will be even, and we will be in fat shape for an SCS RCS deorbit redline. [Long pause]
072:04:55 Schirra: You said a two-jet RCS, Jack, using two quads. We can't do it. [Pause]
072:05:03 Cunningham: Jack, the only two-jet ullage we're going to do is on a G&N burn. [Pause]
072:05:09 Swigert: Roger. We'll come back with you over that, over Tananarive. And we have the load in, verified; the computer is yours.
072:06:50 Cunningham: Houston, Apollo 7. We have a NAV check [garble]. [Pause]
072:06:54 Swigert: Roger. Say again.
This is Apollo Control Houston 72 hours 7 minutes into the flight and it appears we have lost lock through the Canary station. The spacecraft now is moving across Africa. To recap a couple of the highlights of our first television pass of Apollo 7, you saw Wally Schirra extend two cards down camera range. The first one read "Hello from the lovely Apollo Room high atop everything." And a little later you say him hold another card up, both obviously in jocular vein, it said "Keep those cards and letters coming in, folks." We've timed the total television pass from receipt of the first seeable to the loss of the signal out over the Atlantic, at 7 minutes. A little bit shorter than we had anticipated, but all in all we are agreed that it was a good, a very valid first test. It had comments in the Control Center here from varied flight controllers, words like "Amazing", "Much better than I expected", generally that would describe the reaction here in the Center. We will plan very likely to do an apogee adjustment burn a little later today. That will be discussed, I suspect, over Carnarvon on the next pass, and the affect of this will be to lower apogee, which is presently running about 160 by 122 and it will have the happy affect of adjusting of bringing our RCS budgets - our onboard propellant budgets to more conservative alignment. In the television pass Donn Eisele was wearing his space suit. He still has it on. We could see his hoses set up unpressurized, and I'm looking at a rerun now and it's pretty clear'that Wally Schirra and Walt Cunningham are in their flight coveralls, powder blue coveralls. Of course, we don't have color television yet, but they are blue in color with a NASA wishbone and as I understand it the picture is being replayed to the news center so they can have a look. It's 72 hours and 10 minutes into the flight. This is Apollo Control Houston.
072:18:24 Cunningham (onboard): Go ahead.
072:18:35 Schirra (onboard): From the period of 70 hours through approximately 72 hours, the timeline was rather awkward in that we had a problem with the MARK button on the computer. The whole team on board was a little behind the curve. They were sleeping well, finally, and I wanted for them to sleep awhile. We needed three men really to hook up the events in that - in a really effective time. The state vectors we were working normally would have been a very simple task for one man to run.
072:19:16 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Tananarive. [Long pause]
072:19:32 Schirra: Roger, Houston. Read you loud and clear.
072:19:34 Swigert: You're five-by. On the - on this two-jet ullage: Wally, we felt that we could do a two-jet SCS ullage, RCS ullage, and save about 8 pounds of RCS fuel. You can do this by having the pitch and yaw channel switches at A and pulling pitch main A circuit breaker. How do you feel about that? [Long pause]
072:20:04 Schirra: We've got to fly attitude [garble] energy, Jack, and that 20 seconds that will give you a pretty tight burn. [Pause]
072:20:10 Swigert: You will still have two-jet ullage attitude hold. [Pause]
072:20:18 Schirra: The main thing is I don't think a G&N burn will conserve fuel anyway. [Pause]
072:20:22 Swigert: Okay. If you are uncomfortable about it, we will go with the four jets. We just thought we could save about 8 pounds of fuel. [Pause]
072:20:29 Schirra: Okay. We will go four jets.
072:20:31 Swigert: Okay. Understand. [Long pause]
072:20:43 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
072:20:45 Schirra: Go ahead.
072:20:46 Swigert: Okay. Wally, on this AC glitch, what they are doing is - we have a series of tests being run off line first, but we're using 106 at the factory to check out all the AC systems in the sensing system. At the Beach, they are testing the whole lashup, the CRYO stands, heaters, and everything; and we should have some data on this by tomorrow. [Long pause]
072:21:10 Schirra: Okay. Tom, I think you should realize that all that trouble of going to the hybrid gears is that kind of glitch coming along. [Pause]
072:21:16 Swigert: That's right, and that is why we just decided to go ahead and do this burn 3 and get the perigee down. [Pause]
072:21:24 Schirra: Okay. We will be doing two jet here; we will have to kick it over for a while. [Pause]
072:21:28 Swigert: Okay. Then we have got plenty of time to pick it up later. No problem on that. [Pause]
072:21:32 Schirra: Okay.
072:21:34 Swigert: And they don't plan - they are not suggesting running any test on hoard up there, what with the AC power. We will do it all on the ground and tell you what we find out. [Pause]
072:21:42 Schirra: Okay. We are knocking off all the fuels since we want to stay out of gimbal lock. [Pause]
072:21:47 Swigert: Say again.
072:21:49 Schirra: We are knocking off all fuels except for one in gimbal lock. [Pause]
072:21:54 Swigert: Okay. What we are going to do is delete for the present all flight plan items after 72 hours to prepare for this burn. [Long pause]
072:22:06 Schirra: Concur.
072:26:01 Schirra (onboard): Debriefing on the period from 70 hours to 72 hours: as a result of the delayed pickup of the total crew, the events snowballed, and we fell behind on the alignment. We did manage to get the canister change number 6 completed on time. About this time, we were getting some help on the problem that we're supposed to ...
072:26:31 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute to LOS Tananarive; we will pick up ARIA 2 in about 2 minutes and then on through to Carnarvon.
072:26:41 Schirra (onboard): Roger.
072:26:45 Schirra (onboard): And as a result of this, the rendezvous transponder test was pretty well blown apart. We did manage to get the TV camera out, in that that would seem to be the big crisis ever since launch day.
072:27:18 Schirra (onboard): We did attempt, and wasted some fuel, on the alignment. Finally, I noted the beginning of the constellation Orion in the number 2 window. And I had Donn pick that up in the LEB. In the mark procedure utilized in the 50-50 [garble] termination, the procedure used when the MARK button wouldn't work. The PMP called - correction, the command module pilot made the mark at the shaft and trunnion angle - CMP timed the shaft and trunnion angles while the spacecraft was in tight DEADBAND, SPS limit cycle ON. The angles were read off by the CDR, and recorded by the LMP. The CMP then proceeded to the next position to record the shaft and trunnion angle, and the LMP called them out, and the CMP inserted them.
072:29:46 Schirra (onboard): In this procedure, two stars were used for the first track in program 53. They were Rigel and Aldebaran, and the star angle difference was 00039. In program 54, the same two stars were used and relative [garble] holding, and the star angle difference was 00018. The gyro-torquing angle after this program 54 was 0002 on all four axes, less than 0.025 - less than 0.03.
072:32:28 Schirra (onboard): This task worked out to be satisfactory so that we could have used it for any type of burn if necessary.
072:32:41 Schirra (onboard): The - it was completed. We picked up Hawaii acquisition, and the call was made to get ready for the rendezvous radar transponder test.
072:33:04 Schirra (onboard): And this was rushing us much too fast. We didn't have but 24 minutes' lead time roughly to heat the transponder up to operating temperature.
072:33:15 Schirra (onboard): We used about 1 degree per second in pitch, using ACCEL COMMAND to attempt to get into the desired attitude for the transponder test.
072:33:26 Schirra (onboard): This at least did help us, if the transponder test had failed to get into an ideal attitude for a Gulf Coast pass for the television.
072:33:37 Schirra (onboard): The television camera results I assure - I'm sure, spoke for themselves.
072:33:41 Schirra (onboard): It is necessary to observe, however, that this is compounding a rather difficult test.
072:33:48 Schirra (onboard): In retrospect, my decision not to use the television camera prior to the first SPS burn wan sound. We had too much to do to get the television camera ready. There was too much attention paid to the results of the television camera rather than anything else, as wan typical in this pass.
072:34:09 Schirra (onboard): I believe that television should be left as the last low-priority test objective in relation to any other event that may occur simultaneously.
072:34:28 Schirra (onboard): Typically, with a television camera on board, the crew reacted to it, and we fortunately had no problems occur, but we were paying much too much attention to the TV camera and not to the spacecraft. This is why I object to the TV camera in the first place.
072:34:47 Schirra (onboard): A candid-camera syndrome is a very awkward one to have in a spacecraft.
072:35:11 Schirra (onboard): And this is the end of a ...
072:35:13 Communications technician: ARIA 2; AOS in about 5 DB. [Long pause]
072:35:14 Eisele (onboard): This is the command module pilot. Time is 72 hours 50 minutes. I'd like to register a coment or two concerning the optics.
072:35:21 Eisele (onboard): In general, the optics drive is very smooth and much better than we've seen on any of the simulators. The visibility, however, in the telescope is no better, in fact, a little worse than what we experienced in the CMS at the Cape. It was most disappointing to find that you really do have to bury your eye in that thing for a good 5 to 10 minutes ...
072:35:28 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Carnarvon.
072:35:31 Schirra: Roger. You are loud and clear, Jack.
072:35:32 Swigert: You are loud and clear, Wally. We have a procedure for troubleshooting that loss of the voice and telemetry subearrier that we had. Are you ready to go? [Long pause]
072:35:45 Schirra: I'll take it down.
072:35:47 Swigert: Okay. We are just going to walk you through it. Walt, we would like you to switch the S-band transponder switch to PRIMARY, pausing in OFF as you go through from SECONDARY to OFF to PRIMARY. [Long pause]
072:36:01 Schirra: Jack, I'll slide over to the right seat, and I will follow you up again. [Pause]
072:36:05 Swigert: Okay. We would like to switch the primary S-band transponder switch into OFF, pausing a bit, and then to PRIMARY. [Long pause]
072:36:22 Schirra: S-band ...
072:36:24 Swigert: S-band transponder. [Pause]
072:36:29 Schirra: Okay. Going into PRIMARY, then OFF, then back to PRIMARY. [Pause]
072:36:39 Swigert: Okay. We got it. [Pause]
072:36:44 Schirra: Is that it?
072:36:45 Swigert: Okay. Now we are going to wait a bit and look at some data here. [Pause]
072:36:50 Schirra: Roger. Do I have time to blow my nose? [Pause]
072:36:57 Swigert: Go ahead.
072:38:10 Schirra: Houston, Apollo 7.
072:38:11 Swigert: Go ahead.
072:38:13 Schirra: Roger. Do you have a click, click, click in your receiver? [Pause]
072:38:17 Swigert: Negative. Negative, Wally. [Pause]
072:38:24 Schirra: Okay. Confirm that the digital pilot goes click, click, click, click, click. [Pause]
072:38:29 Swigert: Roger. Stand by. [Pause]
This is Apollo Control Houston 72 hours 38 minutes into the flight. We have some conversation which was taped back at Tananarive, We will play that for you and we are now moving into the - rapidly moving into the Australian area and'we will come right into that. First, there is this word on the transponder test from White Sands, immediately preceding that most successful TV pass. The data at this point is inconclusive. There is some indication that the test didn't work or perhaps we weren't pointed just right, or perhaps the transponder in the spacecraft had not been turned on. I say again, the data is inconclusive, but the test objectives were not fulfilled in that particular pass. We have other revs across White Sands and the test, of course, can be repeated. Now let's hear the conversation via Tananarive.
072:38:36 Schirra: Whatever that was, it stopped it.
072:38:38 Swigert: Roger.
072:38:40 Schirra: It must have been something wrong with Carnarvon's receiver - transmitter. [Pause]
072:38:46 Schirra: Keep checking on it.
072:38:47 Swigert: Roger.
072:38:50 Schirra: Okay. Jack, I think Carnarvon probably had to switch transmitters down there [garble]. [Long pause]
072:39:05 Swigert: Okay. Stand by, Wally.
072:39:08 Schirra: Roger. [Pause]
072:39:16 Schirra: Carnarvon, this is Wally Schirra. Nice to pass overhead again and good luck [garble].
072:41:34 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
072:41:36 Schirra: Go, Jack.
072:41:37 Swigert: Roger. On the results of this transponder shift that we've gone through: we've got our voice and telemetry subcarrier back. We are GO on the primary transponder. The problem was in the secondary transponder so we are GO the way we are. [Long pause]
072:41:55 Schirra: Very good. I'll leave it this way. [Long pause]
072:42:07 Swigert: Wally,do you still have the clicking in the receiver?
072:42:10 Schirra: That is why I was complimenting Carnarvon. They got on it right away and clicked it off. [Pause]
072:42:14 Swigert: Okay. Real fine. [Pause]
072:42:20 Schirra: They were paying attention to us and did a very good job.
072:42:23 Swigert: Roger. [Long pause]
072:42:48 Schirra: Jack, I would say the team worked harder today than they did yesterday. [Pause]
072:42:53 Swigert: Say again, Wally.
072:42:55 Schirra: I say the team worked harder today than they did yesterday.
072:42:58 Swigert: You bet your life.
072:43:01 Schirra: Good show. [Long pause]
072:43:41 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. You want to turn up your S-band volume? We are just about to lose you over Carnarvon here. [Pause]
072:43:47 Schirra: Roger.
072:43:50 Swigert: And, 7, looks like that right now we observe the primary evaporator to have dried out again. [Long pause]
072:44:01 Schirra: It figures. A direct hit.
072:46:39 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. We're 1 minute LOS Honeysuckle; Hawaii in 15 minutes.
And this is Apollo Control Houston. We nay get some additional by either Woomera or Honeysuckle, but right now it's pretty noisy. You heard on the loop, the ground, Jack Swigert, our capsule communicator tell Apollo 7 that we had resolved the telemetry difficulty we noted earlier in the day. The troublesome item proved to be a secondary circuit transponder and it has been ruled inoperative. We switched over to the primary transponder in the telemetry loop and we are getting all the data from the - in all possible nodes and everything is rosy. This brought a cheer here, a small cheer in the Control Center, and when the word was passed up to the crew, we could hear what sounded like a cheer there, at least Donn Eisele called Walt Cunningham to be sure he knew about it. Apparently Walt may not have had his headset on. So all in all, things are looking up and quite rosy at this point, and we will continue to monitor until the spacecraft moves off the coast of Australia. At 72 hours 46 minutes into the mission, this is Apollo Control Houston.
072:49:49 Eisele (onboard): ...without a well-defined pattern, it's pretty hard to find anything by itself.
072:50:11 Eisele (onboard): This is the command module pilot at 72 hours and 50 minutes into the flight of Apollo 7. I'd like to register a comment or two concerning the G&N optics. First, the optics seems to drive very smoothly, and it's very easy to control in both RESOLVED and DIRECT at all speeds for landmark-tracking purposes or star marking or whatever. It's much smoother than we've seen on any simulator. The part that's disappointing, however, is the extremely poor visibility in the telescope. It's no better, in fact, a little worse than what we saw in the CMS, and you really have to bury your eyes in the thing for about 5 to 10 minutes to get dark adapted before you can recognize anything. In general, if you have bright stars in a well-defined, well-known pattern you can find them. We have had a fair amount of luck with the pick-a-pair routine. It appears that as long as we're looking at all sky and not much Earth in the field of view, the thing will work pretty well, so that's a help for doing P52. The tough part, of course, is doing 51's when you're coming up from scratch.
072:51:38 Eisele (onboard): The field of view in the telescope ends at about 38 degrees trunnion. The field of view in the sextant, however, goes out beyond 50 degrees, which is a very curious thing, and we had not expected that. So, effectively, the field, the 20 - the 38-degree alarm that often comes up in the various programs is a real constraint as far as the use of the telescope.
This is Apollo Control Houston, we have lost lock with the spacecraft now, by Australia and that will bring the circuit down, we'll be back up in about 12 minutes from Hawaii. One additional note, on the television pass, the altitude of the spacecraft at the time that trans - television transmission came through was aproximately 130 miles and decendinl slightly to perigee which occurred out in the Atlantic. You could say the pass started roughly at 130 miles - nautical miles and probably was 126 or 127 nautical miles at the conclusion of the pass. Tomorrows television show, if you will, is presently scheduled for an elapse time of 95 hours and 25 minutes, that's the Corpus Christi acquisition time. At 72 hours, 52 minutes into the flight this is Apollo Control Houston.
072:53:26 Schirra (onboard): This is CDR, we tried to... [Long pause]
072:53:43 Schirra (onboard): From the glycol evaporator, we tried to salvage the water flow, and it did not take. Procedurally, we went from STEAM PRESSURE, AUTO to MANUAL; worked in the INCREASE position for 45 seconds; waited over 5 minutes for steam pressure to increase - no sign of increase - flowed water with the H2O FLOW switch ON for 2 minutes - no sign of increase in steam pressure - terminated attempt at that point to bring water boiler on the line.
073:01:41 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Hawaii.
This is Apollo Control, Houston, 73 hours 1 minute into the flight. We're on the 46th revolution around the Earth and we just put in a call through Hawaii. Here's how it's going.
073:01:49 Unidentifiable crewmember: Houston, Apollo 7.
073:01:51 Swigert: Roger. Five-by.
073:01:54 Swigert: Aloha. We would like to ask you whether you were able to accomplish the switching [garble]. [Pause]
073:01:59 Cunningham: Jack, I have the tape recorder being rewound now. I'll give you a call when we're through rewinding; we'll be ready for dump. We did a P52 alignment in the last night pass; used Diphda and Aldebaran and got five balls, and the star angle difference should he on the tape. [Long pause]
073:02:20 Swigert: Roger. Copy.
073:02:23 Cunningham: I mean the torquing angle should be on the tape.
073:02:26 Swigert: Okay. Copy that. Walt, we would like to ask you whether you were able to accomplish the switching operation. [Pause]
073:02:35 Cunningham: Do you read, Jack?
073:02:36 Swigert: Apollo 7, do you read? Houston. [Pause]
073:02:41 Swigert: Apollo 7, do youread? Houston. [Pause]
073:02:50 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. [Long pause]
073:03:05 Swigert: Hello, Apollo 7, Houston. [Pause]
Apollo Control here. This pass is running well south of Hawaii. We apparently did not have a good acquisition or good lock on the signal, but the pass was opened by Capsule Communicator, ... Capsule Communicator, Jack Swigert, with the word Aloha. Of course, he is here in Houston, but the signal went out through Hawaii. We will continue to stand by."
073:03:15 Swigert: Apollo 7, do you read? Houston.
073:04:37 Swigert: Apollo 7, how do you read? Houston. [Long pause]
073:05:21 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. [Long pause]
073:06:12 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
This is Apollo Control, Houston, apparently we are having a little ground communication problems. A line problem apparently. Network Flight Controller just advised that on the last rev, our voice signal from Houston was not reaching Hawaii. Now we are locked up again, let's go back.
073:06:15 Eisele: Go ahead.
073:06:17 Swigert: Roger. Walt, we copied your transmission on P52. We would like to know whether you were able to accomplish the switching operation for the WSMR rendezvous radar test during the TV operation. [Long pause]
073:06:32 Cunningham: I had the heater on for only about 2 minutes. We had not counted on performing that, and the whole sequence idea was a bit too rushed. We probably should not even attempted it, Jack. However, we did turn the heater on for a couple of minutes, turned it to POWER; we read out the test meter readouts, and I don't know if we passed them down, but we got them logged on board here. The lockon - the signal strength never came up above about 1.4 volts, I think it was. [Long pause]
073:07:03 Swigert: Okay. We copy that. [Pause]
073:07:08 Schirra: Did you have any results from WSMR?
073:07:11 Swigert: Negative. There is no results from WSMR.
073:07:13 Schirra: Okay. And since we're up pretty well on fuel now, we'd like to try again on the second callout. [Pause]
073:07:20 Swigert: Wally, it looks like we're gonna have a chance about - we may have a chance about 30 minutes after the burn to get - to try again over WSMR. [Long pause]
073:07:32 Schirra: Okay. And that might be pretty good. We'll have a burning attitude and can psych out on that one. [Pause]
073:07:37 Swigert: Right.
073:07:38 Schirra: We'll stay in burn attitmie and listen to S-band.
073:07:40 Swigert: Okay. [Pause]
073:07:49 Swigert: Okay. Wally, I wanted to ask you a question. Did you have a problem with your BIOMED harness one time? [Pause]
073:07:57 Schirra: Yes, I did. Aren't you reading me now? [Pause]
073:08:01 Swigert: We're reading.
073:08:02 Schirra: You're reading center now, aren't you?
073:08:04 Swigert: Yes, we're reading center now. You want to go to LMP? [Pause]
073:08:09 Schirra: Okay. We have switched to LMP. You want LMP; center is LMP. [Pause]
073:08:15 Swigert: Okay. Real fine.
073:08:17 Schirra: Just to give you a cable connection: the CDR is in the right seat, LMP is in the center seat, and CMP is in the left seat. [Long pause]
073:08:38 Schirra: That is per flight plan burn 3.
073:08:39 Swigert: Roger. We copy that.
073:08:40 Schirra: Roger.
073:08:41 Cunningham: Jack, do you have enough time this pass for me to start a tape dump? It's rewound. [Pause]
073:08:48 Swigert: Negative, Walt. We'll hit you over the States for the tape dump. [Pause]
073:08:54 Schirra: Okay. Are you people in a position to command those tape dumps?
073:08:57 Swigert: Affirmative. [Long pause]
073:09:33 Communications technician: Huntsville AOS. A two-way lock.
073:10:52 Communications technician: Huntsville LOS. [Long pause]
073:11:20 Communications technician: Huntsville AOS, and downlink signal is very weak. Downlink signal very weak.
This is Apollo Control, Houston. And we are continuing to monitor through the Hunstsville area but we really don't expect to get a useful voice signal. We should acquire from California, a combination of California and Guaymas momentarily. You hear Wally Schirra give us the positioning of the men for burn 3. This is the third burn in our flight plan, which had been programmed for about 95 hours. It is being moved forward in the flight plan and it's presently planned to do this burn at 75 hours and 47 minutes, 75 hours 47 minutes of elapsed time. Reading, we are presently 73 hours and 12 minutes and as I started to say Schirra positioned the people for this burn accordingly. It will be Donn Eisele's burn. He is over in the crew commander's couch on the left side. Walt Cunningham will occupy the center couch, which would normally be occupied by Donn Eisele, and Wally Schirra will be over in Walt Cunningham's couch on the right hand side, the right couch. That was the planned configuration of people for the third burn and a little later in the mission Walt Cunningham will move into the commander's couch and he too will get some experience in handling a burn. We have reestablished Com and let's go back to Apollo 7.
073:12:57 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
073:13:00 Schirra: Roger. Houston.
073:13:02 Swigert: Roger. Wally, at your leisure, we'd like to get some command module RCS temperature readouts. [Pause]
073:13:11 Schirra: Okay. Stand by. We'll be coming [garble]. [Pause]
073:13:15 Swigert: Roger. [Pause]
073:13:25 Eisele: Roger. Jack, 5C reads 5 volts full scale. 5D is 5 volts full scale. 6A is 4.9. 6B is 5.0. 6C is 4.8. 6D is 4.9 volts. [Long pause]
073:13:53 Swigert: Real fine. We have some - due to this transponder problem, we'd like to reconfigure some switches there, and then we will be back in the normal configuration for our COMM switches. Could we get you to put your power PMP switch to NORMAL? [Long pause]
073:14:15 Schirra: PMP is set.
073:14:18 Swigert: Okay. Okay. Your forward rewind switch to FORWARD. [Pause]
073:14:28 Schirra: Forward rewind switch to FORWARD.
073:14:31 Swigert: Your record play swatch to RECORD.
073:14:33 Schirra: RECORD.
073:14:34 Swigert: Your telemetry input switch to LOW. [Pause]
073:14:38 Schirra: It's there; verifying. [Pause]
073:14:42 Swigert: Okay. Real fine. We're now back in normal configuration.
073:14:45 Schirra: Okay. You asked about my BIOMED. I checked, and the lead was apart again. [Pause]
073:14:50 Swigert: Okay. Real fine.
073:14:52 Schirra: It's too short. Thay've mustt have changed the thing since I tried it last. It was all right during flight preparations. [Long pause]
073:15:03 Eisele: Jack, I still have the tape switch OFF. Do you want the tape switch ON? [Long pause]
073:15:14 Swigert: Okay. We want the switches just like you've got them.
073:15:16 Eisele: Okay. The tape is OFF, and the tape is rewound. No motion. Standing by for your dmnp. Could you summarize what you found wrong with the COMM system? Also, we should tell you that we could not get the glycol evaporator back on the line. [Long pause]
073:15:38 Swigert: Roger. We copy that. [Long pause]
073:15:50 Swigert: Okay. Apollo 7, did you try and reservice the primary evaporator? [Pause]
073:15:54 Eisele: That's affirm.
073:15:56 Swigert: Roger. [Long pause]
073:16:39 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. [Long pause]
073:16:51 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. [Long pause]
073:17:05 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
073:17:08 Schirra: Go ahead. [Long pause]
073:17:19 Swigert: Roger. To summarize our findings on the COMM system: we have found that the secondary transponder has failed. We have normal operation on the primary transponder, and except for the secondary problem, our COMM system is operating normally. [Pause]
073:17:29 Schirra: Roger.
073:19:31 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. [Pause]
073:19:35 Schirra: Go ahead.
073:19:36 Swigert: Wally, on that BIOMED harness - that problem that you reported. Do you think you'll have time to do any repair work on it? [Pause]
073:19:46 Schirra: Afraid not. [Pause]
073:19:50 Schirra: The next time you are reading me, if you aren't getting it, ask and I can plug it back in. It seems to pull out when we exercise or during a sleep period. [Pause]
073:19:59 Swigert: Okay. We copy.
073:20:02 Schirra: It's no problem to hook it up. [Pause]
073:20:09 Schirra: One of the sensors is leaking. You better leave it out or pull it off. [Long pause]
073:20:22 Communications technician: Canary LOS. [Pause]
073:20:27 Schirra: Houston, this is CDR. Let me give you a check on this. I got a light; check my lead. Houston, did you receive? [Long pause]
073:20:39 Swigert: Stand by, Wally.
073:21:47 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. We're reading LMP data in the center seat. [Pause]
073:21:57 Cunningham: Roger. We switched it over, and now it's over in the right seat. [Pause]
073:22:03 Swigert: Okay. We copy the switch. [Pause]
073:22:09 Swigert: Okay. We're getting good data.
073:22:12 Cunningham: We're getting that radio station interterence again. [Pause]
073:22:16 Swigert: Okay. [Long pause]
073:22:30 Swigert: Apollo 7, opposite omni.
073:24:16 Cunningham: Our magazine, O for Oboe. [Pause]
073:24:21 Swigert: Roger. Copy.
073:24:22 Cunningham: Five, six, seven, and eight. Starting with Crestview - Pensacola area, Tallahasee, Jacksonville, St. John's river outlet to the Atlantic. [Long pause]
073:24:39 Swigert: Okay. We copy magazine Oboe six, seven, and eight. [Pause]
073:24:43 Cunningham: Roger. That was five, six, seven, and eight.
073:24:45 Swigert: Copy.
073:24:47 Eisele: Roger. Five, six, seven, and eight.
073:24:50 Eisele: Hey, Jack, we need a map update. [Pause]
073:24:54 Swigert: Okay. Coming up.
073:24:55 Eisele: Thank you. [Long pause]
073:25:10 Schirra: By the way, these five windows, almost every darn one of them is looking at something. [Pause]
073:25:20 Swigert: I didn't copy that, Wally. Could you say again?
073:25:21 Schirra: Roger. These five windows have a view almost all the time, except the center hatch window is useless for anything now, [Pause]
073:25:30 Swigert: Roger. Copy. [Pause]
073:25:35 Schirra: That would be a beautiful window to have working. [Pause]
073:25:40 Swigert: Roger. We agree. [Long pause]
073:25:54 Swigert: Okay. Apollo 7, I have your map update.
073:25:57 Schirra: Roger. Co ahead.
073:25:59 Swigert: Okay. For REV 46, the GET of the node is 72 plus 57 plus 26. Longitude 178.7 degrees east, riht ascension 05 plus 28. [Long pause]
073:26:18 Schirra: Thank you. [Long pause]
073:27:04 Schirra: Jack, am frames 58 and 59, Bermuda. [Long pause]
073:27:17 Swigert: Say again, Apollo 7.
073:27:20 Schirra: Frames 58 and 59 magazine Oboe, we're on Bermuda loud and clear. [Pause]
073:27:26 Swigert: Roger.
073:27:27 Schirra: Complete stratus just north of us for an awful long distance. [Pause]
073:27:35 Schirra: The Western Atlantic is pretty well clouded over.
073:27:38 Swigert: Okay. We copy that. [Pause]
073:27:42 Schirra: I would say about 40 miles east of Bermuda, there's a long frontal line. It's running on a line about north and south. The tops are rather difficult to estimate. That's about all I can see at this time. [Long pause]
073:27:55 Swigert: Okay. Copy.
073:29:24 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. We're 1 minute LOS Bermuda; Antiguas not up now, so we'll pick you up over Ascension in about 10 minutes. [Pause]
073:29:34 Schirra: Roger. Thanks Bermuda for staying up for us; will be glad to take their picture. Ready to take a picture.
This is Apollo Control Houston. Jack Swigert is giving Apollo 7 a I minute to LOS by Bermuda and he gets a Roger back. Let's turn in.
073:29:44 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. It appears we got 85 degrees yaw. Do you concur?
This Apollo Control Houston at 73 hours, 31 minutes. We'll take the line down now and bring it back up at Ascension.
This is Apollo Control Houston, 73 hours 39 minutes into the flight. And we are about to acquire through Ascension. Before we do, a word or two more on the upcoming burn presently scheduled for 75 hours and 47 minutes. This will be a perigee adjusting burn, not an apogee; I believe I referred to it as an apogee adjusting burn. It will be a perigee adjustment and it will have the affect of lowering our present perigee which is about 121.5 nautical miles down to 90 nautical miles and the apogee which is presently 159 will remain about the same. But the total effect here is to give us a little bit more margin on our onboard propellant should we have to do a, what we call a hybrid deorbit or in other words, use the small 100 pound thrusters rather than the big service propulsion engine; that's our backup deorbit capability and we have to keep that constantly in mind and keep plenty of margin there to insure that we could do that. Now we have sufficient margin right now but we are going to add to that margin by adjusting the perigee downward about 30 miles and we are doing this some 20 hours of when we had routinely planned to do it, in the flight plan. We are putting a call in now to Apollo 7; here is that communication through Ascension.
073:39:40 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. [Long pause]
073:40:06 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Ascension. [Long pause]
073:40:29 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. Hov do you read? [Pause]
073:40:33 Schirra: Houston, read you loud and clear. How we?
073:40:35 Swigert: You're five-by. We copied coarse align. [Pause]
073:40:42 Unidentifiable crewmember: Apollo 7. We are realigning.
073:40:44 Swigert: Okay. You're going to need to do P51 and 52 again. You go through P51 and then P40 and then P52. As a reminder, it will not be necessary to go to P30; however, if you do, you will have to reload the targets. [Long pause]
073:41:15 Swigert: Did you copy that, 7? [Long pause]
073:41:34 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
073:41:36 Schirra: Say again.
073:41:38 Swigert: Roger. Could you copy my message about the programs? [Pause]
073:41:44 Schirra: Say again, Jack.
073:41:46 Swigert: Okay. You'll go through 51 then 40 and then P52. As a reminder, it won't be necessary to go to program 30; if you do, you will have to reload the target. [Long pause]
073:42:01 Schirra: Understand.
073:42:03 Swigert: Okay. Real fine. One question on the primary evaporator: did you - did the steam pressure come up to NORMAL? After the serve - reservice? [Long pause]
073:42:17 Schirra: Jack, the steam pressure did not move one iota. [Pause]
073:42:21 Swigert: OKay. Copy that. [Pause]
073:42:27 Swigert: Apollo 7. Houston. [Pause]
073:42:32 Schirra: Go ahead, Houston.
073:42:33 Swigert: Roger. Would you go INCREASE for 45 seconds on your steam pressure control valve switch? [Pause]
073:42:43 Cunningham: Roger. We'll try it again.
073:45:43 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. Thirty seconds LOS Ascension; we'll pick you up over Tananarive in about 18 minutes. We'd like to watch our reservice over Cansrvon. [Long pause]
073:46:07 Cunningham: Roger. Understand. No response on EVAP pressure valve.
073:46:10 Swigert: Roger. We copy that.
073:55:10 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Tananarive. [Long pause]
073:55:XX Swigert: Tananarive M&O, Houston CapCom. [Long pause]
073:55:XX Communications technician: This is CapCom Tananarive. [Long pause]
073:55:XX Swigert: Are we going out down there? [Long pause]
073:55:XX Communications technician: Affirmative.
073:55:XX Swigert: Okay [garble]. [Long pause]
073:55:XX Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Tananarive. [Long pause]
073:55:XX Communications technician: This is CapCom Tananarive. [Long pause]
073:56:XX Swigert: Roger, are we going out down there?
073:56:XX Communications technician: Affirmative.
073:56:XX Swigert: Okay(garbled).
073:56:XX Communications technician: Okay, that's good, thank you. [Long pause]
073:56:32 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Tananarive.
073:57:37 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Tananarive.
073:57:40 Schirra: Okay. Houston, do you read. me now?
073:57:42 Swigert: I read you five-by, Wally.
073:57:43 Schirra: Roger [garble]. [Pause]
073:57:47 Swigert: Roger.
074:01:11 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. Forty-five seconds LOS Tananarive; we will pick you up over Carnarvon in about 8 minutes.
This is Apollo Control Houston 74 hours and 02 minutes into the flight. The spacecrafft is just beginning a swing across th e Indian Ocean. We recorded this conversation through Tananarive.
074:10:02 Schirra: Houston, Apollo 7.
074:10:05 Swigert: Apollo 7, read you five-by.
074:10:08 Schirra: Roger. We just resynchronized our MET of the MPC. It was running 5 seconds slow. The MET of the LEB is right on. [Pause]
074:10:18 Swigert: Okay. Copy that. And, Wally, we are standing by to watch your primary evaporator reservice, if you're ready for it. [Long pause]
074:10:29 Schirra: Jack, as you're reading it, the steam pressure has come up. [Pause]
074:10:33 Swigert: Okay. We copy that now; we see it. The other thing is - the burn 3 flight plan activity - is of the SCS attitude reference check, and the SLA stamping - SCS SI& stamping we would just like to remind you of those. [Long pause]
074:10:48 Schirra: Roger.
This is Apollo Control Houston 74 hours 11 minutes into the flight. We've got some contact via Carnarvon and we've also got some good news here on the ground. We watched the Primary evaporator - that water boiler which was balky earlier in the flight, then the trouble seemed to go away yesterday, it all settled out, and it kind of kicked up again this morning. Now it's behaving more like it should. Time and again the little troubles that we've had consistently have been in the electrical environment communications area, all of which spells EECOM in the Control Center. That's our name for that particular controller, but from Carnarvon now lets cut over to that conversation.
This is Apollo Control here we have a little machine difficulty with our tape device in building 1. It will be fixed momentarily when we switch to another machine. And I'm sure I'll be given the signal when the machine is fixed. We're up and ready now.
074:12:05 Swigert: Apollo 7, we copied your clock problems. We would like to give you a GET hack at 074 plus 12 plus 30 in about 15 seconds. [Long pause]
074:12:17 Schirra: Here we've got a 16 65 off the board.
074:12:20 Swigert: Okay. [Pause]
074:12:25 Eisele: The water boiler light is on again. [Pause]
074:12:29 Swigert: Copy. I passed that check, due to your water boiler comment. I'll give it to you at 074 plus 13 plus 00. [Long pause]
074:12:42 Eisele: We can take it any time.
074:12:43 Schirra: 13 is good. [Pause]
074:12:51 Schirra: Aren't you reading out DSKY?
074:12:54 Swigert: Yes, we have a delay here, Wally. There's - four, three, two, one. [Pause]
074:12:59 Swigert: MARK.
074:13:00 Swigert: 074 plus 13 plus 00. We're reading the DSKY, but we have a delay down here so we're not quite accurate. [Pause]
074:13:09 Schirra: After the simulation, we're 7/100 of a second off.
074:13:12 Swigert: Okay. Copy.
074:13:15 Schirra: Okay. Jack, when you gave yours, I had 59 and 93.
074:14:53 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
074:14:55 Schirra: Go ahead.
074:14:56 Swigert: Do you have any thoughts on why the evaporator didn't reservice the time before this? [Pause]
074:15:05 Schirra: We gave it 5 minutes. This time, we gave it a little bit longer. That may be the variable. [Pause]
074:15:11 Swigert: Okay. Copy.
074:15:14 Schirra: If it was [garble] it happened between this one and the one you did; that may not be the answer. [Pause]
074:15:19 Eisele: Jack, it came back spontaneously like it did once earlier in the flight. [Pause]
074:15:26 Eisele: [Garble].
074:15:29 Swigert: Roger. We copy that.
074:15:32 Eisele: The EVAP pressure valve - or water control valve is frozen closed or something? [Pause]
074:15:39 Eisele: It more or less comes back on its own.
074:15:42 Swigert: Okay. We copy.
074:15:45 Eisele: When I see it coming back, I generally help it along by throwing a little water on it. [Long pause]
074:16:00 Swigert: Walt, or Wally, do you think it might be a sticky solenoid in the water control valve? [Pause]
074:16:08 Cunningham: Could be; it's that kind of a trouble.
074:16:11 Swigert: Okay.
074:17:53 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Carnarvon; Hawaii in 18 minutes. [Pause]
074:17:58 Schirra: That's what we've got here.
074:18:00 Swigert: Roger.
074:37:18 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Hawaii.
074:37:21 Cunningham: Roger. Loud and clear.
074:37:23 Swigert: You are loud and clear. We would like to pass up this WSMR rendezvous radar test data now - before we get all tied up with burn procedures. [Long pause]
074:37:37 Cunningham: Okay. We were just thinking about that ourselves. That's pretty close ESP. [Pause]
074:37:44 Swigert: Okay. Let me know when you are reade to copy.
074:37:47 Eisele: Go ahead.
074:37:48 Swigert: Okay. Your roll attitude will be 349.3, pitch 305.8, yav 061. Your GET AOS will be 76 plus 23. Estimated GET rendezvous radar lock 76 plus 25. There is a remark: the rendezvous transponder heater ON at 76 plus 00. [Pause]
074:38:38 Schirra: Roger. Understand. Attitude 349.3, 305.8, 061.0, AOS at 76 plus 23, lockon at 76 plus 25, heater ON at 76 plus 00. [Long pause]
074:38:57 Swigert: Roger. That yaw attitude would be better at 060.8. [Pause]
074:39:04 Schirra: We will get it pretty close to 060, Jack.
074:39:06 Swigert: Okay.
074:39:08 Schirra: Roger. [Pause]
074:39:12 Cunningham: Do you people have any druthers for S-band antenas covering this burn? [Pause]
074:39:16 Swigert: Okay. Stand by. We'll get it to you. [Pause]
074:39:21 Schirra: Jack, on this slosh test - that's all the more reason to ge to four jets. I want you to read the procedure during the burn. [Long pause]
074:39:33 Swigert: Roger. Wally, we copy.
074:39:36 Schirra: Okay. I'm going down into attitude now. [Long pause]
074:39:58 Cunningham: Hey, Jack, is the S-IVB still up?
074:40:01 Swigert: Affirmative.
074:40:04 Cunningham: I don't know if we ever reported to you, but Wally and I observed it visually when it was about 400 miles behind us. What's its relative position now? [Pause]
074:40:14 Swigert: Okay. Stand by. We will give it to you exactly. [Pause]
074:40:20 Schirra: Within a mile or two would he good enough. [Long pause]
074:40:31 Swigert: Apollo 7, the S-IVB appears to be about 700 and some odd miles ahead of you. [Long pause]
074:40:45 Cunningham: Roger. [Long pause]
This is Apollo Control Houston. At 74 hours and 40 minutes into the flight we have acquired Hawaii and here is what is going on.
074:41:16 Communications technician: Huntsville AOS.
074:44:09 Communications technician: Huntsville. Two-way lock, solid range.
074:52:17 Cunningham: Houston, Apollo 7. Over.
074:52:19 Swigert: Go ahead.
074:52:21 Cunningham: I think we are passing over Baja California again. I took frames on magazine O: frames 55 and 56 Hawaiian Islands; 57 and 58 were Baja California, Gulf of California. [Long pause]
074:52:51 Swigert: Roger. Copy that, Walt. [Long pause]
074:53:28 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. [Pause]
074:53:34 Cunningham: Go, Houston.
074:53:35 Swigert: Roger. We would like for you to turn your O2 fan 1 to ON for 3 minutes here. [Pause]
074:53:43 Cunningham: Hey, Jack, every several hours, I've been switching funs like this. [Pause]
074:53:47 Swigert: Okay. Copy that. [Long pause]
074:54:01 Swigert: Walt, when was the last time you did it on tank 1? [Pause]
074:54:05 Cunningham: On tank 1 - oh, maybe an hour and a half ago. [Pause]
074:54:11 Swigert: Okay. We would like you to do it again here if you would. [Pause]
074:54:17 Cunningham: Done. [Long pause]
074:54:36 Cunningham: Jack, I gave you the wrong frame numbers a while ago. I just uncovered 65, and it looks like about 58 and 59 with the Hawaiian Islands and 60, 61, 62 coming across the Gulf Coast of Mexico. [Long pause]
074:54:54 Swigert: Okay. Copy. [Long pause]
074:55:29 Schirra: Houston, Apollo 7.
074:55:31 Swigert: Go ahead.
074:55:32 Schirra: Did you get the fuel usage on that backup alignment technique? [Pause]
074:55:37 Swigert: I'll see if I can get some figures on that for you to pass up. [Pause]
074:55:43 Schirra: Okay. The fuel we had before we tried the alignment up here [garble] the fuel we had when we came across the States on the TV pass. [Long pause]
074:55:58 Swigert: Okay.
This is Apollo Control Houston, 74 hours and 56 minutes into the flight. We are in touch with the spacecraft which is almost directly over Houston and here is how that conversation is going.
074:57:58 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. You can turn O2 tank 1 fan off. [Pause]
074:58:07 Cunningham: Tank 1 fan is OFF. Is it your wish, Bill, only to have one running at a time so I never lose two buses, or do you intend to keep them both off and put them on for the [garble] DSKY once in a while? [Long pause]
074:58:20 Swigert: Okay. Walt, what we're going to do - that's what we have been doing - is having only one fan on at a time. What we are goin to do over Ascension here, we want you to turn the fans in tank 2 off, and then you'll have them both OFF; and after the burn, we'll turn the number 2 fan bank on. [Long pause]
074:58:40 Cunningham: Okay. I got both of them OFF now. You want number 2 back. ON? [Pause]
074:58:48 Swigert: Roger. Turn number 2 on right now; we'll turn it off at Ascension. [Pause]
074:58:55 Cunningham: Roger. It's on. I just took frames 63 and 64 of magazine O. [Pause]
074:59:02 Swigert: Okay.
075:01:35 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
075:01:38 Cunningham: Roger. Go.
075:01:40 Swigert: Roger. On that question about the RCS fuel usage: for the period across the States and including the backup alignment, we - about all we can accurately predict is about 5 pounds of RCS fuel uSage. [Long pause]
075:01:55 Schirra: You had to predict, Jack? You couldn't measure that, huh? [Garble]. [Pause]
075:02:01 Swigert: This ...
075:02:03 Eisele: Again, we would like to have an update to our onboard charts now if you have it, and then one after the burn, please. [Pause]
075:02:09 Swigert: Okay. Coping up. [Pause]
075:02:13 Schirra: Jack,while you're at it, I'd like to have you consider eliminating the chlorination of our water today. It took just about - oh, about 3 [garble] before it started tasting palatable again. [Long pause]
075:02:27 Swigert: Okay. Copy.
075:02:29 Schirra: And we'll put chlorine in tomorrow.
075:02:32 Swigert: Okay. Stand by.
075:03:36 Swigert: Apollo 7, are you in AUTO in the primary evaporator steam pressure? [Pause]
075:03:43 Unidentifiable crewmember: That's affirmative, and I see [garble] thank you very much. [Pause]
075:03:47 Swigert: Okay.
075:03:50 Unidentifiable crewmember: This time I'm not going to try to increase it; I'm going to try to just turn the water on. [Long pause]
075:04:01 Swigert: Okay, Apollo 7. We don't want you to do that. [Pause]
075:04:05 Cunningham: Okay. [Pause]
075:04:14 Cunningham: Must be dried out.
075:04:16 Swigert: Okay. Stand by one. [Pause]
075:04:21 Cunningham: Okay. I'm following malfunction procedures again; I'll attempt to increase it. [Pause]
075:04:29 Swigert: Okay. We concur on it. [Long pause]
075:04:59 Cunningham: It seems to be coming up. [Pause]
075:05:04 Swigert: Roger. We copy. [Long pause]
075:05:18 Swigert: And, Walt, we suggest that you leave the back pressure valve closed until after the burn, and then we'll think it out. We'll have the answer to Wally's chlorination question after the burn, also. [Long pause]
075:05:33 Schirra: Last night, we had some pretty bad water; it was pretty disappointing. [Pause]
075:05:37 Swigert: Okay. Copy.
075:05:39 Cunningham: I couldn't eat the last part of my last meal yesterday 'cause I didn't want to put that water in it. [Pause]
075:05:43 Swigert: Roger.
075:05:46 Schirra: A lift-off agreement was that if it tasted bad, we'd stop; we're just proposing to knock off 1 day. [Pause]
075:05:53 Swigert: Okay. We copy.
075:05:55 Schirra: Roger. [Long pause]
075:06:14 Cunningham: Houston, I've been able to get this up to a normal range so I suspect that with a little manipulation of the water flow, I can get this [garble] boiler operating again. That's the way I did it once before. [Long pause]
075:06:25 Swigert: Roger. Copy. And, Walt, the figure to update your onboard RCS chart is 800 poundS, 800. [Pause]
075:06:33 Cunningham: Understand. 800 now and will be standing by for one after the burn. And what does quad C have now? [Pause]
075:06:42 Swigert: Stand by. [Long pause]
075:07:04 Swigert: We will pick you up over Ascension in about 6 minutes, Walt. [Long pause]
075:07:17 Cunningham: Roger.
And at 75 hours 07 minutes into the mission, Apollo 7 goes over the hill from Antigua and as you heard Jack Swigert say, we will pick you up at Ascension in a few minutes." This is Apollo Control in Houston.
075:13:40 Swigert: Hello, Apollo 7, Houston. [Long pause]
075:13:52 Swigert: Hello, Apollo 7, Houston. [Long pause]
075:14:04 Swigert: Hello, Apollo 7, Houston. [Long pause]
075:14:08 Schirra (onboard): Roger, Houston. Loud and clear here.
075:14:16 Schirra (onboard): Houston, Apollo 7.
075:15:06 Swigert: Hello, Apollo 7, Houston.
075:15:09 Schirra: Roger. Loud and clear.
075:15:10 Swigert: Roger. You're now coming in loud and clear. I'll again remind you on the star check that the sextant stars are not visible after 75 plus 35. [Long pause]
075:15:24 Schirra: Roger. We're set up now.
075:15:27 Swigert: And I just wanted to recheck on what the stars look like. And also, Jack will talk to you now on the CRYO's. [Pause]
075:15:36 Cunningham: Okay. We think we had a star check in daylight, but we're not sure. [Pause]
075:15:40 Swigert: Okay.
075:15:41 Cunningham: The approximate attitude and - I looked for the star, and it came in with AUTO optics. I'm pretty sure it was lined up, and I'm pretty sure I was looking at the right star in the daytime using a sextant only. [Long pause]
075:15:52 Swigert: Okay. Real good. [Pause]
075:15:57 Swigert: Okay ...
075:15:58 Unidentifiable crewmember: Get that? Sextant only. [Pause]
075:16:04 Swigert: And, Walt, the question you asked on quad C fuel: the readout is 177 pounds. Your omni antenna for the burn will be omny B Baker, and we would like you to turn the O2 fans in tank 2 to Off. [Long pause]
075:16:26 Cunningham: Tank 2 is OFF. 177, I assume that's quad C? [Pause]
075:16:31 Swigert: Quad C, Charlie.
075:16:34 Cunningham: Roger. And I've got an antenna B for the burn.
This is Apollo Control Houston, 75 hours, 16 minutes and we have established contact with the crew by Ascension and a most interesting piece of information results from the conversation. Wally Schirra mentioned that Walt Cunningham came up in the line to confirm that in fact they had seen and observed and tracked a star in daylight. I'll say that again that the crew confirms they saw and tracked a star in daylight. Here is the tape of the conversation as we move through the Ascension area.
075:20:31 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Ascension; we'll pick you up at Tananarive in 10 minutes. [Pause]
075:20:37 Schirra: Roger.
This is Apollo Control Houston 75 hours 31 minutes into the flight. The spacecraft is approaching the Tananarive site and the first call is going out to them.
The SPS burn, burn number 3, is presently programed 17 minutes from now, at 75:48. It will be a 9 second burn, 211 feet per second. It will be done with the big engine out of plane. The resulting perigee should be 90 miles with an apogee of 160. The burn itself should take place over Australia, about 5 minutes into the Australian pass. Correct that - well, 3 minutes into the Carnarvon area, actually pass will take it - take the spacecraft northwest of the Australian continent. It will run parallel about 500 miles northwest Australian coast, and then swing up through the island chains through the Pacific.
075:31:13 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Tananarive. Standing by.
075:31:17 Schirra: Roger.
Well, I think it's unlikely that we will get a conversation via Tananarive, so let me take the line down and wait for Australia. At 75 hours 54 minutes into the flight, this is Apollo Control Houston.
075:35:40 Swigert: Apollo 7, 1 minute LOS Tananarive; Carnarvon in 8 minutes. [Pause]
075:35:44 Schirra (onboard): Roger, we're all set here.
075:35:46 Cunningham: Hey, Jack, Do you want me to get this battery charge on battery C, then battery B, after [garble].
075:42:29 Cunningham (onboard): Okay, all SCS circuit breakers, CLOSED.
075:42:32 Schirra (onboard): All CLOSED.
075:42:35 Cunningham (onboard): Circuit breakers GIMBAL MOTOR CONTROL, four, CLOSED.
075:42:40 Schirra (onboard): Four, CLOSED.
075:42:41 Eisele (onboard): DIRECT RCS, OFF.
075:42:43 Cunningham (onboard): DIRECT, OFF.
075:42:44 Cunningham (onboard): SCS [garble] OFF. SCS TVC, both to AUTO.
075:42:50 Schirra (onboard): PITCH, AUTO; YAW, AUTO.
075:42:54 Cunningham (onboard): TVC GIMBAL DRIVE, PITCH and YAW, AUTO.
075:42:56 Schirra (onboard): PITCH and YAW, AUTO.
075:42:57 Cunningham (onboard): TVC SERVO POWER, 1 ON, 2 ON.
075:43:00 Schirra (onboard): TVC SERVO POWER, 1 ON, 2 ON.
075:43:04 Cunningham (onboard): HAND CONTROLLER POWER to 1.
075:43:05 Schirra (onboard): HAND CONTROLLER, 1.
075:43:06 Cunningham (onboard): Rate HAND CONTROLLER 2, ON.
075:43:08 Schirra (onboard): ON.
075:43:10 Cunningham (onboard): Stand by for me to break the [garble].
075:43:22 Cunningham (onboard): Hey, GIMBAL MOTOR CONTROL [garble].
075:43:25 Schirra (onboard): PITCH 1, right. YAW 1, right.
075:43:30 Cunningham (onboard): Right.
075:43:33 Cunningham (onboard): Okay, for the SCS burn. Confirm trim control now.
075:43:40 Schirra (onboard): 86 - and - 46.
075:43:44 Cunningham (onboard): Thrust HAND CONTROLLER, clockwise.
075:43:48 Schirra (onboard): Clockwise.
075:43:50 Cunningham (onboard): Verify no MTVC.
075:43:52 Schirra (onboard): No MTVC.
075:43:54 Cunningham (onboard): PITCH 2, YAW 2, START.
075:43:56 Schirra (onboard): PITCH 2, START.
075:43:57 Cunningham (onboard): ON.
075:43:58 Schirra (onboard): YAW 2, START.
075:44:00 Cunningham (onboard): ON.
075:44:05 Cunningham (onboard): Verify MTVC.
075:44:11 Schirra (onboard): Verify.
075:44:13 Cunningham (onboard): Thrust HAND CONTROLLER, NEUTRAL.
075:44:16 Schirra (onboard): NEUTRAL.
075:44:18 Cunningham (onboard): [Garble].
075:44:20 Schirra (onboard): [Garble].
075:44:22 Cunningham (onboard): [Garble].
075:44:24 Schirra (onboard): [Garble].
075:44:38 Cunningham (onboard): DIRECT RCS, ON.
075:44:40 Schirra (onboard): DIRECT, ON.
075:44:44 Cunningham (onboard): Null error needles and DEADBAND MIN, we shouldn't have to do.
075:44:49 Cunningham (onboard): BMAG MODE, three, ATT 1, RATE 2.
075:44:52 Schirra (onboard): All right.
075:44:54 Cunningham (onboard): Standing by for [garble].
This is Apollo Control Houston 75 hours 45 minutes into the flight and we're only a few minutes away from the third burn - major burn - of this flight, a 211 foot per second burn which will be done out of plane with the engine pointed south. The engine pointed south. Jack Swigert is now counting the crew down to mark T minus 2 minutes away from the burn. On the stateside pass this next rev, or this present rev which is rev 48, the radar transponder test between the spacecraft and White Sands Missile Range will be repeated. The rendezvous transponder heater will be turned on a good 10 minutes before the test. That may have had something to do with the lack of data on the run. There was some question as to just when that heater had been turned on in the other elements. This time it's gotten a little more attention, and we're standing by for the burn. Donn Eisele's in the commander's seat. Wally Schirra has moved over to the right couch, and Walt Cunningham is in the center couch. All quite in the spacecraft. Seconds are counted off. 15 seconds, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, zero. Ignition, and we see thrust, beautiful cutoff, says Cunningham, here is their report.
075:45:02 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Carnarvon.
075:45:05 Schirra: Roger.
075:45:07 Swigert: I'll give you a time hack at 2 minutes.
075:45:10 Schirra: Roger. Standing by. [Long pause]
075:45:47 Schirra: The FDAI still five five.
075:45:50 Swigert: Okay. Ten seconds to time hack. Six, five, four, three, two, one. [Pause]
075:45:59 Swigert: MARK.
075:46:01 Swigert: T minus 2 minutes.
075:46:03 Schirra: Speed NORMAL.
075:46:04 Eisele: Key controllers ON.
075:46:07 Schirra: One is ON.
075:46:09 Schirra: Heat controller ON.
075:46:10 Eisele: Limit cycle OFF.
075:46:12 Schirra: Limit cycle OFF.
075:46:14 Eisele: Standing by for 30 seconds.
075:46:15 Schirra: Roger. [Long pause]
075:47:01 Schirra: One minute. [Long pause]
075:47:22 Eisele (onboard): EMS DELTA-V in AUTO.
075:47:26 Schirra (onboard): EMS DELTA-V in AUTO.
075:47:27 Schirra: [Garble].
075:47:30 Eisele (onboard): Four-jet ullage in 15 seconds.
075:47:33 Schirra: Roger. [Long pause]
075:47:50 Swigert: Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero. [Long pause]
075:48:11 Cunningham: Beautiful cutoff. [Pause]
075:48:15 Schirra: Gimbal: cut it off one, two, three, and four. [Long pause]
075:48:34 Schirra: Did you pick up that SLA stamping Jazz? [Pause]
075:48:38 Swigert: Roger. Copy.
075:48:40 Schirra: Solid as a rock. Jack, are you picking up any residuals?
075:48:43 Swigert: Affirmative. We copy.
075:48:46 Schirra: T .3 minus 13.3.
075:48:49 Swigert: Copy the DELTA-V counter. [Pause]
075:48:53 Schirra: Care if I turn my channels off?
075:48:54 Eisele (onboard): DELTA-V thrust, A and B, OFF.
075:48:59 Schirra: A and B OFF. [Long pause]
075:48:59 Eisele (onboard): SPACECRAFT CONTROL is SCS; GIMBAL MOTORS, four, OFF - they are. Circuit breaker GIMBAL MOTOR CONTROL, four, OPEN.
075:49:06 Schirra (onboard): Four, open.
075:49:07 Eisele (onboard): TVC SERVO POWER 1 and 2, OFF.
075:49:09 Schirra (onboard): They're OFF.
075:49:10 Eisele (onboard): DIRECT RCS, OFF.
075:49:12 Schirra (onboard): It's OFF.
075:49:14 Eisele (onboard): MAIN BUS TIES are OFF.
075:49:22 Eisele (onboard): EMS MODE, OFF, STANDBY.
075:49:24 Schirra (onboard): EMS, OFF, STANDBY.
075:49:26 Eisele (onboard): HAND CONTROLLERS, LOCKED. We recorded the components, I assume.
075:49:32 Schirra: LOCKED and all channels are OFF.
075:49:34 Swigert: Copy.
075:49:37 Schirra: Jack, the surprise really [garble] that thing really slaps you. [Pause]
075:49:42 Swigert: Roger. I bet.
075:49:46 Eisele: Jack, on this slosh damping, we get absolutely no firings at all, and at a 4-degree DEADBAND. [Pause]
075:49:55 Swigert: That's what we like to hear. That's good news.
075:49:56 Eisele: Right.
075:49:57 Schirra: Yes, that's good news. That saves a lot of fuel. [Pause]
075:50:07 Schirra: [Garble] they're OFF. They're OFF. [Long pause]
075:50:27 Schirra: [Garble] Stand by. [Pause]
075:50:32 Schirra: Locked and all channels are OFF.
075:50:35 Swigert: Roger. Copy.
075:50:38 Schirra: That's a surprise every time. That thing really slaps us. [Pause]
075:50:42 Swigert: Roger. I bet. [Pause]
075:50:47 Cunningham: Jack, on that SLA stamp: we're getting absolutely no firings at all and 4 degree deadband. [Pause]
075:50:55 Swigert: That's what we like to hear. That's good news.
075:50:57 Schirra: Yes, that saves a lot of fuel.
075:57:24 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Guam.
075:57:26 Schirra: Roger. We're standing in attitude now.
075:57:29 Swigert: Roger. That was a real good burn, Wally. We confirmed your orbit on radar, 90 by 160. [Pause]
075:57:38 Schirra: Roger.
075:57:39 Swigert: And we would like to have you turn your O2 fans tank 2 to AUTO. [Pause]
075:57:48 Cunningham: Done.
075:57:49 Swigert: Okay. And O2 fuel tank 1 to OFF, and remain in this configuration until ground cue. [Pause]
075:57:56 Cunningham: Roger. Standing by.
075:57:59 Swigert: Okay. After the WSMR radar test which is coming up, we will be ready to power down and set up housekeeping. [Pause]
075:58:06 Schirra: Roger.
This is Apollo Control Houston 75 hours 58 minutes into the mission. We have acquired through Guam and we have also had a chance to look at some of the data - that burn came exactly as programed, the resulting orbit is 90 miles by 160. The crew was congratulated by CapCom Jack Swigert. Here is how the conversation is going as we move through Guam.
This is Apollo Control here. It is questionable whether we will get any additional - here comes a call now. They are being given 1 minute to LOS.
076:03:24 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Guam; we pick you up at Hawaii in about 8 minutes. [Pause]
076:03:29 Schirra: Roger. We have our transponder heater on. We are working into attitude. [Pause]
076:03:36 Swigert: We couldn't copy that, Wally. Say again.
076:03:39 Schirra: Roger. We have the transponder heater on; we are working into attitude.
076:03:42 Swigert: Okay. Real fine. Real fine. [Long pause]
076:04:40 Communications technician: ARIA 3, go REMOTE. [Long pause]
Apollo Control here. Wally says they are getting set up for the transponder run over White Sands again, which is upcoming on this pass. Following that third burn, here are some numbers on the remaining propellant. SPS fuel weight in pounds remaining is 2,874; SPS oxidizer weight in pounds remaining is 4,683 - 4,683 oxidizer, 2,874 fuel. Then you add those together and you have your propellant. In the quads, the reaction control system engines - they read thusly: quad A shows about 175 pounds of propellant, that's a combination number; quad B is 201; quad C is 171; and quad D as in dog is 201. Apollo 7 is being told that an aircraft ARIA 3 is out east - is between the Guam circle and Hawaii. If they have anything to transmit, they can reach us through that aircraft, a KC135, five of which are available for deployment in the specific areas between ships, giving us very extensive tracking coverage. At 76 hours 05 minutes of Apollo 7, this is Houston.
076:05:09 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through ARIA 3. Standing by.
076:11:36 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Hawaii. Standing by.
076:11:38 Schirra: Roger.
076:12:51 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Hawaii.
076:12:53 Schirra: Roger.
076:12:55 Swigert: You're five-by, Wally. We had a real good look, close look at the SPS data, and it was right down the line. Real good operation. [Pause]
076:13:04 Schirra: Roger. Sounds like I got a good engine.
076:13:06 Swigert: It sure does.
This is Apollo Control Houston, 76 hours, 15 minutes. Through Hawaii, we are having this conversation.
076:16:21 Swigert: Apollo 7, Nouston. Opposite omni. [Long pause]
076:16:37 Schirra: Apollo 7, Houston. Roger.
076:16:38 Swigert: Okay. Wally, on your question on the chlorination: you may delete the chlorination for today. We'll ask you for some later data on the taste of your water as we go along. [Long pause]
076:16:53 Schirra: Roger. I gotta agree with you. Very good. [Long pause]
076:17:13 Communications technician: Huntsville AOS.
076:18:17 Schirra: Jack.
076:18:20 Swigert: All right. Go ahead, Wally.
076:18:22 Unidentifiable crewmember: If there's a power down, I'd like to leave one of the blue bags there to check our speedup rate during drifting flight. [Long pause]
076:18:34 Schirra: I'd like to start drifting flight with our rate almost to zero, and then we'll see how they develop. [Pause]
076:18:42 Swigert: Roger. We concur.
076:18:44 Schirra: We heard a report last night that Lunney said it looked like we were very stable, but that turned out not to be true. [Long pause]
076:18:56 Swigert: Which one do you plan to leave on, Wally? [Long pause]
076:19:13 Schirra: [Garble] DSKY lifters, we could get a check on this control board, we're another 2 [garble] deadband rate high, SCS attitude hold. [Long pause]
076:19:29 Swigert: Roger. We copy.
076:19:31 Schirra: Roger.
076:19:33 Schirra: [Garble] Got to prepare that square for the GTO.
076:22:12 Communications technician: [Garble]. [Long pause]
076:22:32 Communications technician: [Garble].
076:25:01 Stafford: Apollo 7, Houston. We should be getting the estimated radar lockon at this time. [Pause]
076:25:08 Schirra: Roger. We're still reading zero. [Pause]
076:25:13 Stafford: Roger. Still reading zero on the meter. [Pause]
076:25:17 Schirra: Roger.
076:25:18 Schirra: Tune it just a little bit. It's coming up a little bit now. [Long pause]
076:25:30 Stafford: Roger. Understand. The meter is coming up.
076:25:31 Schirra: Roger. Came up about .1. It came up 1 volt. [Pause]
076:25:36 Stafford: Roger. One volt.
076:25:37 Schirra: Good deal, terrific. Then it want down to zero. Yes, 'cause that is about 1.4 volts. [Pause]
076:25:47 Stafford: Roger.
076:25:48 Schirra: It's solid on 1.5. Right at 1.5 volts. [Long pause]
076:26:02 Stafford: Roger. Understand. Solid at 15.
076:26:05 Schirra: Roger. That's good news. Set on 1.7. [Pause]
076:26:14 Schirra: Set on 1.7 there.
076:26:17 Stafford: Roger. [Pause]
076:26:24 Schirra: 1.7, almost 1.8. [Pause]
076:26:32 Schirra: 1.7. [Long pause]
076:26:46 Schirra: It's dropping off now; I think we're making lock.
076:26:48 Stafford: Roger.
076:26:50 Schirra: She came back up - about 1.6. [Long pause]
076:27:22 Schirra: We're holding lock about 1.4. [Pause]
076:27:31 Schirra: [Garble] decide to use that radar, setup sure a lot better. [Pause]
076:27:36 Stafford: Okay. [Garble] now. [Pause]
076:27:40 Schirra: Looks like we beat the Gemini VI, Tom.
076:27:42 Stafford: Roger. [Pause]
076:27:52 Schirra: Still holding lock 1.5. That's pretty spectacular.
076:27:55 Stafford: Okay. 1.5.
076:27:57 Schirra: Just dropped off - and she's zero. Tom, I'd say it's a good job. I think it's come to the end of the lock. [Pause]
076:28:07 Stafford: Okay. It's back to zero then, Wally? [Pause]
076:28:11 Schirra: Affirm.
076:28:13 Stafford: Okay.
076:28:14 Schirra: Pretty far down the pike by now.
076:28:15 Stafford: Yes, you're gonnA be cutting across down around Mexico City shortly.
076:28:18 Schirra: Si. [Pause]
076:28:24 Stafford: Okay. As soon as we find out the data, Wally, we'll call it back to you. [Pause]
076:28:28 Schirra: Okay. I'm sure glad to see you got that one.
076:28:31 Stafford: Roger. [Long pause]
076:28:45 Stafford: Apollo 7, Houston.
076:28:47 Schirra: Go ahead, Tom.
076:28:48 Stafford: Roger. White Sands said they got locked on solid, had good data; they had you at 450 miles for 50 seconds. [Pause]
076:28:55 Schirra: Magnifico! Give them my compliments. You mean they copied itt [Pause]
076:28:59 Stafford: Yes, right - radar sounds pretty good, doesn't it? [Pause]
076:29:03 Schirra: Great news.
076:29:04 Stafford: Good show.
076:29:06 Schirra: [Garble].
076:29:08 Stafford: Yes. [Pause]
076:29:17 Schirra: There's nothing on TV that'll stop me from O making the big trip.
076:29:20 Stafford: (Laughter)
076:29:22 Schirra: Some kind of small success there.
076:29:24 Stafford: Yes, the DTO's are looking pretty good.
076:29:27 Schirra: Roger.
076:29:29 Stafford: They sure looked good on that SCS burn, too; that looked tight as the dickens. [Pause]
076:29:33 Schirra: It looked better to me than the G&N.
076:29:36 Stafford: Yes.
076:29:38 Schirra: It was as good, at least.
076:29:40 Stafford: Roger. We have yaw 70 degrees at this time. [Pause]
076:29:46 Schirra: We're going to PAD down shortly so we won't worry about Saturday night [garble]. [Pause]
076:29:50 Stafford: Roger. I'll give your regards to MIT.
076:29:53 Schirra: Say again? [Pause]
076:29:57 Eisele: We'll drop another gimbal on me [garble].
076:29:59 Cunningham: Give them mine, 'too.
076:30:01 Stafford: Okay. [Long pause]
076:30:13 Schirra: Tom, we're planning to power down here; does that jive with your revised?
076:30:16 Stafford: That's right; we're going to power down shortly.
076:30:19 Schirra: Okay. We'll leave the B bag up.
076:30:21 Stafford: Okay.
076:34:44 Schirra: Tom, we'd like to go ahead and power down to G&N.
076:34:47 Stafford: Say again?
076:34:49 Schirra: - power down to G&N now.
076:34:50 Stafford: Okay. We're ready. You can go ahead and power it down.
076:37:47 Stafford: Apollo 7, Houston. [Pause]
076:37:56 Stafford: Apollo 7, Houston. [Long pause]
076:38:03 Eisele (onboard): This is Apollo 7. Say again.
076:38:09 Cunningham (onboard): Houston, Apollo 7. Did you call?
076:38:26 Stafford: Apollo 7, Houston.
076:38:29 Cunningham (onboard): Houston, Apollo 7. Did you call me? Over.
This is Apollo Control at 76 hours 50 minutes into the mission. At present time the spacecraft is coming up on the Ascension tracking station. Actually, the spacecraft will be passing well south of Ascension, and this will very low elevation pass. We would not expect a great deal of communications to develop between the ground and the crew. However, we will stand by for any conversations that might develop with the crew on this pass and during that previous stateside pass, the crew was given a go-ahead to begin powering down the spacecraft. We just got the call to the spacecraft, CapCom Ron Evans will pick up that conversation as it develops.
076:50:38 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston through Ascension. [Pause]
076:50:42 Unidentifiable crewmember: Roger. [Pause]
076:50:51 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Your waste quantity is now about 77 percent, and you have a GO to dump at your convenience. [Long pause]
076:51:03 Cunningham: Roger. We will probably wait until it's closer to 90, Ron. [Pause]
076:51:08 Evans: Roger.
This is Apollo Control. We have lost signal at Ascension. The next voice station to acquire will be the Tananarive tracking station. During that pass, you heard the ground advise the crew that the waste water tank was approaching 70 percent - 77 percent full mark and that the crew was advised to dump the tank at their convenience. Donn Eisele is scheduled his sleep cycle and as we mentioned before, the spacecraft will be powered down. This will be primarily the guidance and navigation system and the stabilization and control system. These two systems were no longer needed after that very successful SPS burn. Here in Mission Control Center, we are presently going through the change of shift. Flight Director Gene Kranz will be replacing Glenn Lunney on the console and we would like to advise that the best estimate on the change of shift news briefing will be 3:30 pm. That will be in the Building 1 Press Center. At 76 hours 51 minutes into the flight, this is Apollo Control.
This Apollo Control at 77 hours, 4 minutes into the flight. The spacecraft is just passed over the southern tip of Africa and is moving toward the Tananarive tracking station in the middle of the night side pass. We'll stand by for Cap Com Ron Evans to put in a call into the crew.
077:06:05 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Tananarive standing by. [Pause]
077:06:12 Schirra: Roger, Tananarive.
077:06:13 Evans: Roger. [Long pause]
077:06:24 Eisele: Good afternoon, Ron. [Pause]
077:06:28 Evans: Yes, watched the tail end of your burn there, it looked real good. [Pause]
077:06:34 Schirra: [Garble].
077:06:34 Eisele (onboard): You ought to feel it!
077:10:22 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. About 1 minute LOS; we'll have your block data at Hawaii.
077:10:30 Eisele (onboard): Roger, Ron, we'll copy them.
This is Mission Control. We've had a loss of signal at Tananarive on that rather quiet pass. The next station to acquire the spacecraft will be the tracking ship Mercury in about 20 minutes. This is Apollo Control at 77 hours 12 minutes into the flight.
This is Apollo Control at 77 hours 30 minutes into the flight. The spacecraft has just been acquired by the Mercury tracking ship. However, we've been advised that we probably will not have voice communications on this pass over the Mercury. The ship is having trouble with the antenna used to relay communications via the satellite. Now we do have overlapping coverage on this pass with the tracking station at Guam and we'll be stand by for Cap Com Ron Bvans to put in a call to the crew as the spacecraft approaches Guam.
077:32:27 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. [Pause]
077:32:32 Schirra: Loud and clear, Ron.
077:32:34 Evans: Roger. I have your block data in number 9 to give you. [Long pause]
077:32:55 Schirra: Ready to copy.
077:32:58 Evans: Roger. 051 dash 3 Bravo plus 308 plus 1380 080 plus 23 plus 36 2420, 052 dash 3 Bravo plus 308 plus 1380 082 plus 00 plus 15 3731, 053 dash 3 Alfa plus 266 plus 1370 083 plus 36 plus 27 4280, 054 dash Alfa Charlie minus 069, minus 0150 084 plus 22 plus 07 4400. [Pause]
077:34:39 Schirra: Are you ready for readback?
077:34:41 Evans: Negative. Opposite omni. [Pause]
077:34:53 Evans: I'll start again vith 055 now. 055 dash Alfa Charlie plus 026 minus 0220 085 plus 55 plus 07 3988, 056 dash Alfa Charlie plus 118 minus 0300 087 plus 28 plus 31 3674. Over.
077:35:50 Schirra: Roger. Readback: 051 dash 3 Bravo plus 308 plus 1380 080 plus 23 plus 36 2420, 052 dash 3 Bravo plus 308 plus 1380 082 00 15 3731. 053 - 3 Alfa plus 266 plus 1370 083 36 27 4280, 054 Alfa Charlie minus 069 minus 0150 084 22 07 4400, 055 Alfa Charlie plus 026 minus 0220 085 55 07 3988, 056 Alfa Charge plus 118 minus 0300 087 28 31 3674. Over.
077:37:01 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Your readback correct. [Pause]
077:37:09 Schirra: [Garble]. Roger, Ron. [Pause]
077:37:17 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Let's check the one on fifty-first rev. The DELTA-V should be 34 20. [Long pause]
077:37:29 Schirra: On 51 3 Bravo. [Pause]
077:37:35 Evans: Roger. On area 051 3 Bravo. [Pause]
077:37:41 Schirra: 342 Bravo, 34 20. Roger. [Pause]
077:37:45 Evans: Roger. Just about LOS. We would like to start battery B charging over Hawaii after we pick up data. [Pause]
077:37:54 Schirra: Okay.
This is Apollo Control we had loss of signal from Guam. During that pass the ground passed up to spacecraft information which the crew would use for REV 51 through 56 in the event a contingency situation developed requiring re-orbit and spacecraft goes out of touch with ground stations. This is a routine block update which is passed up regularly to the crew. They were also advised to begin recharging battery B. This would be to replace electrical energy removed from that battery during the SPS burn some 2 hours ago. This is Apollo Control at 77 hours 39 minutes into the mission.
077:46:44 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston through Hawaii.
077:46:47 Cunningham: Roger.
077:46:49 Evans: Roger. We have data; you can commence batt B charge any time. [Pause]
077:46:56 Cunningham: Roger. Commencing now. Is there anything in particular you're observing there for starting this charge? [Long pause]
077:47:11 Evans: Okay.
077:47:14 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. We just want to look at the voltage and the current. We would also like to get your onboard reading of the current when you start it up. [Long pause]
077:47:26 Cunningham: Roger. It's kind of interesting. The charger is showing DC amps zero. [Pause]
077:47:35 Evans: That is interesting.
077:47:36 Cunningham: Not what you expected, is it?
077:47:37 Evans: Not quite. [Pause]
077:47:43 Cunningham: Now that I'm on battery B, it's showing 2.2 amps. Do you read [garble] 2.2 amps? [Long pause]
077:48:07 Evans: I don't want a keyhole now, Walt. I can't compare it.
077:48:10 Cunningham: Say again.
077:48:11 Evans: I don't want a keyhole over Hawaii; we can't compare it. We'll pick up data here shortly. [Pause]
077:48:16 Cunningham: Okay. On 37 volts, 2.25 amps. [Pause]
077:48:20 Evans: Roger.
077:50:15 Evans: Walt, we're showing the 2.18 amps now and 37.4 volts.
077:52:06 Communications technician: Huntsville, two-wheel log, valid range. [Long pause]
077:52:52 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston.
078:00:31 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. About 1 minute to LOS. [Pause]
078:00:38 Cunningham: Roger. We [garble] real production now on interior photography. [Pause]
078:00:46 Evans: Roger.
078:00:49 Cunningham: We're trying to show just how mobile you can be inside of this thing. [Pause]
078:00:53 Evans: Very good. Walt, for your information there, the cutoff on that charge will be .4 amp or ampere hours replaced. [Pause]
078:01:03 Cunningham: Roger. Understand. Sounds like try to get to 4.4 amps first, or [garble] by bart A, right? [Pause]
078:01:09 Evans: Roger.
This is Apollo Control. The spacecraft is now orbiting out across the South. Atlantic toward southern tip of the African continent: And we expect acquisition with the Tananarive tracking station about 8 or 9 minutes from now. This is Apollo Control at 78 hours 30 minutes into the flight.
078:39:13 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Tananarive standing by.
078:39:18 Schirra (onboard): Apollo 7. Roger. We just finished with the housekeeping.
078:39:23 Schirra (onboard): Like sponging up a pint of water aft - off the aft bulkhead.
078:39:32 Schirra (onboard): Houston, Apollo 7. Do you read?
078:41:09 Schirra (onboard): Houston, Apollo 7. Do you read? [Pause]
078:41:17 Schirra (onboard): Houston, Apollo 7.
This is Apollo Control at 78 hours 41 minutes. Capcom, Ron Evans, has just put in a call to the crew from the Tananarive tracking station and we will stand by for any conversation there.
This is Mission Control. It doesn't appear that we are going to have any conversation with the crew on this pass over Tananarive. Things have been very quiet on this shift since Flight Director Gene Kranz took over. Activities involve mainly with each of the individual flight controllers reviewing the systems he is responsible for on the spacecraft and reporting to the Flight Director. And we might add, that all those systems appear to be functioning very well at this time. This is Apollo Control at 78 hours 45 minutes into the flight. We will pick up next at the tracking ship Mercury.
078:46:22 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS.
078:46:26 Schirra (onboard): This is Apollo 7. Do you read now?
078:46:30 Schirra (onboard): Houston, Apollo 7. Do you read?
078:46:38 Schirra (onboard): Houston, Apollo 7.
078:49:26 Cunningham (onboard): 78 hours and 10 minutes into the flight, we noticed a puddle of water that was formed between the suit stowage bag and the aft bulkhead. There was probably approximately 1 pint of fluid, which we identified as water. And by tracking around the spacecraft, we located the source as coolant line in - at the - below the commander's left shoulder in the curved panel at the corner, which has the perforated holes in it. We removed the panel with tool E and located the condensation on the line behind the panel. Apparently, this water settled to the aft bulkhead, probably during the last SPS burn, and it would probably be advisable for us to check that periodically and make sure we're not collecting any more condensed water.
This is Apollo Control at 79 hours 2 minutes. We're coming up now on the tracking ship Mercury. We do expect to have communication with the crew on this pass over the Mercury, and we'll have some overlapping coverage from Guam. We'll stand by as we wait for Cap Com Ron Evans to put in a call to the crew.
079:02:24 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston, Mercury. [Pause]
079:02:31 Schirra: Houston, Apollo 7. Do you read? [Pause]
079:02:39 Schirra: Houston, Apollo 7. Over.
079:02:42 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Roger. We read you, and we request your battery charger current. [Pause]
079:02:50 Schirra: Okay. That can wait. We had a minor problem when we left you awhile ago. We could hear you call us over Tananarive, but we couldn't raise you. The SPS burn left a large puddle of water on the aft bulkhead. At first, we were very concerned about whether it was water glycol or water. We tasted it; it was water. We checked further and discovered it was underneath the suit bags. Since that time, we mopped it using the waterhose dump system. The water came from the coolant lines that we used to use and the water coolant lines and its condensation. We took a panel off - the small perforators panel - to determine how to work the problem. Houston, Apollo.
079:03:51 Evans: Roger. We copied part of that, I think, Wally. Looks like you've got water on your aft bulkhead, and it came from the water coolant line. I'm not sure of your condition at the present time - if it's still coming in or not. [Long pause]
079:04:06 Schirra: we have it all mopped up. It's condensate water, we're positive. It will probably occur again. We have given a full story on the tape for the dump. [Long pause]
079:04:18 Evans: Roger.
079:04:19 Schirra: [Garble]. [Pause]
079:04:26 Evans: Roger. I understand it's all on the voice tape for the dump, also. [Pause]
079:04:33 Cunningham: Right. And the battery charge occurred. I'm showing about .6 amps. Looked to me like it jumped up real fast here and then takes a long time on the plateau. [Long pause]
079:04:45 Evans: Roger. We concur. We're reading .55 now, Walt. [Pause]
079:04:53 Cunningham: Okay. I'll have to expect you keep me posted because I never got below .5 last time, and you got down to about .41. [Pause]
079:05:00 Evans: Roger. We understand. We're estimating about 10 hours to get down to .41. [Pause]
079:05:05 Cunningham: Okay. Why don't you and the rest of the gang have a drink for us to celebrate Donn and my fifth annuversary in the program today. [Pause]
079:05:12 Evans: Hey, great! By golly, will do. [Pause]
079:05:18 Cunningham: At this rate, I'll be an old man by my second flight. [Pause]
079:05:27 Evans: Walt, we could also use your service module RCS quantity readings, and then we will correct them for you. [Pause]
079:05:35 Cunningham: Roger. I'll give them to you. We haven't been too concerned with onboard readouts since we're going with your quantities. [Pause]
079:05:44 Evans: Roger.
079:05:46 Cunningham: [Garble] reading [garble] 54. RCS-B is reading - well, the same as it was. RCS-C is reading 60. RCS-D is reading 65. Over. [Long pause]
079:06:09 Evans: Roger. Say again Charlie. [Pause]
079:06:14 Cunningham: Roger. Charlie is reading 60. [Pause]
079:06:18 Evans: Roger. Filty-four, nothing or 93, and 60, and 65. [Pause]
079:06:26 Cunningham: Roger. We have it. I think we'd be interested in your quantities for each of our quads. [Pause]
079:06:34 Evans: Roger. We'll work it out and send it back.
079:06:37 Cunningham: And I ain't think we ever got a total quantity for our [garble] I need A numbers to put on my RCS profile as I carry in my checklist. [Long pause]
079:06:50 Evans: Roger. We're working up on all that, and we've a status coming up to you. It'll be coming up a little later. [Pause]
079:06:58 Cunningham: We thank you. And we have our own estimate of the new service module RCS redline. Interesting to see what you guys come up with. [Pause]
079:07:08 Evans: Roger. Wally, you might like to know that parts of your BIOMED harness has probably become disconnected again. We don't read the heart rate down there. [Long pause]
079:07:22 Schirra: Roger.
This is Apollo Control. The spacecraft has apparently gone over the horizon from the tracking ship Mercury, and we never did acquire from the Guam station. As you heard astronaut Walt Cunningham reported to the ground what he characterized as a minor problem. He reported a puddle of water had collected on the spacecraft aft bulkhead. He said it had apparently had condensed off the relatively cool environmental control water coolant lines and had condensed out into the form of a puddle. And they reported that they mopped it up. Cunningham also as you heard reported that today is the fifth anniversary for himself and astronaut Donn Eisele with the space program. We'll next acquire the spacecraft perhaps at hawaii. That will be a very low elevation pass if we acquire at all as the spacecraft moves south of the Hawaiian Islands and then move down over the tracking ship Redstone. This is Apollo Control at 79 hours 11 minutes.
This is Apollo control at 79 hours 20 minutes, the spacecraft will be acquired by Hawaii shortly, and we'll stand by for any conversations that develop with the crew on this pass.
079:21:42 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Opposite omni. [Long pause]
079:22:14 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston.
079:22:17 Cunningham: Roger. Opposite omni. [Pause]
079:22:24 Evans: Roger. Walt, we'd like to request O2 tank 1 fans ON for about 5 minute now, then OFF. [Long pause]
079:22:35 Cunningham: Roger. Tank 1 fans ON. [Long pause]
079:23:02 Evans: If you get a chance, look down on the ground there. You might be able to see a big fire. [Pause]
079:23:10 Cunningham: Where at? [Pause]
079:23:14 Evans: I think you my not see it till the next pass; it's over in Hawaii. [Pause]
079:23:19 Cunningham: Roger. [Long pause]
079:23:52 Cunningham: You say that big fire is to the west? [Pause]
079:23:58 Evans: Yes. That's affirmative. We'll try to give you some pointing data for the next pass over. [Pause]
079:24:05 Cunningham: Roger. Thank you.
079:28:04 Communications technician: Huntsville two-way lock. Downlink weak, too weak for valid range. [Long pause]
079:28:59 Communications technician: Huntsville two-way lock; valid range. [Long pause]
079:29:14 Cunningham: Houston, Apollo 7.
079:29:16 Evans: Houston. Go.
079:29:19 Cunningham: Roger. We also just discovered water coming out of our blue hoses, at least the one in the center couch. I haven't checked the other two yet, but we've got quite a bit of visible moisture flowing out of it. [Long pause]
079:29:35 Evans: Roger. Coming out of the blue O2 hose. Is that what you said? [Pause]
079:29:40 Cunningham: Affirmative. And we've temporarily turned off the suit compressor so we could clean up - clean it up. [Pause]
079:29:45 Evans: Roger. [Pause]
079:29:55 Schirra: The anomaly is going to be a problem here, but I can see the solution to the problum. [Long pause]
079:30:07 Evans: Roger.
079:31:26 Communications technician: Huntsville LOS.
Well, we have had loss of signal. Now from the Huntsville. You heard the crew advise that they have water coming out one of the oxygen hoses and have turned off the suit compressor which apparently has stopped the flow and is allowing them to clean it up. We have no further evaluation at this time. Flight Director Gene Kranz is discussing the situation with the flight controllers. It doesn't appear to be a serious problem, however, at this point. Our next pass will be over the Tananarive tracking station. We are scheduled to acquire there at 80 hours 12 minutes and we will pick up the pass at that point. This is Apollo Control at 79 hours 33 minutes into the flight.
This is Apollo Control, 79 hours 37 minutes. We have a few more details on the situation which Walt Cunningham reported to the ground a short while ago concerning water coming from one of the oxygen hoses, and forming a puddle on the floor of the spacecraft. Apparently this is the same nature of problem as we noted a short while earlier, and that is moisture in the cabin condensing off cool surfaces and forminl puddles on the floor. The primary concern is the inconvenience it causes the crew rather than any significant problems with the spacecraft, itself. We do have a humidity survey coming up on the flight plan shortly, and this would give some indication of what the humidity is in the cabin. However, Flight Director Gene Kranz, advises that the humidity in the cabin has been running well within the comfort level and apparently the condensation is a process that occurs when moisture, which is naturally in the air and the atmosphere of the cabin, comes in contact with exposed cool surfaces. We will continue to follow the situation and advise if any further developments relevent to it occur. This is Apollo Control at 79 hours 39 minutes.
This'is Apollo Control at 80 hours 14 minutes. The spacecraft is about to come into range of the Tananarive tracking station and we will pick up any conversations that come out of this pass over Tananarive.
080:14:10 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. [Long pause]
080:14:53 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston through Tananarive. [Pause]
080:15:00 Cunningham: Roger. We read you five-by, Ron.
080:15:03 Evans: Roger. We sure could use your battery manifold pressure, systems test 4A. [Pause]
080:15:11 Cunningham: We read the temperature about a half an hour ago when we used it to dump something, and it reads 1.4 until you open the vent and when you open the vent, it reads about .5. [Long pause]
080:15:22 Evans: Roger. [Pause]
080:15:27 Cunningham: Did you read? Did you read that, Ron? [Pause]
080:15:34 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Roger. Read 1.4 and 0.5 when you opened the vent. [Pause]
080:15:40 Cunningham: Roger. And we checked our lithium hydroxide canisters. They are dry. We have checked the suit circuit water [garble] and it's functioning in AUTO 1 and AUTO 2. It's remaining in AUTO 2. [Long pause]
080:15:56 Evans: Roger. Have you come to any specific point in the malfunction procedures? [Pause]
080:16:06 Cunningham: Not yet.
080:17:18 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. [Long pause]
080:17:48 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. [Pause]
080:17:52 Cunningham: Go.
080:17:54 Evans: Roger. Looks like our battery charging current is decreasing a little faster then predicted, and we would like your onboard reading. [Long pause]
080:18:06 Cunningham: Roger. I am reading .5 amps. [Pause]
080:18:10 Evans: Roger. .5. We will keep you advised on it. [Long pause]
080:18:28 Evans: Walt, that volcano should he about 30 degrees down and 20 degrees left of local vertical at 80 plus 57. [Long pause]
080:18:42 Cunningham: Eighty plus 57 amd 30 degrees down and 20 degrees left. [Pause]
080:18:46 Evans: Roger [garble].
080:18:49 Cunningham: What?
080:18:50 Evans: Roger. Thirty degrees left, 20 down, and 30 left. No, belay that. Thirty degrees down and 20 left of local vortical. [Long pause]
080:19:02 Cunningham: Thirty down and 20 left at 80 hours and 57 minutes. [Pause]
080:19:06 Evans: Affirmative. [Long pause]
080:19:47 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS; Mercury at 35. [Pause]
080:19:54 Cunningham: Roger. Mercury 35.
We have had loss of signal now from Tananarive. The next'station to acquire the spacecraft will be the tracking ship Mercury and we expect acquisition there in about 16 minutes. This is Apollo Control at 80 hours 21 minutes.
This is Apollo Control, at 80 hours 36 minutes. The spacecraft will be coming within range of the tracking ship Mercury, and we're standing by for a call from CapCom Ron Evans to the crew.
080:36:39 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston through Mercury.
080:36:44 Cunningham: Roger. Loud and clear.
080:36:48 Evans: Roger. I have flight plan update for you. One line. [Long pause]
080:37:04 Cunningham: Go ahead.
080:37:06 Evans: Roger. Eighty-two plus 00; fuel cell oxygen purge. [Long pause]
080:37:20 Schirra: Roger. We read you, Ron.
080:37:23 Evans: Roger. [Pause]
080:37:27 Schirra: [Garble] that volcano, was that at 80:57? [Long pause]
080:37:42 Evans: Roger. Volcano time 80 plus 57. [Pause]
080:37:47 Schirra: Roger. [Long pause]
080:38:17 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Based on the trend, it looks like we'll terminate batt B charge, probably over Hawaii. [Pause]
080:38:26 Schirra: Roger. [Long pause]
080:38:47 Schirra: We are still getting water out of our three hoses. [Pause]
080:38:51 Evans: Roger. I understand. [Long pause]
080:39:04 Evans: Wally, is there any way you can maybe give us an estimate of how much water is coming out there? [Pause]
080:39:10 Schirra: Ron, the first time we hacked out of there, about a spoonful from the center one, and we were getting about - that's a teaspoonful - we're getting about half of that out of the left one, and just a little moisture out of the right one. [Long pause]
080:39:28 Evans: Roger. Copy. [Long pause]
080:40:09 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. While we're at it, any astimate on the quantity that was on the bulkhead? [Pause]
080:40:16 Schirra: About a pint. Quite a large amount. [Pause]
080:40:20 Evans: Yes, I'd say so.
080:41:54 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Request BIOMED to position 3. [Pause]
080:42:00 Schirra: Roger. [Long pause]
080:42:33 Evans: Thirty seconds LOS; Hawaii at 53. [Pause]
080:42:43 Schirra: Hawaii 53. What islands are we gotng by? [Long pause]
080:42:54 Evans: Roger. Be going south of the big islands. [Pause]
080:43:01 Schirra: Roger.
080:43:06 Schirra (onboard): Donn, turn those [garble] down, will you?
080:49:37 Cunningham (onboard): CMP, 20 clicks of water; LMP, 11 clicks of water.
This is Mission Control. We've had loss of signal now from the Mercury. You heard Wally Schirra, again mention the problem with moisture coming from the oxygen hoses from the suit supply. The initial assessment on that moisture from Cunningham was that it was condensate, and the feeling here in Mission Control Center is that it does represent condensation rather than any leak from the spacecraft. The crew was advised that they will be in good position to view the volcano erupting on Hawaii. Now that is the volcano Kilauea and I don't vouch for that pronunciation. They will be coming up within - uh within range of the volcano approximately 80 hours 57 minutes elapsed time and it's predicted they will have a clear view of the area. This is Apollo Control at 80 hours 45 minutes.
This is Apollo control, 80 hours 54 minutes, we've just acquired the spacecraft from Hawaii and we'll stand by for any comments from the crew or conversation on this pass.
080:54:33 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston, Hawaii via S-band. [Long pause]
080:54:50 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Hawaii M and O VHF for a bit. [Long pause]
080:55:08 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston.
080:55:10 Cunningham: Roger.
080:55:12 Evans: Roger. S-band volume up. [Long pause]
080:55:23 Cunningham: Roger. On S-band.
080:55:26 Evans: Roger. Hawaii M and 0 VHF OFF now. [Long pause]
080:55:40 Evans: We're stauding by this pass. [Long pause]
080:55:53 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. I recommend terminate battery charging on B. [Pause]
080:56:02 Cunningham: Roger. Terminate. I'd like to get a report from you on how much we have in B, if you get a chance - and also on A. [Pause]
080:56:11 Evans: Wilco.
080:58:16 Cunningham: Roger. Ron, we got a good sweep down the entire chain. The big island itself is pretty well clobered with clouds, and you don't actually see Kilauea. [Long pause]
080:58:27 Evans: Roger. That's a heck of a note. [Pause]
080:58:33 Cunningham: It's the clearest we've ever seen it out here over Hawaii, though. We've got very nice pictures of the entire chain. We took some movies, but we don't know how good they are.
080:59:43 Evans: Roger. [Pause]
080:59:50 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Thirty seconds LOS; Mercury at 82 plus 10. [Pause]
080:59:56 Cunningham: Roger. Mercury at 82 plus 10. [Pause]
081:00:01 Schirra: Houston, this is Apollo 7. [Pause]
081:00:06 Evans: Go.
081:00:08 Schirra: Houston CapCom, Apollo 7. [Pause]
081:00:12 Evans: Say again.
081:00:15 Schirra: [Garble]. [Pause]
081:00:20 Evans: Go. [Long pause]
081:00:59 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Did you call? [Long pause]
081:01:10 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston.
We have Loss of Signal now, from Hawaii. The crew advised on that pass that they were not able to observe Kilauea, which is erupting at this time. They said they did get a good view of the entire Hawaiian chain however and reported that weather in that area was unusually clear although the main island of Hawaii was apparently clouded over, blocking their view of the volcano there. We have a very long pass dry period now before we come upon another station with voice communcation, that will be the tracking ship Mercury almost a full rev from Hawaii here, we'll acquire Mercury at 82 hours and 10 minutes ground elapsed time. This is one of the quitest passes during a - the days operations when the spacecraftis passing down over the southern part of the western hemisphere and missing a large part of the ground stations. At 81 hours, 2 minutes; this is Apollo control.
This is Apollo Control at 81 hours, 39 minutes. At present time the spacecraft is approaching the southwestern coast of Africa, on what will be one of the revolutions with the smallest number of contacts with ground stations during the day. We will go from the station at Hawaii all the way back around the tracking ship Mercury off - between Japan and the Phillipine Islands in the Pacific Ocean before we expect to acquire again. We will be passing north of the Tananarive station, but I do not expect that we will be within range to acquire at that station. At the present time the plotboards here in the Control Center show the S-IVB the second stage of the launch vehicle to be leading the command service module by approximately 1200 miles. The S-IVB at last report was in orbit 116 nautical miles by 147 nautical miles as compares with the orbit for the command and service module of 160 by 90 nautical miles. We will be acquiring the tracking ship Mercury at an elapsed time of 82 hours 10 minutes and we will be following the progress of events here in Mission Control Center until that time. At which time we will come up to follow any conversations between flight controllers here in the Center and the spacecraft. This is Mission Control at 81 hours, 41 minutes.
This is Apollo Control; 82 hours, 11 minutes into the flight. The spacecraft at the present time is approaching the tracking ship Mercury. Coming up near the end of a revolution which has had various force ground coverage. Our last station to be in touch with the spacecraft was the tracking station at Hawaii, and we are preparing now to put in a call to the crew from CapCom - our CapCom, Ron Evans, here in the control center. We'll stand by for any conversation that develops with the crew over the tracking ship Mercury.
082:11:28 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston through Mercury.
082:11:34 Schirra: Roger. Ron, read you loud and clear. How me?
082:11:37 Evans: Roger. Loud and clear.
082:11:40 Schirra: When we left Hawaii... [Pause]
082:11:49 Schirra: I ended up with a failed switch in the number 2 handcontroller in pitch down. We discovered it in acceleration command. I will troubleshoot it when we get the computer back on the line after we power up. [Long pause]
082:12:07 Evans: Roger. A lot of static, Wally; say again. [Pause]
082:12:11 Schirra: Okay. Over Hawaii, just as we went by the big Island, the number 2 handcontroller failed in the pitch-down direction in ACCEL COMMAND and pulsed. [Long pause]
082:12:26 Evans: Roger. Copy. [Pause]
082:12:30 Schirra: I only got one pulse in pitch down, but I got continual pitch-down command and ACCEL COMMAND. I'd like to try to troubleshoot that. We'll try it in RATE COMMAND. I will troubleshoot that in the computer bulb when we power up. [Long pause]
082:12:48 Evans: Roger.
082:12:51 Cunningham: Say, Ron, do you have time to give us a map update? [Pause]
082:12:55 Evans: Roger. Stand by. I'll get you one.
082:12:58 Cunningham: Okay. And have the doctors done any talking down there about the possibility of one or all of us having a cold and stopped up ears on reentry? [Long pause]
082:13:12 Evans: Roger. They've been thinking about it, and they will advise. [Pause]
082:13:16 Cunningham: Okay. We've got something on board here in a medical kit called antibiotic. I was wondering if we ought to be taking it, or what? So far, Wally's, I guess, about holding his own on his ears. Donn may be getting a little bit worse, and I think my ears are still clearing up fairly well. [Long pause]
082:13:41 Evans: Roger. I think before antibiotics, they're concerned about temperature. Do you have a temperature? You know, before you go into the antibiotics. [Long pause]
082:13:54 Cunningham: We'll start wearing the oral thermometer a little bit and see where we stand, just for the experience. [Pause]
082:14:02 Evans: Roger. [Pause]
082:14:10 Evans: 7, Houston. [Pause]
082:14:15 Schirra: Go ahead.
082:14:16 Evans: Roger. We'd like you to proceed with the waste water dump. [Pause]
082:14:23 Schirra: Roger.
082:14:25 Cunningham: We're reading 80 percent. What do you show? [Pause]
082:14:31 Evans: Roger. We read 82.9. [Pause]
082:14:35 Schirra: Roger. We'll dap just after we LOS.
082:14:38 Evans: Roger. And any further water problems out of the hoses there, or any results of the humidity survey? [Long pause]
082:14:49 Schirra: We haven't had any more water coming out the hoses for about the last 40 minutes. The humidity survey indicates that [garble] water is going to condense out. [Long pause]
082:15:02 Evans: Roger.
082:15:04 Schirra: We'll give you the readings om the last run if we can go [garble]. [Pause]
082:15:11 Cunningham: Roger. Our last humidity reading. Are you ready to copy?
082:15:13 Evans: Affirmative. [Pause]
082:15:17 Cunningham: At Wally's suit inlet hose, I'll give you wet then dry, 54/66. The inlet to the cabin heat exchauger 58/68. At the condensate pipe, we had a temperature on the pipe of 52. The wet bulb in the area was 58. The dry bulb in the area was 73. Over by the right-hand window, we had a 68/72. Over. [Long pause]
082:15:53 Evans: Roger. We copy. [Long pause]
082:16:16 Evans: 7, I have your map update.
082:16:19 Schirra: Go.
082:16:22 Evans: REV 52, GET node 81 plus 52 plus 02, longitude 42.4 east, right ascension 05 plus 19. [Long pause]
082:16:46 Schirra: Roger.
This is Mission Control. We've had loss of signal now, from the Mercury. During that pass Walter Cunningham reported that they had a failed switch in the number 2 hand controller. This is one of two controllers used to control spacecraft attitudes, and he reported that they would plan to troubleshoot this the next time they have the computer back up on the line. The computer, at the present time, has been powered down. It was powered down after that SPS burn this afternoon. They also reported on the condition of the crew. As far as nasal congestion and physical condition is concerned, he reported that Commander Wally Schirra, appeared to be holding his own, and that Donn Eisele was perhaps getting somewhat worse. He did not copy his comments in regard to his own condition. Flight surgeon requested that the crew attempt to obtain temperature readings, and we would perhaps expect to see that information coming up on subsequent passes. We'll next be acquiring the tracking ship Redstone in the South Pacific. That acquisition is scheduled to occur at about 82 hours 42 minutes ground elapsed time and there's also a possibility of a very low angle acquisition as we pass Hawaii going off the - south of the Hawaiian Islands. Now we will be passing that point at 82 hours 29 minutes ground elapsed time, or about 10 minutes from now. This is Apollo Control at 82 hours 19 minutes into the flight.
082:23:35 Cunningham (onboard): CDR, one Actifed, two aspirins at 81 hours and 15 minutes; LMP, one Actifed. [Long pause]
082:23:53 Cunningham (onboard): CDR, one Actifed; 82:23. [Pause]
082:23:59 Cunningham (onboard): Correction, that's Lomotil at 82:23.
082:30:10 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Hawaii standing by. [Pause]
082:30:18 Schirra: This is Apollo 7.
082:30:21 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. You're real weak. [Pause]
082:30:27 Schirra: Roger. Read you loud and clear.
082:30:29 Evans: Roger.
082:30:30 Schirra: - adjust our sleep cycle here. This 5½ hours is not too appealing with burn 3 already out of the way. [Long pause]
082:30:42 Evans: Roger.
082:30:43 Schirra: We would like to add an hour and a half to each of our sleep cycles. [Long pause]
082:30:55 Evans: Go. May I copy that, Wally?
082:30:57 Schirra: Okay. That will give us each 7 hours. So we'll stay on watch for an hour and a half here and sack it out with Donn tomorrow or later. [Pause]
082:31:06 Evans: Okay.
082:31:08 Schirra: Very good. What we'll do is just add an hour and a half to each of our sleep schedules. [Long pause]
082:31:20 Evans: So far it looks good down here.
082:31:23 Schirra: Roger.
This is Apollo Control 82 hours 33 minutes into the flight. Now we've just had a brief acquisition from the Hawaiian tracking station. And we'll play back the tapes of the air-to-ground communications from that passing in their entirety now.
And that's LOS, loss of signal from the Hawaiian pass. The next station to acquire is the tracking ship Redstone and we'll be picking them up in just about 8 minutes from now. This is Apollo Control at 82 hours 35 minutes.
This is Apollo control at 82 hours 43 minutes and we've just put in a call to the crew, here's that conversation now.
082:42:46 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston through Redstone. [Pause]
082:42:50 Cunningham: Roger, Ron.
082:42:52 Evans: Roger.
082:42:53 Cunningham: We're standing by for an RCS quantity update. [Pause]
082:42:59 Evans: Roger. We had it just about all fixed, and then you guys used some over Hawaii. We're working on it. [Pause]
082:43:07 Cunningham: Sorry about that.
082:43:09 Evans: Roger.
082:47:23 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Opposite omni.
082:48:41 Evans: Apollo 7, ...
082:48:48 Cunningham: ...update tomorrow afternoon sometime.
082:48:52 Evans: Say again, Walt.
082:48:55 Cunningham: Why don't you see if Jack can pass us up a Lima Sierra update tomorrow afternoon sometime. [Pause]
082:49:01 Evans: Wilco. [Pause]
082:49:07 Schirra: Ron, it's completely dry underneath the suit bag at this time. [Pause]
082:49:12 Evans: Roger. That's good to hear that. I was a little curious how it stayed in one place down there. [Long pause]
082:49:30 Schirra: [Garble]. [Pause]
082:49:40 Evans: I massed that. Ascension at 08. [Pause]
082:49:49 Schirra: [Garble] stuck in there by adhesive. [Pause]
082:49:56 Evans: Roger. I understand.
082:49:58 Schirra: [Garble] stuck between the two.
This is Mission Control, the spacecraft is now gone over the horizon and out of range of the tracking ship Redstone, the next station to acquire will be the station at Ascension and we'll be coming up there in about 19 minutes from now at 82 hours, 51 minutes into the mission; this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control, 83 hours and 9 minutes into the flight. At the present time we are coming up on the tracking station at Ascension and we'll stand by as Ron Evans puts in a call to the crew.
083:09:44 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston through Ascension. [Pause]
083:09:48 Schirra: Roger. Loud and clear.
083:09:50 Evans: Roger. I have some data for you if you are ready to copy. [Long pause]
083:10:03 Schirra: Go ahead.
083:10:05 Evans: Roger. Your total usable service module RCS fuel is quad A 48 percent, Bravo 57 percent, Charlie 48 percent, and Delta 57 percent. [Long pause]
083:10:31 Schirra: What does that all total up to in pounds, Ron? Do you have that?
083:10:34 Evans: Roger. For your chart update, it's 687 pounds at 83 hours. I have your new redlines if you'd like those also. [Long pause]
083:10:48 Cunningham: Forty-eight percent usable - that's a number I have - I'm not sure that is - how much do I have in that quad that's usable? [Long pause]
083:11:05 Evans: Walt, say again.
083:11:07 Schirra: [Garble]. [Pause]
083:11:12 Cunningham: We also have to switch at 43 percent, and I don't think it's 43 percent usable. It's 43 percent ... [Long pause]
083:11:27 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Are you saying when to switch to secondaries ? [Pause]
083:11:32 Schirra: Negative.
083:11:34 Cunningham: We switched to secondaries at 43 percent, and I need to know an absolute percent in the quad - not a percent usable - if you have that number. [Long pause]
083:11:47 Evans: Roger. We'll get it for you.
083:11:50 Cunningham: And the number for the chart you said was 683? [Pause]
083:11:54 Evans: 687.
083:11:57 Cunningham: 687. Thank you. [Pause]
083:12:05 Evans: And I have your battery totals. [Pause]
083:12:10 Cunningham: Go ahead with the battery.
083:12:12 Evans: Roger. Batt A 33.2, batt B 30.8, batt C 39.5. [Long pause]
083:12:28 Cunningham: Roger. You're getting low, low there. I hope you are still considering a different chart sometime, around six or so. [Long pause]
083:12:39 Evans: Roger. Walt, we're still evaluating this. We're working very closely with the manufacturer, and we should have some information probably sometime tomorrow. [Long pause]
083:12:51 Cunningham: Roger. Thank you, Ron. [Pause]
083:12:55 Evans: And be adwised the voice quality of the DSE is still good. [Pause]
083:13:01 Cunningham: Roger. Understand. Thank you. Were you giving me usable or a number to go on my chart when you gave me the chart update? [Pause]
083:13:09 Evans: The chart update is what you go on the chart with on the poundage. The percentage was the total usable, as calculated on the ground, not a correction factor for your gages. [Long pause]
083:13:22 Cunningham: Roger. Our chart includes 58 pounds unusable. Do we add that to the number you gave, or did you give us the number for the oradinate there? [Pause]
083:13:32 Evans: The numnber for the oradinate. [Long pause]
083:13:54 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. We're readng about 84 percent on the waste water to quantity. Just about LOS now.
083:15:02 Cunningham: Roger. We are going to commence dumping in 5 minutes. [Pause]
083:15:06 Evans: Roger. We will pick you up at Mercury at 44. [Long pause]
083:15:22 Schirra: [Garble]. [Pause]
083:15:27 Evans: Say again, Wally. [Pause]
083:15:32 Schirra: The last number we had vas 808; looks like I missed 20 pounds less than 4.3. [Long pause]
083:15:47 Evans: Roger. I understand.
This is Mission Control, we've had loss of signal now from Ascension, the next station to acquire will be the tracking ship Mercury and we will be picking up the spacecraft there in about 29 or 30 minutes from now. This is Apollo Control at 83 hours and 16 minutes into the flight.
This is Apollo Control. The Apollo 7 spacecraft is now 83 hours 45 minutes into its mission. We're coming up on the tracking ship Mercury about midway through a day side pass. Astronaut Donn Eisele is nearing the end of a seven hour sleep period at 84 hours ground elapsed time. The Commander, Wally Schirra, and Lunar Module Pilot, Walt Cunningham are scheduled to begin their sleep period. We'll stand by now as Cap Con Rom Evans puts in a call to the crew. We'll have overlapping coverage here iron Mercury on through the tracking station on Guam.
083:45:29 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston through Mercury. Standing by.
083:47:22 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston through Mercury. Standing by. [Pause]
083:47:28 Cunningham: Roger. We read you loud and clear.
083:47:30 Evans: Roger. Same here.
083:54:40 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute till LOS; Redstone at 15. [Pause]
083:54:46 Cunningham: Roger. We're just breaking down now, and we'll be changing crews. Wally and I are getting off here. [Pause]
083:54:56 Evans: Roger.
083:54:57 Cunningham: We get off here. [Pause]
083:55:01 Evans: Say again, Walt.
083:55:03 Cunningham: I was just repeating we get off here.
We've had loss of signal now with the spacecraft. Due to pick up again at the tracking ship Redstone in about 20 minutes. This is Apollo Control at 83 hours 56 minutes.
This is Apollo Control at 84 hours 16 minutes. The spacecraft has just gone into a night-side pass and is coming up on the tracking ship Redstone. We'll standby here for a call to the crew from the CapCom Ron Evans.
084:16:15 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston through Redstone.
084:17:46 Evans: Apollo 7, Redstone. Standing by. [Pause]
084:17:53 Eisele: Roger. Ron.
084:17:55 Evans: Hey, good morning.
084:17:57 Eisele: How are you?
084:17:59 Evans: Getting along great. Yourself? [Pause]
084:18:03 Eisele: Oh, just fine; I just got up. Had a good night's rest. Wally and Walt are sacking out now. [Pause]
084:18:08 Evans: Okay. Good.
084:19:27 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston.
084:19:30 Eisele: Go, Ron.
084:19:32 Evans: Roger. We want to cycle the O2 tank fans at this time. Turn them on and - - for 5 minutes and then off. [Long pause]
084:19:44 Eisele: Roger. I've got 1 ON at the moment; 2 OFF. You want me to turn 2 on for a bit? [Pause]
084:19:52 Evans: Negative. We thoutgh O2 tank 1 fan was OFF. We would like to turn on tank 1 fan at this time. [Long pause]
084:20:05 Eisele: Okay. Well, they're just the other way around. [Pause]
084:20:10 Evans: Okay. Stand by, then. [Long pause]
084:20:34 Evans: Okay. Donn, let's go ahead and cycle tank 2 fans ON for 5 minutes and then OFF. [Pause]
084:20:41 Eisele: Roger. We've got a couple of reports for you. [Pause]
084:20:45 Evans: Roger. Go.
084:20:46 Eisele: Roger. We had canister change number 7. at 82:30, and we - Wally and Walt - checked the command module RCS temperatures at around 83 hours, and they were all 5 volts. All except 6A, and that was 4.9. [Long pause]
084:21:08 Evans: Roger. Copy. [Long pause]
084:21:23 Eisele: Ron, we have a number of 687 pounds RCS. Now is that total, or is that just the usable? [Long pause]
084:21:38 Evans: Donn,that is usable propellant. [Pause]
084:21:42 Eisele: Okay. So I can add - for our chart up here, I can add the 58 pounds that we've got included in it? [Long pause]
084:21:55 Evans: That's affirmative. You can. [Pause]
084:22:00 Eisele: Roger. In the future, when you give us the totals, would you please have the usable added in because that's what we plotting on this 2 little card we've got. [Pause]
084:22:09 Evans: Roger. You want the ordinate when I give you the update. Is that correct? [Pause]
084:22:15 Eisele: Roger. [Pause]
084:22:22 Eisele: That makes us feel better. We wondered what happened to all the fuel all of a sudden.
084:22:25 Evans: Okay. [Long pause]
084:22:40 Evans: Donn, I want to make sure you save three of your decongestants for use prior to reentry. [Long pause]
084:22:52 Eisele: Roger. We got you on that.
084:22:54 Evans: Roger. [Long pause]
084:23:15 Evans: I've got about 1 minute to LOS, Donn. [Pause]
084:23:24 Eisele: Understand.
084:23:27 Evans: You might be interested to know that the little TV yesterday morning was much, much better than any ground testing I had ever seen. [Long pause]
084:23:38 Eisele: Is that right? Boy, that's great.' Did you see it on the commercial?
084:23:40 Evans: That's affirmative, and it was really great.
084:23:43 Eisele: Outstanding.
We've had Loss of Signal now at the Redstone. As you heard astronaut Donn Eisele has just gotten up from his 7 hour sleep period. And reported that he had a good nights sleep, but Wally Schirra and Walt Cunningham are now sacked out as he put it, beginning their 7 hour sleep period. They're schedule to sleep from 84 hours to 91 hours. The next station to acquire the spacecraft will be Ascension as we come up on the start of the 54 revolution at 84 hours 25 minutes this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control at 84 hours, 42 minutes into the mission we're coming up now on the Ascension tracking station, just at the beginning - at the end rather of a night side pass we'll be coming out at the spacecraft, we'll be coming out into daylight, probably before the Ascension pass is completed. During this pass we're scheduled, according to the flight plan to get an update to the onboard contingency landing information, this is information that is routinely passed up to the crew several revolutions ahead and would give them the necessary information should - should a deorbit become necessary while they were out of communications with one of the ground tracking stations. We'll stand by now for any conversation with the crew over the Ascension station.
084:42:23 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Ascension standing by.
084:43:58 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Opposite omni. [Pause]
084:44:05 Eisele: Roger.
084:49:32 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS; Mercury at 18.
We've had lose of signal now, with the spacecraft, from the Ascension tracking station, a very quiet pass there, we heard from Donn Eisele I think twice, once at the beginning acknowledging the Capcoms initial acquisition report and then Roger at the end as we were about to lose was lock with the spacecraft. Here in mission control center we're in the midst of changing shifts. Flight Director Gerry Griffin will be coming on replacing Flight Director Gene Kranz and we're looking toward a change of shift press briefing at the present time to occur at approximately eleven thirty. At 84 hours 52 minutes into the mission this is Apollo control.
This is Apollo Control, 85 hours, 18 minutes, 25 seconds into the mission of Apollo 7. We are coming upon the acquisition point for the Mercury Tracking Ship this time. Let's standby for any conversation.
085:18:45 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. [Pause]
085:18:52 Eisele: Houston. Apollo 7.
085:18:54 Evans: Roger. Apollo 7, Houston. Acquisition Mercury. I would like to brief yon on a USB test. It involves a couple of switches. [Long pause]
085:19:05 Eisele: Okay. Co ahead.
085:19:07 Evans: Roger. Just about time LOS Mercury, we would like power TMP to AUX and the S-band volume up for that Guam pass; and this will be at about 25 minutes, 85 hours and 25 minutes. [Long pause]
085:19:28 Eisele: Okay. Will do. You want power TMP to AUX and S-band volume up. [Pause]
085:19:34 Evans: Right. And if the test doesn't work out, I will try and come back on VHF. Otherwise, at LOS Guam, you can put the pover TMP back to NORMAL. [Pause]
085:19:43 Eisele: Roger. Understand.
085:19:45 Evans: Roger.
085:21:48 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. We would like power TMP to AUX any time now. [Pause]
085:21:55 Eisele: Roger. [Long pause]
085:22:26 Eisele: Houston, Apollo 7.
085:22:28 Evans: Go.
085:22:30 Eisele: Roger. Would you confirm the H2 fUel cell purge that is in the flight plan? [Pause]
085:22:37 Evans: Stand by. [Pause]
085:22:46 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. Negative. We are updating that real time. You can disregard that entry. [Pause]
085:22:54 Eisele: Roger. That is what I thought; the heaters are off. I've got a couple of reports I would like to make. [Pause]
085:23:00 Evans: Go.
085:23:02 Eisele: Okay. When Wally went to sleep, which was about 84 hours, he took two aspirins amd 20 clicks of water; and when I went to sleep about 77 hours, I took two aspirins and an Actifed and 20 clicks of water. [Long pause]
085:23:22 Evans: Roger. Understand. Wally at 84 hours: two aspirins and 20 clicks. Donn at 77 hours: two aspirins, one Actifed, and 20 clicks. [Pause]
085:23:31 Eisele: That is affirmative.
085:27:31 Evans: Thank you.
085:27:32 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. I'll have a block data at Redstone. [Pause]
085:27:36 Eisele: Roger. Understand. Block data at Redstone.
085:27:39 Evans: Roger.
085:29:52 Evans: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Guam; Redstone at 50. [Pause]
085:29:58 Eisele: Roger. Understand.
This is Apollo Control; 85 hours, 30 minutes into the mission of Apollo 7. We have just lost acquisition with Guam Tracking Station. We are anticipating acquisition at the Redstone Tracking Ship at 85 hours, 50 minutes. During that pass, it was indicated by astronaut Eisele that the spacecraft commander Schirra and the LMP pilot, Cunningham entered a sleep period 84 hours into the mission. Schirra took two aspirins and twenty clicks of water and Eisele in his sleep period took before his sleep period took two aspirins, one actifed, and twenty clicks of water. At 8S hours, 31 minutes into the mission; this is Apollo Control.
085:50:13 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston.
085:50:16 Eisele: Houston, Apollo 7. Go.
085:50:18 Pogue: Roger. I have a block data when you are ready to copy.
085:51:22 Eisele: Go ahead, Bill.
085:51:23 Pogue: Roger. Before I start, we would like to confirm the TMP power back to NORMAL. [Long pause]
085:51:44 Eisele: Roger. It is NORMAL.
085:51:45 Pogue: Okay. Block data, starting to read: 057 dash 2 Alfa plus 242 minus 0270 089 0620 3382, 58 dash 1 Charlie plus 200 minus 0600 090 3041 3332, 059 dash 1 Alfa plus 270 minus 0640 092 0654 3349, 060 dash 1 alta plus 310 minus 0644 093 4329 3409, 061 dash 1 Alfa plus 306 minus 0645 095 2000 3659, 062 dash 1 Alfa plus 254 minus 0640 096 5238 2888. Read back, please.
085:54:39 Eisele: Roger. 57 dash 2 Alfa plus 242 minus 0270 089 0620 3382, 058 dash 1 Charlie plus 200 minus 0600 090 3041 3332, 059 dash 1 Alfa plus 270 minus 0640 092 0654 3349, 060 dash 1 Alfa plus 310 minus 0644 093 4329 3409, 061 dash 1 Alfa 306 minus 0645 095 2000 3659, 062 dash Alfa plus 254 minus 0640 096 5238 2888.
085:55:50 Pogue: Readback is correct. [Pause]
085:55:54 Eisele: Roger. [Long pause]
085:56:16 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. We are still showing real time on SM, and would you check TMP power NORMAL again? [Long pause]
085:56:29 Eisele: Oh. Roger. I got it now. [Pause]
085:56:34 Pogue: Roger.
085:57:40 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Redstone. Ascension at 17. [Pause]
085:57:49 Eisele: Roger. Houston.
086:13:46 Eisele (onboard): 86 hours 13 minutes; a filament failed in the right-hand LEB floodlights.
086:18:02 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Acquisition Ascension. Standing by. [Long pause]
086:18:30 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Acquisition Ascension. Standing by. [Pause]
086:18:36 Eisele: Roger. You're very garbled, Houston.
086:18:39 Pogue: Roger. Understand.
086:22:18 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Coming up on LOS Mercury at 53.
This is Apollo Control, 86 hours, 48 minutes into the mission of Apollo 7. We have - a tape of our Redstone pass which occurred at 8550 and following that just a very short tape at Ascension Islands, started at 8617. We will roll those now.
This is Apollo Control, 86 hours, 53 minutes into the mission. We're coming upon the Mercury Tracking Ship for a live pass. Let's standby.
086:55:13 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Acquisition Mercury standing by. [Pause]
086:55:19 Eisele: Roger. Houston, Apollo 7. [Pause]
086:55:28 Eisele: Bill, could you get me the static vent update for our orbital map? [Pause]
086:55:32 Pogue: Stand by. [Long pause]
086:56:16 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. The GET for the nodal crossing is 84 plus 49 plus 48. [Long pause]
086:56:35 Eisele: Roger. Understand. 84 plus 49 plus 48. [Pause]
086:56:39 Pogue: Right. And it will be 3.1 west ... [Pause]
086:56:46 Eisele: Roger. Tnank you. [Pause]
086:56:51 Pogue: ... and it is REV 54. [Pause]
086:57:01 Eisele: Roger.
086:57:02 Pogue: Okay.
This is Apollo Control, 86 hours, 58 minutes into the mission. We will acquire Guam at 86:59:41. This gives us another minute and that will be a very short pass of some 3 minutes. One point of interest is the television for tomorrow will be in the sixtieth revolution at 95 hours, 25 minutes, 55 seconds, ground elapsed time. That is 9:28:40, central daylight time, roughly 29 minutes after 9 in the morning. Let's standby for any possible conversation on this Guam pass.
087:00:00 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Acquisition Guam. I will have a flight plan update at Redstone, and it has several items. [Pause]
087:00:10 Eisele: Roger. Understand.
This is Apollo Control; 87 hours, 2 minutes into the Mission. We are about 10 seconds away from loss of signal at Guam. We are anticipating acquisition at Redstone at 87 hours, 24 minutes. At that time we had an indication from astronaut Pogue, the CapCom, to astronaut Eisele that we would have an update for them on the flight plan. We are now - well into the fiftyfifth revolution, heading for South America. At 87 hours, 2 minutes into the mission, this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control; 87 hours, 24 minutes into the mission of Apollo 7. We're coming up on the Redstone tracking ship and just acquired.
087:24:29 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. [Pause]
087:24:33 Eisele: Houston, stand by one. I'll be with you in 1 minute.
087:25:52 Eisele: Houston [garble].
087:25:55 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston.
087:25:59 Eisele: Roger. Houston, Apollo 7. Go.
087:26:01 Pogue: Roger. Donn, I have a rather extensive flight plan update; and what I'd like for you to do is just follow me with the flight plan, and we'll go through here from about 88 hours right on through up to 100 hours. [Long pause]
087:26:34 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Opposite omni.
087:28:48 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Just let me know when you're ready to copy. [Long pause]
087:29:09 Eisele: Roger. Go ahead, Bill. I'm ready.
087:29:11 Pogue: Donn, do you have the flight plan there? [Pause]
087:29:16 Eisele: Roger.
087:29:17 Pogue: Okay.
087:29:18 Eisele: Roger. I've got it right in front of me.
087:29:20 Pogue: Right. Good. Because I didn't want you to have to write it on anything else. At 88 hours, delete the reference to P30. [Long pause]
087:29:32 Eisele: Roger.
087:29:33 Pogue: Okay. Now on the next half of the page, from 88 to 90, you can delete everything on that page, and there'll be two additions so you can just draw a line throigh all of those if you want. [Long pause]
087:29:49 Eisele: Should be what?
087:29:51 Pogue: We'll delete, cancel all the actions listed from 88 hours to 90 hours. [Pause]
087:29:58 Eisele: Right. I got that.
087:30:00 Pogue: Okay. At 89 hours, there'll be a CMC power up, program 5. [Pause]
087:30:09 Eisele: What time?
087:30:11 Pogue: 89 plus 00. [Pause]
087:30:15 Eisele: Roger. 89 hours power up?
087:30:17 Pogue: Boger. At 89 plus 30, you'll get an update for RAD degradation test; that'll be a state vector and time of ignition. [Long pause]
087:30:53 Pogue: Okay. Are you ready for 90 hours? [Pause]
087:31:00 Eisele: Bill, you're cutting in and out. I'm only getting about half of this.
087:31:03 Pogue: Okay. I'll say again. Did you get those two additions? Did you get the one at ... [Pause]
087:31:13 Eisele: Negative. All I got was delete everything from 88 through 90 and then power up at 89. [Pause]
087:31:19 Pogue: Roger. Okay. At 89 plus 30, there will be an update for radiator degradation. [Pause]
087:31:29 Eisele: Just a minute. [Pause]
087:31:36 Pogue: Okay. At - are you still reading? [Pause]
087:31:42 Eisele: Roger. You want the whole G&N up at that time or just the complrcer? [Pause]
087:31:47 Pogue: Well, let's see. Right, that's correct, that's a complete power up at 89 hours. [Pause]
087:31:56 Cunningham: Okay. [Pause]
087:32:02 Pogue: And at 89 plus 30, the update will be for the radiator degradation test. Starting at 90 hours, you can delete everything on that page. [Long pause]
087:32:21 Eisele: Roger.
087:32:23 Pogue: And at 90 hours and about 10 minutes, you can put in there P51. [Long pause]
087:32:35 Eisele: Roger.
087:32:36 Pogue: At 91 hours and 42 minutes, a P52. [Long pause]
087:32:48 Eisele: Wait a minute; 91 hours is in the day time. [Pause]
087:32:52 Pogue: 91 42. Donn, we're getting ready for LOS here. I'll talk to you at Antigua.
087:33:02 Schirra (onboard): Roger.
This is Apollo Control, 87 hours 33 minutes into the mission o Apollo 7. We have just lost acquisition with the Redstone tracking ship, ah, the updates of the flight plan will be completed probably when they have acquisition Canary Islands and that's anticipated to be 87 hours 54 minutes. So, at this point, the spacecrat Commander Schirra and LM Pilot Cunningham have been asleep over 2-1/2 hours. We're coming up on the beginning of the 56th revolution at 87 hours 33 minutes into the mission this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control 87 hours 54 minutes into the mission of Apollo 7. We're coming up on the acquisition point for the Canary Islands at which point astronaut Pogue here in the Control Center will complete sending up the revised flight plan for the next few hours, so let's stand by for Canary Islands.
087:54:57 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. [Long pause]
087:55:11 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Acquisition Canary. [Long pause]
087:55:32 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. We'd like to continue with the flight plan update when you're ready. [Long pause]
087:55:47 Eisele: Roger. Go ahead, Bill.
087:55:50 Pogue: Roger. I think we were talking about 91 hours and 42 minutes, a P52, and you were questioning nighttime; and the nighttime is starting to move back a little bit because of the change in the orbit, and that should be all right just after sunset. [Long pause]
087:56:12 Eisele: Roger. I didn't get the minutes on that: 91 42 for a P52? [Pause]
087:56:16 Pogue: Eoger. That's right: 91 plus 42. Okay. On the second column of page 2-36, starting at 92 hours: at 92 25 23, we have an MCC update. You can scratch through everything except the GO/NO-GO. And at 92 plus 35, add "Initiate radiator degradation test". [Long pause]
087:57:03 Eisele: Roger. Say again that time for that.
087:57:06 Pogue: 92 plus 35. [Long pause]
087:57:20 Eisele: Okay. Got it.
087:57:22 Pogue: Right. You can delete the P30 - all the references to preparation for the burn, of course; you can delete those. At 93 plus 15, add "H2 strat test (percent)" is what they'll estimate you have at that time. [Long pause]
087:57:49 Pogue: So that will be at 93 plus 15, H2 strat test (60 percent). [Pause]
087:57:59 Eisele: Roger. Got it.
087:58:02 Pogue: And the canister change does stay in. [Pause]
087:58:08 Eisele: Okay.
087:58:09 Pogue: At 94 hours, fuel cell O2 purge. [Long pause]
087:58:31 Eisele: Okay.
087:58:33 Pogue: Next page. 94 hours plus 30, unstow and set up TV. [Long pause]
087:58:45 Eisele: Roger.
087:58:47 Pogue: And, of course, the - you can delete the items in there about the radiator degradation test and H2 heaters ON at 95 hours. [Pause]
087:58:59 Eisele: Okay.
087:59:01 Pogue: At 95 plus 25, TV ON. That will be at Texas AOS; 95 plus 25, TV ON. [Long pause]
087:59:22 Eisele: Roger. I got you.
087:59:24 Pogue: Okay. On the next column, at 96 plus 40, delete the reference to the ECS radiator degradation test. [Long pause]
087:59:39 Eisele: Roger.
087:59:40 Pogue: At 97 hours, add "End radiator degradation test". You will have started it up about 92 35. [Long pause]
087:59:57 Eisele: Okay.
087:59:59 Pogue: Also, at 97 hours, you'll receive update for scanning telescope star count. That'll be at 97 hours, update SCT star count. [Long pause]
088:00:22 Eisele: Okay.
088:00:25 Pogue: And for that, the sun line of sight (LOS) will be 70 degrees. [Long pause]
088:00:39 Eisele: Roger.
088:00:40 Pogue: At 97 plus 40, program 52. [Long pause]
088:00:52 Eisele: Roger. Is that option 3?
088:00:55 Pogue: Stand by. Be at C align time. At 98 hours, the test - the SCT star count will be performed. [Long pause]
088:01:20 Eisele: At what time7
088:01:21 Pogue: 98 hours. [Pause]
088:01:25 Eisele: 98 even?
088:01:26 Pogue: Affirmative. [Pause]
088:01:30 Eisele: I don't understand that. That's right in the midle of the night pass, isn't it? [Pause]
088:01:36 Pogue: Roger. And it continues into the day. [Pause]
088:01:45 Eisele: [Garble] that's going to be a little hard to - you going to realign at 97 40 and then do the test at ... [Pause]
088:01:52 Pogue: Roger. Just on the further edge of LOS. If you read, that is affirmative. [Pause]
088:01:58 Eisele: Roger.
This is Apollo Control 88 hours 2 minutes into the mission. We have lost acquisition. The next contact will be with the Redstone tracking ship at 88 hours 58 minutes into the mission, some 57-1/2 minutes from now. At 88:02 this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control; 88 hours, 58 minutes into the mission of Apollo 7. We have had a long dry spell here. We are coming up on the Redstone Tracking Ship. We should have acquisition in a very few seconds.
088:58:13 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston.
088:58:16 Eisele: Roger, Houston. Go.
088:58:18 Pogue: Roger. Acquisition Redstone. I have one final item here on the flight plan update. [Long pause]
088:58:31 Eisele: Ready to go.
088:58:34 Pogue: Roger. At 99 plus 30, we will have a G&N, N and SCS power down. [Long pause]
088:58:45 Eisele: Roger.
089:06:05 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Redstone; Antigua at 17. And when we come up on Antigua, we would like for you to be in P00. We'll have a state vector for you at that time.
This is Apollo Control, 89 hours, 7 minutes into the mission of Apollo 7. We are just now losing acquisition at Redstone. We're anticipating contact with Antigua at 89 hours, 17 minutes. At 89:07, this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control, 89 hours 17 minutes into the mission of Apollo 7. Apollo 7 has just begun its 57th revolution around the Eearth. We're coming up in a very seconds to Antigua acquistion. Let's listen in.
089:18:00 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. [Pause]
089:18:07 Eisele: Roger. Go.
089:18:08 Pogue: Roger. We have a state vector to send to you if you could ge to P00, please. [Pause]
089:18:16 Eisele: Stand by one. [Long pause]
089:19:10 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. If you don't get your computer up here, it's all right. We can give this to you at Canary, but I do have a NAV check I can give you when you're ready to copy it. [Long pause]
089:19:22 Eisele: Roger. Stand by. I'm still on a 51 here. [Pause]
089:19:26 Pogue: Okay.
089:20:49 Eisele: [Garble] Houston, Apollo 7.
089:20:50 Pogue: Go.
089:20:52 Eisele: Roger. I'll take that update now if you can send it up.
089:20:54 Pogue: Roger.
089:20:56 Eisele: Go to ACCEPT if you want to uplink.
089:20:58 Pogue: Roger. [Long pause]
089:21:15 Pogue: And, Donn, while it's coming up. I have a NAV check here when you're ready to copy. [Pause]
089:21:21 Eisele: Roger. [Long pause]
089:21:46 Eisele: Go ahead with your NAV check, Bill.
089:21:48 Pogue: Roger. 092 05 0000 minus 1796 minus 14661 1566. Read back. [Long pause]
089:22:18 Eisele: Roger. 092 05 0000 minus 1796 minus 14661 1566. [Long pause]
089:22:29 Pogue: Read back is correct. [Long pause]
089:23:15 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. About 1 minute LOS Antigua. [Pause]
089:23:21 Eisele: Roger.
089:23:22 Pogue: And it will be Canary at 28.
089:23:24 Eisele: Roger.
This is Apollo Control, 89 hours 23 minutes into the mission. We are about 20 seconds away from loss of signal over Antigua. We have about 5 minutes to go for Canary Islands tracking station acquisition at 89 hours 24 minutes. This is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control, 89 hours 28 minutes into the mission. We're coming up on acquisition with Canary Islands tracking station. We'll join the conversation.
089:28:08 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. [Pause]
089:28:12 Eisele: Apollo 7. Go.
089:28:14 Pogue: Roger. We would like for you to cycle the - stand by. [Long pause]
089:28:52 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Which of your O2 tank fans is OFF? [Pause]
089:28:58 Eisele: Number 2 is OFF.
089:28:59 Pogue: Number 2 is OFF. Roger. That's what we thought. [Long pause]
089:29:55 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. We are through with the computer.
089:29:58 Eisele: Roger.
089:32:37 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. We'd like for you to cycle your O2 tank 2 fans ON for 5 minutes, then OFF. [Long pause]
089:32:49 Eisele: Roger.
089:34:51 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Canary; Carnarvon at 05. Just for a time hack, you can turn those fans back off about 38. [Long pause]
089:35:06 Eisele: Roger.
This is Apollo Control; 89 hours, 35 minutes. We're looking for a pass over Carnarvon at 90 hours and S minutes. At 89:35 then, this is Apollo Control.
090:05:30 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. [Pause]
090:05:34 Eisele: Houston, Apollo 7. Go.
090:05:36 Pogue: Roger. Acquisition Carnarvon. Standing by. [Pause]
090:05:40 Eisele: Roger.
090:05:43 Pogue: Donn, I noticed you were going through the malfunction procedure there - appeared to be just about the time we were losing you at Canary. Did you find out anything in that? [Long pause]
090:05:54 Eisele: Roger. I found out whatever it was went away, I think, at least up to now.
This is Apollo Control 90 hours 6 minutes into the mission, let's join the conversation to Carnarvon.
090:06:03 Pogue: Whatever it was went away, huh?
090:06:06 Eisele: Right. [Pause]
090:06:13 Pogue: Did you arrive at that just from going through thin malfunction procedure? Is that how you did that? [Pause]
090:06:19 Eisele: Well, not totally.
090:06:21 Pogue: Okay. Disregard.
090:06:23 Eisele: Wait until Wally gets up here. He may want to do it again.
090:06:26 Pogue: Okay.
This is Apollo Control, 90 hours 09 minutes into the mission of Apollo 7. We have had loss of signal at Carnarvon tracking station and it's a matter of about 10 minutes before Honeysuckle Creek at acquisition so we'll just stand by.
This is Apollo Control 90 hours 17 minutes into the mission of Apollo 7. It doesn't appear we'll have any further contact. We have about a minute and one-half of acquisition left at Honeysuckle but there will probably be no more voice contact. We are anticipating acquisition at Redstone tracking ship at 90 hours 32 minutes. At 90 hours 17 minutes this is Apollo Control.
090:18:42 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Honeysuckle; Redstone at 32.
090:31:28 Eisele (onboard): 1, 2, 3, 4. One - one update.
This is Apollo Control, 90 hours, 32 minutes into the mission of Apollo 7. We are coming upon the Redstone Tracking Ship now in the fiftysixth revolution. Letts listen in.
090:32:52 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Acquisition Redstone. Standing by.
090:39:15 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Redstone; Antigua at 50. [Pause]
090:39:24 Cunningham: Apollo 7. Roger. [Pause]
090:39:28 Schirra: I gather you were in kind of a hurry to get us to work down there today. [Pause]
090:39:34 Pogue: We have a few things. Roger. [Pause]
090:39:41 Schirra: I suggest somebody for tomorrow get to work on the sleep plan. You've cut us out of an hour's sleep already. [Pause]
090:39:49 Pogue: Roger. [Pause]
090:39:55 Schirra: And three have colds. I asked for an hour and a half sleep for each of us last night, and that apparently was ignored. [Long pause]
090:40:28 Schirra: Houston, Apollo 7. [Long pause]
090:40:39 Pogue: Roger. Go. We're just about to LOS.
This is Apollo Control, 9 hours, 40 minutes into the mission of Apollo 7. We have just lost acquisiton - and our next acquisition point will be at Antigua at 90 hours and 50 minutes. It appears that spacecraft commander is up at this point. And there was some conversation with CapCom on the amount of sleep that should be scheduled in the coming days of the mission. At 90 hours, 41 minutes in the fiftyseventh revolutxon, this is Apollo Control.
090:43:43 Schirra (onboard): At 90 hours and 40 minutes -
090:43:53 Schirra (onboard): The sighting by - of the red airglow that was reported on the Mercury flight was experienced. It was a reddish-brown glow about the color of the lower half of the night airglow. The night airglow is about 2.8 degrees above - the top of the night airglow is 2.8 degrees above the horizon. This particular glow is 4 degrees above the top of the night airglow and 1-1/2 degrees thick.
090:44:56 Schirra (onboard): The glow faded approximately 1-1/2 minutes later. It was confirmed by Cunningham who also was looking out my window.
This Apollo Control, 90 hours 50 minutes into the mission of Apollo 7. We're coming up in acquisition with Antigua tracking station. Let's stand by for conversation.
090:51:11 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. [Pause]
090:51:19 Eisele: Houston, Apollo 7.
090:51:21 Pogue: Roger. I just checked in the flight plan here regurding Wally's query there over Redstone, and I didn't get all of it, but it was something about the sleep cycle being shortened. And when I come on, the time line showed the commander's and LMP's sleep cycle extended to 91 hours. Is that the way you understood it? [Long pause]
090:51:45 Eisele: That's affirmative. But you did have [garble] someone moved up the radiator test right in the middle of it. [Long pause]
090:52:01 Eisele: We got the radiator test initiated at 92:30. Right? [Pause]
090:52:07 Pogue: Roger. Stand by.
090:52:10 Eisele: We're just gonna have to put on our headsets and go to work up here. [Long pause]
090:52:27 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. We acknowledge the error on the ground here. [Pause]
090:52:32 Schirra: Okay. Let's have the ground get to work and look at the sleep/rest cycles. We had to initiate the request as it was to get only 5 hours per shift sleep scheduled this last night. I asked for an extension and got it. I want the rest of these work periods worked out now. Apparently, we can move up burn 3. How about giving us a chance to get some sleep? [Long pause]
090:52:55 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Understand. [Pause]
090:53:04 Cunningham: Houstaa, Apollo 7.
090:53:05 Pogue: Go.
090:53:08 Cunningham: Roger. Bill, can you check - I think I'd like to go ahead and try to activate our primary water boiler before we commence the radiator degradation test. And than if the - we have any problems while doing the radiator degradation test, such as our primary water boiler goes down, find out if it's okay to activate the secondary loop with the radiator bypass. Over. [Long pause]
090:53:33 Pogue: Roger. Stand by. [Long pause]
090:54:02 Pogue: Roger. Walt, I have something here, and I think it's pretty close to what you said. I'll go through a recommended procedire here. [Pause]
090:54:10 Cunningham: Okay. Is it something I have to write down or not?
090:54:12 Pogue: No. Why don't you listen to it first? I think it's just what you wanted there. [Pause]
090:54:16 Cunningham: Go ahead.
090:54:18 Pogue: Step 1, prior to test, reservice evaporator, if not already reserviced. Step 2, begin the actual test. Three, activate primary evaporator in AUTO mode. Four, if evaporator dries out, close back pressure control valve and wait 15 minutes. Five, then reservice evaporator and reactivate in AUTO mode. Six, if evaporator dries out again, close back pressure control valve and shut down evaporator. Seven, continue test. Eight, if evaporator out count exceeds 80 degrees Farenheit, activate secopdary loop with radiators bypassed and continue test. [Long pause]
090:55:14 Cunningham: Only one question with that. The 80 degrees Farenheit - the rule in the past has been activate secondary loop if the temperature of the glycol evaporator outlet exceeded 60. Can you confirm that? [Long pause]
090:55:26 Pogue: Stand by.
090:56:29 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Regarding the 80-degree count, they say they are willing to go that high. If you activate the secondary lower than that, it compromises the test. I said that I thoight that we ought to go ahead and look at working it at 60, and they're checking into it.
090:56:50 Cunningham: Okay. Understand. I don't think there's any great big problem with letting it go a little higher, Ron. I think we've got a good chance of not having to activate it anyway, but that's just a conjecture now. [Pause]
090:57:00 Pogue: Okay.
090:57:01 Cunningham: Bill, I mean, sorry.
090:58:03 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. [Pause]
090:58:07 Cunningham: Roger. Go ahead, Bill.
090:58:08 Pogue: Hey, Walt, I have a DSE recording plan for this radiator degradation test, and I'd like to pass it to you over Canary at a time that it would be convenient. [Long pause]
090:58:23 Pogue: It has to do with leaving it in high bit rate for portions of the test.
090:58:27 Cunningham (onboard): Okay. Why don't you pass it to the Canaries? We're losing ...
This is Apollo Control; 90 hours, 58 minutes into the mission of Apollo 7. We have Canary Islands acquistion coming up at 91 hours, 2 minutes, which is 3 minutes from now. We'll join the crew at that time at Canary Islands. In the meantime, you heard astronaut Schirra talking to CapCom Pogue here in the control center concerning the sleep cycle that has been shortened. Schirra indicates that 5 hours per shift schedule is not enough and he'd like a chance to get some more sleep. And the ground is gonna check into it. Astronaut Cunningham then talked about the procedures on the radiator degradation that is scheduled a little later on in the flight, some 92 hours, 55 minutes. With about 2 minutes to wait until Canary Islands acquisition, this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control 91 hours 02 minutes into the mission of Apollo 7. We are coming up inside of 25 seconds or so with Canary Islands acquisition. We'll stand by for further conversation.
091:03:23 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston.
091:03:25 Cunningham: Roger, Houston. Go ahead.
091:03:27 Pogue: Roger. Acquisition Canary. [Pause]
091:03:31 Cunningham: Roger. Did the O2 partial pressure this morning about - almost 33 minutes ago was 240 mm of Mercury. Ready to copy your recording update. [Long pause]
091:03:45 Pogue: Roger.
091:03:47 Schirra: Houston, Apollo 7.
091:03:48 Pogue: Go. [Pause]
091:03:52 Schirra: Houston, Apollo 7.
091:03:53 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Go.
091:03:56 Schirra: Roger. We can now report that the handcontroller is GO. [Pause]
091:04:01 Pogue: Roger. Handcontrol is GO.
091:04:03 Schirra: That's affirmative. The anomaly has disappeared, and I'm quite surprised you all weren't somewhat concerned about that; that wiped out our hybrid deorbit for awhile. I [Long pause]
091:04:15 Pogue: We were concerned.
091:04:18 Schirra: You'll have to clear some time for me before I get a critical test.
091:04:20 Pogue: Roger. There was quite a lot of concern down here. [Pause]
091:04:24 Schirra: Roger. Well, it takes awhile to cheek those things out. [Pause]
091:04:28 Pogue: Roger. Also ...
091:04:30 Cunningham: Let's go.
091:04:32 Pogue: Okay. On the DSE recording for radiator degradation test, I'll read a few commets first. For radiator degradation test, spacecraft will be left in high bit rate. Spacecraft COMM system will be set up for high bit rate record by command. At the following time, place the tape recorder forward switch to FORWARD for 3 minutes, then to OFF. Ready to copy times? At 92 plus 57, 93 plus 37, 94 plus 29, 95 plus 08, 96 plus 01, 96 plus 33. Comment: do not use up telemetry command RESET switch during radiator degradation test. Note: you can only record voice while tape is running as scheduled above.
091:06:05 Cunningham: Okay. I've got the time in, and I'd like you to repeat the last comment. The attention is to - I assume you people are going to rewind and leave us with a fresh roll of tape to start with? And, we'll put it to FORWARD; I also assume you were going to leave it with my command here, and I'll have to hit COMMAND RESET switch at the start of test. I will go to FORWARD for 3 minutes and then to OFF at the following times: 92 plus 57,93 plus 57, 94 plus 29, 95 plus 08, 96 plus 01, 96 plus 33. Over.
091:06:41 Pogue: Roger. The second time was 93 plus 37, and also you do not go to COMMAND RESET. [Long pause]
091:06:55 Cunningham: Okay. Understand you are going to have everything set up, and all I will use is tape recorder motion switch going to FORWARD at those times. [Pause]
091:07:04 Pogue: That's affirmative.
091:07:07 Cunningham: And we can record at the time the tape is running. Was there anything else in that last comment? [Pause]
091:07:12 Pogue: Negative. That's correct. You can only record voice whille the tape is running as schedulled at these times, and you did get ... [Pause]
091:07:21 Cunningham: Roger. And I assune you got a plan to dump all that out and give us a fresh tape as soon as possible afterwards. Did you read my comment that, at 91 hours into the fight, O2 partial pressure was 240 mm of Mercury? [Long pause]
091:07:36 Pogue: Roger. At 91 hours, O2 partial presaure 240 mm. Also, we're setting up for a 10-hour sleep cycle for toight. [Long pause]
091:07:49 Cunningham: Ten hours is - How about eight? [Pause]
091:07:53 Schirra: Bill we can't do that, sleep five one time and ten the next. Try to get nearer an average of eight. We'll go for eight tonight, and that will be plenty. [Pause]
091:08:02 Pogue: Okay.
This is Apollo Control; 91 hours, 11 minutes into the mission of Apollo 7. We have lost acquisition with Canary Islands. We are anticipating Carnarvon acquisition at 91 hours 37 minutes. During this last pass, we heard Schirra indicate that the number two hand controller is GO. That was a situation that occurred yesterday and that was at some 82 hours into the mission where they found that the pitch down on the number two hand controller was inoperative and now checking it with the command module computer we find that the number two hand controller is Go and that anomaly has disappeared Schirra indicates. Cap Com Pogue indicated that down on the ground here in the Control Center they had ironed out a 10 hour sleep cycle for tonight and spacecraft Commander Schirra came back with "No, we didn't need 10, would like to have 8". So it looks like that's what it will be. At 91 hours, 12 minutes into the mission, this is Apollo Control.
091:22:54 Cunningham (onboard): At 91 hours and 20 minutes into the flight, we took some pictures of the coastline. Hey, Wally, could I have the data?
091:23:44 Cunningham (onboard): 91 hours and 20 minutes into the flight, we took several pictures on magazine S, looks like from about 43 to 47, over a coastline ending up with a large island.
This is Apollo Control, 91 hours, 37 minutes into the mission of Apollo 7. We are now coming up into acquisition, just got acquisition with Carnarvon. Let's listen to the conversation.
091:37:34 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Acquisition Carnarvon. [Pause]
091:37:41 Eisele: Roger, Houston. [Pause]
091:37:46 Pogue: Apollo 7. I have a couple of items. First, in reference to the secondary loop activation during the radiator tests, we have confirmed that 80 degrees EVAP OUT TEMP is an acceptable harware limit. However, secondary loop may be activated before 80 degrees Fahrenheit as physical comfort dictates. Two, in reference to the handcontoller anomaly we would like to know which check or test did you use to verify the acceptable perrormance? [Long pause]
091:38:26 Eisele: Roger. We used the standard malfunction procedure starting with the CMC troubleshooting technique. If the thing passed that test, then we went on with the rest of it - it's on page 15 - page - it's item 2, page 14 - and the final was the time itself in there where the anomaly occurred. It did not occur there again. [Long pause]
091:38:51 Pogue: Roger.
091:38:52 Eisele: [Garble] zero. [Long pause]
091:39:03 Eisele: And. There was a discrepansy with the malfunction [garble] only implied. This is the failure vhere the controls are stuk ON. Where the malfunctione occurs, the function will not occur. [Long pause]
091:39:20 Pogue: Roger.
091:39:22 Eisele: And in that same case, the final two digits on number 1 register of the DSKY would be 75 for pitch down. If the thing was stuck on 75, it saw immediately; it could not show. [Long pause]
091:39:36 Pogue: Roger.
091:39:39 Eisele: And, Bill, do you want me to follow the procedure that was passed up the first time we reactivated the primary water boiler? I had several steps here. I think you were probably there when you passed it up even. [Long pause]
091:39:53 Pogue: Stand by on that.
091:39:56 Eisele: Do you recall the one?
091:39:59 Pogue: Yes, we know; we want to confirm. [Pause]
091:40:09 Eisele: And when you get it, we can use a chart update, please. [Pause]
091:40:13 Pogue: Roger. [Long pause]
091:40:53 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. I have a chart update. [Pause]
091:40:57 Eisele: Go.
091:40:58 Pogue: Live 57 node at 89 plus 16 plus 24, 71.4 degrees west. [Long pause]
091:41:17 Eisele: Roger.
091:41:18 Pogue: Okay. [Long pause]
091:41:33 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Yes, we vould like for you to activate it just as you did yesterday. [Pause]
091:41:41 Eisele: Okay. And if it checks down, you want to wait 15 minutes again, right? [Pause]
091:41:48 Pogue: Affirmative.
091:41:50 Eisele: All right, just for my own information, what is a 15-minute wait, if it shuts down like that? [Pause]
091:41:58 Pogue: Stand by. [Pause]
091:42:05 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. We will get that answer. It will take a few mimutes. [Pause]
091:42:10 Eisele: Okay. Thanks, but you understand I just wondered why we wait 15 minutes before we try to reservice the thign. I don't quite understand it. [Pause]
091:42:19 Pogue: Okay. [Long pause]
091:43:17 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. I've been informed that flash freezing is the reason for waiting 15 minutes. [Pause]
091:43:26 Eisele: Roger. Thank you. [Long pause]
091:43:45 Eisele: Bill, is that any relation to Flash Gordon?
091:43:48 Pogue: Oh, boy. [Pause]
091:43:55 Eisele: That's the first "oh, boy" for the flight.
091:43:58 Pogue: Roger. You got me again. [Pause]
091:44:02 Eisele: That's the first "oh, boy" we've logged for the flight. [Long pause]
091:44:17 Eisele: I'm having bacon and toast and peaches and ... [Long pause]
091:44:37 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Coming up on LOS Carnarvon. S-band volume up, please.
091:47:10 Unidentifiable crewmember: Houston, Apollo 7.
091:47:13 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. Go.
091:47:16 Unidentifiable crewmember: Roger. Do you have any preference on the antenna for the radiator degradation tests? [Pause]
091:47:21 Pogue: Stand by. [Long pause]
091:47:41 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. We are workin on it.
091:51:26 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. The antenna for the radiator degradation test will be omni Alfa. There may possibly be a switch to B Bravo, but now it looks like A is the good one. [Long pause]
091:51:43 Schirra: Roger, Bill. [Pause]
091:51:52 Eisele: We've got some beautiful pictures of the great barrier reef in New Zealand this morning. [Pause]
091:51:56 Pogue: Good. How many frames roughly? Oh - disregard. [Long pause]
091:52:07 Eisele: It was about 5 frames - some frames 43 to 47.We weren't quite sure where we were until we got that, chart update. It was frame 38 to - 43 to 47 on magasin F. [Long pause]
091:52:30 Pogue: Roger. [Long pause]
091:52:44 Pogue: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute until LOS; Texas at 19. [Pause]
091:52:54 Schirra: Roger.
This is Apollo Control, 91 hours, 53 minutes into the mission of Apollo 7. During that lengthy pass - from Carnarvon through Honeysuckle Creek, we heard about the radiator degradation tests. They are coordinating with astronaut Pogue at the Control Center on that. And on the number hand controller check and at the very last you heard the crew had beautiful pictures of the great barrier reef in New Zealand, about 5 rames. We are anticipating acquisition at Texas 92 hours 19 minutes into the mission, It is now 91 hour 54 minutes. This is Apollo Control
091:57:14 Eisele (onboard): We're recording the effect of the second P52 alignment in preparation for the radiator test. Time is 91 hours 57 minutes. Our gyro-torquing angles are 0.044, 0.019, and 0.001. Star difference was zero, and the stars were Canopus and Ajax - correction, Canopus and Acrux.
This is Apollo Control 92 hours 19 minutes into the mission of Apollo 7. We are just completing the 58th revolution and we're approaching - should be at the point of Texas acqusition. Let's listen in.
092:21:03 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Texas. [Pause]
092:21:10 Eisele: Roger, Jack. Go.
092:21:12 Swigert: Roger. Standing by. Donn, haw are you this morning?
092:21:15 Eisele: Just fine, Jack.
092:25:12 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. [Pause]
092:25:21 Cunningham: Roger. Go ahead.
092:25:22 Swigert: Roger. We'd like to know whether you have shown any restarts on the computers since we last talked to you at Carnarvon. [Pause]
092:25:29 Cunningham: That's affirmative. We're now flying to attitude for the radiator degradation. I had loaded P30 incorrectly the first time. In loading P30 - trying to load it correctly - we ended up giving it an insoluble problem - here and got a restart on it. [Long pause]
092:25:49 Swigert: Okay. Thanks, Walt. [Pause]
092:25:54 Cunningham: We may be just a tad late getting the attitude. Why don't we give you a hack at the start time when we start the radiator degradation test? It may be a few minutes after 92:35. [Long pause]
092:26:05 Swigert: Okay. That's fine. [Long pause]
092:26:28 Swigert: Walt, we show two restarts here since we last saw you at Carnarvon. [Pause]
092:26:37 Cunningham: We did it twice.
092:26:39 Swigert: Ah so. [Pause]
092:26:47 Cunningham: We're still in the P40, and we proceeded, to the end - trying to proceed to the end of P40, and it still didn't light the answer, and then we just reselected P00. [Long pause]
092:26:58 Swigert: Okay. Fine.
092:29:29 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. We're not receiving any BIOMED data. Do you have the harness hooked up? [Long pause]
092:29:42 Cunningham: Roger. We have the CDR connected, and he's busy with his own radiator test. [Pause]
092:29:51 Swigert: Roger. Underatand. [Pause]
092:29:55 Cunningham: We have other things happening right now.
092:29:58 Swigert: Say again, Walt? [Pause]
092:30:05 Cunningham: He'll be back on BIOMED in about - shortly. [Pause]
092:30:09 Swigert: Okay. We'll be standing by.
092:32:22 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. You have a GO for 77 dash 1. [Pause]
092:32:28 Cunningham: Roger. Go 77-1. And we will be in attitude and starting radiator degradatoon test on time. [Pause]
092:32:35 Swigert: Roger. Copy. We're about to lose you over Bermuda; pick you up Canaries at 92:36. [Pause]
092:32:42 Cunningham: Roger.
This is Apollo Control; 92 hours, 35 minutes into the mission of Apollo 7. We anticipate acquiring at Canary at 92:38, that's about three minutes from now. We will just stay up until we acquire at Canaries and go through the Canary pass and at the end of Canary pass we'll have a wrap up of the last eight hours of activity. At 92:33 this is Apollo Control standing by for Canary Islands.
092:36:39 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Canary. [Pause]
092:36:43 Cunningham: That was 92:35, and we have mannualy selected radiator 2. [Pause]
092:36:49 Swigert: Roger. Copy that.
092:36:52 Cunningham: The evaporator seem to be working for now. I wouldn't - I don't know how long we can count on it. [Pause]
092:36:57 Swigert: Roger.
092:40:20 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. We would like tape recorder forward switch to OFF, and then your DSE will be configured for this test. [Long pause]
092:40:31 Cunningham: Tape recorder forvard is OFF. [Long pause]
092:40:57 Cunningham: Hey, Jack, we have the water boiler operating, but it - in very fact - seems to be driving us against the stops here. Looks like it is going to cost us more than we had thought it would. [Long pause]
092:41:13 Swigert: Roger. I'm watching it.
092:42:25 Swigert: Apollo 7, 1 minute LOS Tananarive; Carnarvon at 93:11. [Pause]
092:42:31 Cunningham: Roger.
This is Apollo Control; 92 hours, 43 minutes into the mission. We are about 20 seconds away from loss of signal at the Canary Islands now. We will have a recap here of the night's activities for the last 8 hours. At 85 hours 18 minutes in revolution 54, it was indicated by astronaut Eisele that he had taken two aspirin and one decongestant tablet at the time of his sleep cycle, and 20 clicks of water. That equals 10 ounces of water. The commander of the spacecraft, Schirra, and the LM pilot, Cunningham, entered the sleep period at 84 hours in the mission. Schirra had taken two aspirin and 20 clicks of water. Again, that is 10 ounces. Then there was a very stable period on down through 89 hours 28 minutes at which time the CapCom, astronaut Pogue here at the Control Center, went through an exercise on the O2 tank, the oxygen tank, fans. There was no problem, it was just indicating which fans were on and which fans were off on the cycling. At Carnarvon, 90 hours 05 minutes, it was indicated by Eisele that the number 2 hand controller, which had given a little problem yesterday, pitched down position I believe, might be okay and that it would be checked when Astronaut Schirra woke up. They would check the input to the command module computer to see how the hand controller would operate during burn. At 90 hours 32 minutes, Astronaut Schirra awoke and indicated that he would like to have his sleep schedule ironed out. At 90 hours 49 minutes, CapCom Pogue talked to him again and Schirra indicated that 5 hours per shift of sleep was not really enough and that he would like a chance to get some sleep, more than 5 hours, and have the ground check on it. He also indicated that the number 2 hand controller is go. It was green for go and that the anomaly had disappeared, so he had checked the hand controller. Pogue then indicated that 10 hour sleep cycles would go on for tonight in the flight plan. Schirra indicated that they didn't need 10 but they would like to get 8 hours of sleep. They then checked the procedures again at 91 hours, 37 minutes for the radiator degradation test and the number 2 hand controller check that Schirra had indicated came out that the controller was go. Schirra indicated at that time that he had gotten beautiful pictures of the Great Barrier reef at New Zealand. That's about it for the evening. There wasn't too active a period, there. The spacecraft looks to be in good condition, we are in rev 59 right now. We have the TV schedule this morning for 60th revolution at 95 hours 25 minutes, 55 seconds into the mission, which would be 9:28:40 central daylight time and that's it. With everything looking good, this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control. 93 hours, 10 minutes into the mission. We are coming up on acquisition right about now with Carnarvon here in a very few seconds, so let's stand by and see what occurs.
093:11:46 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Carnarvon. Standing by. [Pause]
093:11:51 Cunningham: Roger, Houston. We've been in this - we're been in this mode now for about 36 minutes, Jack, and we were in ATTITUDE HOLD and pitch and yaw, and the machine was spitting out pulses at the rate about nine to ten a minute and - which was pretty expensive. Doun has now gone to - with the pulse mode no ATTITUDE HOLD on all three axes and seems to be doing better on the thing, but you might take a look. We would like to have a figure on board here - if you can get it to us - how pulses to the pound of fuel? [Long pause]
093:12:32 Swigert: Roger. Stand by.
093:16:30 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
093:16:31 Cunningham: Go, Jack. [Pause]
093:16:35 Swigert: Okay. Walt, on your question on the fuel usage and minimum impulse: fuel usage is about .01 pounds for each engine that pulses, so if you are using two jets for each axis, it's .02 pounds evry time it pulses. [Long pause]
093:16:55 Cunningham: A hundred pulses to a pound. [Pause]
093:17:03 Swigert: Yes, so you are going to get - you can get 100 jet firings per pound. [Pause]
093:17:10 Cunningham: Roger. Understand. Thank you very much. We had 35 minutes worth at about ten pulses - nine to ten pulses a minute. [Long pause]
093:17:22 Swigert: Okay. Copy that. [Pause]
093:17:27 Cunningham: Now we are dawn to two to four pulses a minute. [Pause]
093:17:33 Swigert: Roger. Understand. And we have got about 30 seconds till we lose you here. Do you want to turn up your S-band volume! And we'll pick you up over Honeysuckle.
This is Apollo Control. We still have acquisition at Honeysuckle in Australia. The question that astronaut Cunningham is talking to astronaut Swigert here in the Control Center about, is one about RCS propellant; the amount being used. This has to be used because the RCS system is used during the radiation degradation test, which now is going on to keep the spacecraft in a steady mode. And that's why he refers to the 9 or 10 pulses per minute to begin with, and now at 2 to 4 pulses per minute and they are not concerned mightily, but they would like to know how much fuel, how much propellant that is now using, we will join them now at Honeysuckle again.
093:26:58 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Honeysucle; Guaymas 93 plus 49. [Pause]
093:27:06 Cunningham: Roger, Houston.
This is Apollo Control 93 hours 26 minutes into the mission - 27 minutes into the mission. We have just had loss of signal at Honeysuckle Creek. We're anticipating Guaymas at 93:49. At 93:27 this is Apollo Control
And a good, good morning from the black team, which is back on duty in the COntrol Center, 93 hours 50 minutes into the mission. We have called up the crew from Guaymas and here is how that conversation is going.
093:50:17 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston throyh Guaymas. [Pause]
093:50:21 Cunningham: Roger, Jack.
093:50:24 Swigert: Roger. I hear you five-by.
093:50:25 Cunningham: Roger.
093:50:26 Swigert: I would like to ask you how the H2 stratification test went. [Pause]
093:50:32 Cunningham: I haven't done that test yet. If thing get pretty well settled down, I will go ahead and run it; but it's not critical, and I'm not at 60 percent yet on either gage. [Pause]
093:50:41 Swigert: Roger. Understand. And, also, I would like to verify the position of - that the hand control power switch is at BOTH. [Pause]
093:50:49 Cunningham: That is correct.
093:50:51 Swigert: Okay. Fine.
This is Apollo Control. We are in the midst of a radiator test and this test will continue for one full revolution. Essentially, the mode is to - there are two radiator - banks of radiators aboard Apollo 7 and they occupy about 130 degree strip around the command module. The radiator 1 bank is being isolated and pointed down toward Earth, thus pointing radiator 2 on the opposite side out toward deep space. The test will - we will watch very carefully the performance, the ability of radiator 2 to take care of the load of keeping Apollo 7 cool enough during one full revolution around the Earth. Here is some more conversation.
093:53:06 Eisele: Houston, Apollo 7.
093:53:09 Swigert: Go ahead, 7.
093:53:11 Eisele: Can you verify with your individual temps that we actually are selected radiator 2? [Long pause]
093:53:32 Swigert: Apollo 7, Affirmative. We can verify that. We are watching it. [Long pause]
093:53:46 Eisele: Also, if everyting is runningh nominal on this thing, we obviously don't have any battery degradstion. Is there any reason for ... [Long pause]
093:54:00 Swigert: Say again, 7. You got cut out. [Pause]
093:54:04 Eisele: Stand by. Is there any reason for running it the full 4 and 1/2 hours if we find that the radiators are working good? It would be nice if we could save the fuel if we could draw coclusions earlier. [Long pause]
093:54:21 Swigert: Roger, 7. If it's at all possible when we look at that thing, we will try to cut it off earlier. [Pause]
093:54:28 Eisele: Roger. Understand. You know what I'm getting at, Jack.
093:54:31 Swigert: Yes, I do.
This is Apollo Control. You heard Walt Cunningham discussing the radiator test. It is not a real concern, but the facts are that sore 21 pounds of fuel are programed to continue to maintain this attitude for the radiator test. And that was what Walt Cunningham was referring to when he said "You know what I'm getting at." It was fuel usage, and his point was, if the radiator is operating satisfactorily, why go ahead and test full duration, and every indication is that it is operating quite satisfactorily. The crew is probably performing a fuel cell oxygen purge at this point, and as they move around on the Atlantic side, they will start to unstow their television equipment for a TV pass on the next revolution.
Apollo Control here. During this quiet period, we might make mention of the fact that in the course of the night, we received a telegram which reads as follows: Hey, guys, first you steal my song Houston, and now you steal my quote "Keep them letters and cards coming," and it's 10 to 1 when you land you will start drinking. P.S. Like all Anericans, I'm proud of you. Second P.S. I was higher last night than you are now. Signed Dean Martin.
Apollo Control here. The weather story this morning goes like this. The west Atlantic, partly cloudy, easterly winds 20 knots, seas running to 5 feet, temperature in the mid-70's. In the eastern Atlantic, mostly clear, winds easterly 12 to 18 knots, seas 3 to 5 feet, temperatures in the mid-70's. In the west Pacific, the weather will be fair, partly cloudy, winds from the north to northeasterly at 12 to 15 knots, seas about 5 feet, temperatures range in the upper 70's. In the mid-Pacific, area is fair to partly cloudy, winds predoninantly south at 15 knots, seas 5 feet, tenperatures in the upper 70's or low 80's. Here is some'more conversation.
094:00:18 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. We would like you to place your O2 fan and tank 2 ON for the next 5 minutes. [Pause]
094:00:28 Eisele: Wait one.
094:02:44 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston.
094:02:47 Cunningham: Go ahead.
094:02:48 Swigert: Roger. We would like to send you a new state vector. Would you go to ACCEPT? [Pause]
094:02:57 Cunningham: Okay. Let me take a little check. We're trying to monitor something on it, but [garble]. [Pause]
094:03:03 Schirra: Jack, can you aplink to that [garble] display? We're using that to fly by. [Pause]
094:03:08 Swigert: Roger. I figured that, but what we would like to do is to give you a ... [Pause]
094:03:14 Cunningham: That's okay, Jack. I'll turn loose [garble].
094:03:16 Swigert: Okay. We can send this at Canary if you rather wait. [Pause]
094:03:24 Cunningham: It's clear now.
094:03:25 Swigert: Okay. Coming up. [Long pause]
094:04:06 Swigert: Apollo 7, I'm ready to give you the NAY check PAD when ypi are ready to copy. [Pause]
094:04:13 Cunningham: Wait one. [Long pause]
094:04:26 Cunningham: We'll take it later.
094:04:28 Swigert: Oay. Just let me know when you are ready. [Long pause]
094:05:02 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. We are through with update; the computer is yours. [Pause]
094:05:10 Cunningham: Right.
094:06:42 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. You can turn your O2 tank 2 fans off.
094:11:23 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through the Canaries. Standing by. [Pause]
094:11:28 Schirra: Do you want tank 2 fans on for 5 minutes? [Pause]
094:11:37 Swigert: Roger. You can turn them off now. Did you have them on for 5 minutes, Wally? [Pause]
094:11:43 Schirra: Negative. We have't turned them off yet. You want the tank 1 fans on for 5 minutes, right? We have the number 2 on now. [Long pause]
094:12:01 Swigert: Okay. Wally, number 1 should be in AUTO and number 2 should be on for 5 minute and then off. [Long pause]
094:12:17 Schirra: We had it on for 5 minutes.
094:12:20 Swigert: Okay. Then you can cut them off whenever you are ready. [Pause]
094:12:24 Schirra: Do you want that ON or AUTO Two was in AUT0. Do you mant it ON? [Pause]
094:12:33 Swigert: Okay. After 5 minutes, Wally, tank 2 fans should be O-F-F, OFF.
094:14:03 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. We are not reading the CDR's BIOMED data. Would you switch to LMP? [Pause]
094:14:13 Swigert: Oh, 7, we just got CDR data. [Pause]
094:14:17 Schirra: Roger. I just came on the line. [Pause]
094:14:21 Swigert: And I have this NAV check data PAD to pass up to you whenever you are ready. [Long pause]
094:15:07 Schirra: Go ahead. [Pause]
094:15:15 Schirra: Go ahead, Jack.
094:15:16 Swigert: Okay. The NAV check GET is 094 plus 15 plus 00 00 plus 2310 minus 01215 089.8. [Long pause]
094:15:41 Schirra: Repeat the whole, thing, will you please, Jack?
094:15:44 Swigert: Roger. GET is 094 plus 15 plus 00 00 plus 2310 minus 01215 089.8. [Long pause]
094:16:11 Schirra: Roger. 094 15 four balls plus 2310 minus 01215 089.8. [Pause]
094:16:19 Swigert: Roger. That's got it. [Pause]
094:16:26 Schirra: What's the hot scoop in Houston today? [Pause]
094:16:30 Swigert: Roger. We're about 10 seconds LOS Canary; Tananarive at 94 plus 30. [Pause]
094:16:38 Schirra: Roger. Do you have news in Houston? [Pause]
094:16:42 Swigert: Oh, it was real fine this morning. [Pause]
094:16:48 Schirra: [Garble].
This is Apollo Control Houston, 94 hours, 30 minutes into the flight. We are about to acquire through the Tananarive Station, and let's monitor this conversation. The call has not yet gone out, but I expect it to momentarily.
094:30:32 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Tananarive. [Pause]
094:30:40 Schirra: [Garble] just crossing the States here up aroud [garble] Madagascar [garble]. [Pause]
094:30:45 Swigert: Roger. You're loud and clear. We monitored your fuel real closely during that first rev in the radiatator degradation test, and we show a usage of approximately 5 pounds. We are really watching it. We'll let you know. And I'll let Gino read you the morning news. [Long pause]
094:31:07 Cernan: Good morning up there. [Pause]
094:31:12 Schirra: Roger. This is [garble] of the coast between Madagascar and Africa. [Long pause]
094:31:27 Cernan: Wally, this is Geno. I've got a little news if you want to read - listen. [Long pause]
094:31:40 Schirra: [Garble] off the harbor at Dar Es Salaam. [Long pause]
094:32:11 Cernan: 7, this is Houston. [Pause]
094:32:18 Cunningham: This is Apollo 7. Go.
094:32:20 Cernan: Walt. I got a little morning news here if you would like us to send it up. [Long pause]
094:32:36 Eisele: Yes, go ahead. Go ahead.
094:32:38 Cernan: Okay. This morning the headlines have described your burn yesterday - your last burn, as "perfect." However, it goes on to say there was a 9-minute burn. [Pause]
094:32:48 Schirra: Beauhifal.
094:32:49 Cernan: Randy Matson won an Olympic Gold Metal in his shot yesterday and so did Houston's sprinter Jim Hines who won the 100-meter dash in 9.9. [Long pause]
094:33:00 Schirra: That's moving!
094:33:01 Cernan: And the Astro's lost four ballplayers to Montreal in the expansion draft in the Natioual Baseball League. [Pause]
094:33:11 Schirra: Who did they lost? [Pause]
094:33:15 Cernan: Stand by. We'll get that for you later; I'm not sure. Wire services also picked Southern Cal as the number 1 college team in the nation, and I think Donn wii appreciate this next statement. Somehow, when Ohio State managed to slip by the Boilermakers last Saturday, they slipped into the second ranking. [Long pause]
094:33:30 Schirra: Roger. I'm surprised they are not first. [Pause]
094:33:34 Cernan: I don't know how they won that saturday. Hey, it looks like your cards and letters are coming in here real strong over the past 24 hours, and your TV ratings on the Monday morning show are pretty high. [Long pause]
094:33:49 Schirra: Was it announced on the Today show, or were we on it? [Pause]
094:33:53 Cernan: You are going to have a couple hundred million people standing by. As a matter of fact, with a little work, we have managed to book you for another week. [Pause]
094:34:03 Schirra: We've got our straw hats; we'll try to make a show. [Pause]
094:34:07 Cernan: Okay. Wally, it was realy a good show yesterday. The Astros lost Bateman, Brand, Pukes, and Herrera. [Pause]
094:34:16 Schirra: [Garble] catcher. [Pause]
094:34:26 Schirra: The weather looks real - looks good today in the Madagascar area. [Pause]
094:34:32 Cernan: Roser. [Long pause]
094:34:55 Schirra: Gene, frame 49 was a small island on the north side of Mdagascar. [Long pause]
094:35:07 Cernan: Roger, Wally.
094:35:09 Schirra: A small island similar to an atoll type. [Pause]
094:35:19 Cernan: Sounds like you guys are riding a real Cadillac up there. Things have been going real good from where we sit. [Pause]
094:35:25 Schirra: We've had some traumatic experiences what with the AC 1 end AC bus 2 slipping out. Water all over the place, but it looks to be in good shape now if nothing goes wrong. [Long pause]
094:35:47 Schirra: Actually, we've found the most unconfortable suit was [garble] material. [Pause]
094:35:56 Swigert: You are 1 mtnute LOS Tananarive; we'll see you at Carnarvon.
This is Apollo Control, Houston. That will wrap up the conversation by Tananarive, the morning news passed along at 94 hours, 36 ainutes into the flight.
094:46:32 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Carnarvon.
094:46:35 Cunningham: Roger. [Long pause]
094:46:49 Cunningham: Jack, we were a little late on that last 3-minute tape damp business. It shouldn't be that clean. I don't think, though. [Long pause]
094:47:04 Swigert: Roger. Copy that, Walt. [Long pause]
094:47:45 Cunningham: Jack, can we have a chart update , please? [Pause]
094:47:51 Swigert: Coming up; stand by.
094:47:54 Cunningham: Roger.
This is Apollo Control Houston, 94 hours, 48 minutes into the flight. We're in contact with the crew by Carnarvon and they're getting an update. The flight plan for the next 1 hour shows just two items, unstow and set up TV, which should have already been done according to the flight plan. Then it has an item - TV on at 95:25, which is Texas acquisition. The LOS by Merritt Island is shown on our flight plan as 95:37, 95:37. Let's listen to the conversation." [Long pause]
094:48:14 Swigert: Okay. Ready for your map update?
094:48:17 Cunningham: Go.
094:48:18 Swigert: Okay. For REV 60, the time of the node is 95 plus 11 plus 44. Longitude 162.3 west, right ascension of 05 plus 02. [Long pause]
094:48:40 Cunningham: Thanks, Jack.
094:48:42 Schirra: Give them a call; that's real great the way they come up with it in a hurry. I appreciate it.
094:48:44 Swigert: Roger. [Long pause]
094:48:56 Schirra: Jack, we're going to need an update on the sleep cycle here. We can't let Donn go to sleep for the next hour. [Long pause]
094:49:09 Swigert: Okay. We'll figure that out, Wally.
094:49:12 Schirra: Calm or not, we're going to regroup on him. At 9:00 a.m. Cape time, we've caught him in our bed. [Pause]
094:49:17 Swigert: Roger.
094:49:20 Schirra: No rush; we'll just hang in here. [Pause]
094:49:25 Swigert: Okay.
094:49:28 Schirra: Jack, do we have a TV pass today? [Pause]
094:49:33 Swigert: Roger. You have a TV pass, Wally. [Pause]
094:49:39 Schirra: Okay. We'll be on top.
094:49:41 Swigert: Okay. The time of TV will be about 95 plus 25, which is about - oh, about 45 minutes from now. [Pause]
094:49:50 Schirra: Roger.
094:51:10 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. Do you want to turn up your S-Band so we can lock you up over Honeysuckle? [Pause]
094:51:17 Cunningham: Roger. [Long pause]
094:51:56 Cunningham: Houston, Apollo 7.
094:51:59 Swigert: Go ahead, 7.
094:52:01 Cunningham: Roger. I had to use that gray tape that [garble] and taped that BICOMED lead together that kept coming apart. I also used it to tape the microphone together and the lightweight head set, which started, coming apart. The gray tape is pretty good gear. [Long pause]
094:52:15 Swigert: Roger. Copy that.
094:54:21 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. [Pause]
094:54:26 Schirra: Go ahead, Houston.
094:54:28 Swigert: Wally, on the sleep cycle there, we have 96 to 116 blocked out for a crew sleep cycle. This can be used in any way that the crew sees fit for a sleeping arrangements. [Long pause]
094:54:45 Schirra: Very good.
094:55:58 Schirra: Well, Jack, good ole scene in sight here again. I have Perth at night. [Long pause]
094:56:14 Schirra: Houston, did you read? [Pause]
094:56:19 Schirra: Houston, Apollo 7. [Pause]
094:56:23 Swigert: Apollo 7. Houston. Copy that.
094:56:24 Schirra: Roger. [Pause]
094:56:29 Schirra: Tha's the home of Sloans Lager where I have good beer these days. [Pause]
094:56:33 Swigert: Roger. Wally, they had an earthquake at Perth 2 days ago. [Pause]
094:56:38 Schirra: Oh, really? That's terrible. [Long pause]
094:57:00 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. We are about 1 minute from LOS Honeysuckle; we'll pick you up at Huntsville at 95 17. [Pause]
094:57:09 Schirra: Roger. Out.
Apollo Control Houston here. 95 hours even, and that wraps up the conversation from Australia. We expect to acquire via the good ship Huntsville at - let's check that 95 hours and 17 - 17 minutes from now. This is Apollo Control Houston.
This is Apollo Control Houston 95 hours 16 minutes into the flight, and we are getting some carrier noise on the circuit out through the Huntsville. It has not put in a call yet to Apollo 7 nor have they attempted to reach us. Meanwhile, the Huntsville has confirmed now and Apollo 7 has been told that we are standing by. We have not heard from them. The radiator test meanwhile, continues. It will run on, presently scheduled to run through the Huntsville, according to my flight plan here. Well, at least through Pretoria 96 hours. Meanwhile, let's monitor the circuit going out through the Huntsville.
095:17:06 Communications technician: Huntsville AOS.
095:17:09 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through the Huntsville. Standing by. [Long pause]
That is capsule communicator Jack Swigert you are hearing right now. The other CapCom on the console is Gene Cernan.
In general, this morning we planned to ask the crew to give us a good look around the spacecraft and show us a little of their intravehicular activities, the movements, the ease of movements from here to there. We will watch and see what comes out.
095:17:41 Communications technician: Huntsville two-wheel log, valid range. [Long pause]
095:18:03 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through the Huntsville. Standing by.
095:19:26 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through the Huntsville. [Pause]
095:19:30 Schirra: Roger. Loud and clear.
095:19:32 Swigert: Roger. Reading you five-by, Wally. [Long pause]
095:19:43 Schirra: [Garble] Jack?
095:19:46 Swigert: Go abead.
095:19:49 Schirra: I could not hear your last transmission.
095:19:52 Swigert: Okay. You're a little garbled - a little backgroud noise, but readable. [Pause]
095:20:02 Cunningham: Hey, Jack. Understand TV coming on at 95 plus 25 Over. [Pause]
095:20:07 Swigert: Roger. Your TV time is 95 plus 25. [Long pause]
095:20:48 Cunningham: Jack, if we start transmitting the TV at 25, how soon do you people see that in the Center? [Long pause]
095:21:08 Swigert: Walt, it has to go through the scan converter, and it doesn't take too long. We get it fairly soon. [Pause]
095:21:17 Cunningham: When we initially [garble] started, we're coning down to Texas; and in the end, we end up coming through the Cape. That right? [Long pause]
095:21:29 Swigert: I couldn't get that, Walt. Huntsville isn't real good, but we will catch you at California here. [Pause]
095:21:37 Cunningham: Roger. Do our first TV transmissions go through Texas, and then in the end, we are transmitting through the Cape? [Pause]
095:21:43 Swigert: That is affirmative.
This is Apollo Control Houston 95 hours 22 minutes into the flight. You have been listening to Jack Swigert update Walt Cunningham on the pass of the TV transmission and how we receive them here in the Control Center. The pass is to - we expect acquisition around 26, 27 minutes after the hour, that is of the television signal. Texas station should acquire 25 minutes, 95:25. And if we have an open circuit, we will just continue to monitor.
Apollo Control here. Of interest is the fact that Mrs. Eisele, the wife of the command module pilot is here in the Control Center this morning along with her parents. Harriet Bisele is from Gnadenhutten, Ohio.
This is Apollo Control at 95:24. The people who maintain the Center have put the - put two large screens available upon our data board so all the flight controllers can get a big look at the pictures. And at this point, we are beginning to see a little snow. It's 95:25, we are beginning to see a little snow as we did yesterday just prior to - the network just advised that he had a minor network problem with our station in Guaymas or we have covered it through the Goldstone, California station. It should not give us a problem on TV. We are seeing some snowy lines on the screen at this point. And Eisele has just put in a call "do you see anything yet? Texas now has the carrier locked up and now we're beginning to see a little something that's coming through. Here we go. Lets have a look. It's a little lighter than yesterday. Now it's cleared up.
095:25:02 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. [Pause]
095:25:06 Eisele: Roger, Houston. Go.
095:25:08 Swigert: Roger. We'd like you to switch your S-band AUX switch. [Pause]
095:25:15 Eisele: Switch S-bana AUX to what?
095:25:16 Swigert: S-band AUX to TV. [Pause]
095:25:20 Eisele: Roger. Going to TV. [Pause]
095:25:24 Eisele: It's on.
095:25:26 Swigert: Roger. [Long pause]
095:25:49 Eisele: How's it going, Jack. Do you read?
095:25:51 Swigert: Not, yet, Donn.
095:25:53 Eisele: Okay. [Long pause]
095:26:04 Swigert: Starting to come through now, Donn.
095:26:06 Eisele: Okay. [Pause]
095:26:13 Eisele: Can you see anything yet?
And Eisele has just put in a call do we see anything yet on the TV and we do not. Texas now has the carrier locked up and now we're beginning to see a little something that's coming through. Here we go. Lets have a look. It's a little lighter than yesterday. Now it's cleared up.
095:26:16 Swigert: We're just getting - just starting to pick you up now. [Long pause]
095:26:28 Swigert: Okay. We're starting to pick you up. You're looking good. It's a good picture. Looks like we can see the straps in the center seat zero g. [Long pause]
095:26:41 Eisele: Roger. Can you see me? I'm in the left seat.
095:26:44 Swigert: Affirmative.
095:26:45 Eisele: Okay. [Pause]
095:26:51 Swigert: Looks like "From the lovely Apollo Room, high stop everything. [Pause]
095:26:56 Eisele: That's right. Coming to you live from outer space, the one and only original Apollo orbiting road show, starring those great acrobats of outer space, Wally Schirra and Walt Cunningham. [Long pause]
095:27:20 Swigert: Just a minute, Wally. Let's see. Oh, it's a little message to Deke Slaton. A little bit closer, Wally. Kind of looks like something about "Are you a, are you a ..." [Long pause]
095:27:41 Schirra: That's right.
095:27:42 Swigert: Looks like it says "Are you a turtle. Deke Slayton?" [Pause]
095:27:46 Schirra: That's right. [Pause]
095:27:54 Eisele: You get A for reading today, Jack.
095:27:57 Swigert: Here comes another one. Walt, oh, that-a-way, that's the way to turn it. It says. "Paul Haney, are you a turtle?" [Long pause]
095:28:13 Cunningham: You'll get a gold star; perfect score!
095:28:16 Swigert: And there is no reply from Paul Haney there. [Pause]
095:28:21 Eisele: You mean he's speechless? [Long pause]
095:28:37 Swigert: Apollo 7. Houston. Would you close the back pressure valves and go to INCREASE? [Pause]
095:28:43 Eisele: Roger. Stand by. [Pause]
095:28:49 Swigert: It's a real good picture.
095:28:52 Eisele: Roger.
095:28:53 Swigert: You might take us on a lithe tour of your castle there if you have a chance. [Pause]
095:29:01 Schirra: Okay. Stand by. [Pause]
095:29:05 Cunningham: Think we can work that out. Let's take it off the bracket and pan the cockpit a little bit. [Long pause]
095:29:17 Schirra: At this point, we are looking across the cockpit over Walt Cunningham's chest toward Donn Eisele, who's controlling the spacecraft [garble] for the radiator degradation test. There you see a pen cruising by, and I need to make some notes, obviously. From there, we concentrate on the left seat's attitude control. You can see possibly two of the instruments for attitude control over there. In the center panel, we have many of the switches that position the machine, that are complicated to fly. And we monitor our systems on this side. At this point, Walt Cunningham is working on the glycol evaporator steam pressure and the waterboiler. We've had quite a few problems on this, but we've a few of them solved with a little extra special attention.
You will notice Walt Cunningham reached out and recovered a pencil floating there. A very positive demonstration of weightlessness. Apollo Control Here." [Long pause]
095:30:13 Schirra: Looking across the cockpit to the right, we have most of our electrical power controls, fuel cell controls. Then as we continue across the cockpit, we'll come to the right side and that window where you can see the Gulf Coast outside, and with the weather and winds, we'we got surf galore. [Long pause]
095:30:35 Swigert: The outside doesn't show too well due to the ORB rate, Wally. [Long pause]
095:30:46 Schirra: I am now going to work my way down into the lower equipment bay where we have our navigation station. Here you can see the heart of the navigation system of the Apollo spacecraft - the command module, that is - the sextant and telescope. The near large object is a monocular type device - is the telescope, and adjacent to it - the small instrument - is the sextant. We acquire a known star in the telescope, put it in the center of the telescope, and then acquire in the sextant where it can be marked on a rather carefully graduated set of gimbals to give us the exact position of the star. [Pause]
095:31:36 Cunningham: I'm now panning over to Wally who is going to get the telephoto lens out of its stowage compartment, and we'll attempt to do a little out-the-window photography.
095:31:50 Swigert: Walt, the out-the-window doesn't show up very vell, Walt, due to the ORB rate... [Pause]
095:31:59 Cunningham: Do you want to skip the out-the-window?
095:32:01 Swigert: No, we'd like you to keep it inside. The ORB rate just makes it impossible to see much outside. [Pause]
095:32:07 Cunningham: Roger. Understand. Okay. [Pause]
095:32:12 Cernan: Wally, this is Gene. Deke just called in, and we've got your answer, and we've got it recorded for your return. [Pause]
095:32:18 Schirra: Roger. Real fine.
095:32:19 Schirra: We'll now show you the lower eqipment bay where we have the water control and oxygen control panel and one panel where we can also change the lithium hydroxide in flight - to change out carbon dioxide remoral. [Long pause]
095:32:48 Schirra: I've just opened one of our food bays, and whenn I pulled the curtain down, you'll notice that we have a real good package that is portable. This bay is near empty. We'll switch to another bay starting tomorrow. [Long pause]
095:33:07 Schirra: This an empty food bay with food rolled up rather tightly for the first 4 days of consumption. Our dietitian, Rita Rapp, will appreciate how tightly we repackaged the empty, torn-up packets of food. [Long pause]
095:33:35 Schirra: And now, we will rotate the camera around through the lower equipment bay back out towards the cockpit. I'm sure - the spaghetti that you see, which is the COAS cable, that I'm holding. Walt Cunningham is working with our exercise device, using a bicycle motim to stimulate his cardiovascular system. You can take the same device in all the [garble] and use the arms in a curling motion to create an exercise in the upper torso, I'm going to swing now to the other side of the cockpit where you can see Donn is still maintining the attitude of rather a tight dedband to prepare for our radiator degradation test.
095:34:40 Schirra: You can say we have our lighter moments. [Pause]
095:34:48 Schirra: Have you got Haney's answer yet?
095:34:51 Swigert: No, Haney isn't talking, Wally. [Pause]
095:34:55 Schirra: Roger. And how much more time do you on want this machine? [Pause]
095:35:00 Swigert: Somebody tells me he isn't talking, but just buying. [Pause]
095:35:06 Schirra: He is buying. Thank you very much. Very good. [Long pause]
095:35:19 Swigert: We will now take you down below the couches to our storage area. This bottom opens up to be a sleep station. The object below is a headrest - swings off and stows. The large bulky bag that you see off to the camera left is where our surface suits are stored at this time. [Long pause]
095:35:40 Schirra: Jack, do you still have the picture working pretty well?
095:35:43 Swigert: The picture quality isn't as good now after the handover to the Cape, but we can still make it out. [Pause]
095:35:51 Schirra: I'm going to take you through the area where the water is collecting. [Long pause]
095:36:19 Schirra: This is the area where water was condensing on the pipes, just below the commander's left shoulder. You will notice that the panel here was refrigerated, and with the [garble] there is water condensation on the pipe. We vacuumed it off period/icaly, and it forms a large ball of about the size of a ping pong or golf ball. [Long pause]
095:36:50 Swigert: Okay. Wally, we've lost the picture now. We copied the water condensation, and we saw the beginning of your transmission on the water condensation there. [Pause]
095:36:58 Schirra: Very good.
095:37:01 Swigert: That was a real good pass. [Pause]
095:37:06 Cunningham: Say, Jack, we've got the steam pressure off the peg, but we don't seem to be able to put it back up in the boiling range, and we are not boiling now. [Long pause]
095:37:18 Swigert: Walt, we would like you to reservice the primary evaporator at 45 over the Canaries. [Pause]
This is Apollo Control Houston, 95 hours, 37 minutes into the flight and we brought the picture to an end. You can see the degradation as we moved out of the outer limits of the Merritt Island circle. We can thank Commander Wally Schirra for a tour of Apollo 7 cabin, and he held up a few signs with some questions on it, which were, I suppose, meant to elicit a certain answer. We did get some operational information on that pass, which was of interest here. He was trying to show us what the water condensation looked like on some of the machinery inside the cabin toward the end. You might have heard, the com was pretty rocky there, but you heard Jack Swigert confirm that we did understand he was trying to show us the water condensation. All in all, it was a very worthwhile pass. We should continue to hold lock here on out through the ship Vanguard for another 5 minutes. We'll keep the line open and monitored. There has been no conversation now for several minutes.
095:37:27 Cunningham: Reservice - you want 2 minute of water flow? [Pause]
095:37:33 Swigert: That is affirmatve, Walt; 2 minutes of water flow. [Pause]
095:37:37 Cunningham: Roger. I treasure mine, Deke; it took me 6 years to get that back to even. [Pause]
095:37:44 Swigert: I couldn't copy that, Walt.
095:37:46 Cunningham: Remind Deke it took 6 years to get that question back to him. [Pause]
095:37:52 Swigert: Roger. [Pause]
095:37:56 Cunningham: It's almost sixth anniversary. [Long pause]
095:38:46 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. One minute LOS Bermuda; we'll pick you up at Canary at 95 plus 46. That was a real good tour of your castle there. [Long pause]
095:38:57 Schirra: Very good.
095:38:58 Eisele: Roger. Welcome aboard.
095:39:01 Cunningham: Hey, Jack, does that go out live?
095:39:02 Swigert: That went out live. [Pause]
095:39:09 Eisele: Is Deke Slayton out of the press conference now? [Long pause]
095:39:29 Swigert: Deke isn't here right now, Donn, but Harriet's in the Control Room and watches all. [Pause]
095:39:36 Schirra: Roger. Very good. (Laughter) [Pause]
095:39:41 Eisele: Roger. Understand. Tell her hello for me. [Pause]
095:39:47 Swigert: You just did; she's nodding her head.
095:39:50 Eisele: Okay.
This is Apollo Control Houston, 95 hours, 44 minutes into the flight. We have lost signal through the ship Vanguard; we should acquire for a very peripheral pass through the Canary Islands. And meanwhile we are continuing with the radiator test; that's the main flight planned item.
095:46:20 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston through Canary.
095:47:36 Swigert: Apollo 7, Houston. [Pause]
095:47:43 Cunningham: Go ahead, Houston.
095:47:46 Swigert: Roger. You are 1 minute LOS Canaries; Tananarive 96 plus 01. And, Walt, when you get the evaporator reserviced, you can put it back on the line and put the switch in AUTO.
095:48:00 Cunningham: Okay. I'll give it 2 minutes of water now.
This is Apollo Control, Houston; 95 hours, 52 minutes into the flight. We had a very brief conversation with Apollo 7 by the Canary Islands and here is how that conversation went.
Am sorry; we do not have tape of it; it was simply a call up and an acknowledgement and that was that. My error. We expect to reacquire by Tananarive at 96 03 minutes after the hour, about 10 minutes from now. This is, on the TV pass, we clocked here in our tape facility, 11 minutes worth of television tape. Eleven minutes, which was 4 minutes more than we had yesterday. This is at 95 hours, 53 minutes; this is Apollo Control, Houston.